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What are some of the hard/easy adventures you find in HoT ??

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Hi guys, So I am chasing some mastery points in HoT , in need of 13 mastery points in HoT to finish my masteries

I have done all the insights, strongboxes and the easy achievement ones you can get through out the maps and I can only see my self getting the last 13 points from adventures.

I believe I have done some of the easier ones ; tendril torchers , salv pit, flying circus and punch o matic


After some research it seems that some of the adventures had some nerf and made easier

My question is which adventures do you guys find easy to get gold on now with the current patch?

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Another super easy one for gold is the charr car race in TD SCAR area. It does need the SCAR event chain to be done to unlock it, though. Fallen Masks silver is fairly reliably attained though may take a few tries thanks to RNG mask placement (I have never managed gold on it). Ley Line Run silver is also not too hard if you watch a couple of videos, learn the route, and learn to hit 1 just before you run onto one of the launch marks. Beetle adventure in north TD has a bigger learning curve thanks to having to figure out new skills while under time pressure and dodging mushrooms, but silver isn't that hard once learned.


Getting gold in adventures is great, since that gets you 2 MP for the adventure, but you can spread it out over a lot of adventures that allow silver but make gold very difficult.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Have you all the Mastery Points from the Season 3 maps?

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_point_unlocks#Heart_of_Thorns_mastery_points


> I need a few HoT Mastery Points, as well, but I don't need to do any Adventures to get them.


Yes , I have done all the easily accessed MP in Season 3 maps.

my only options now are jumping puzzles, completing story/side achievements and get 1 point, or adventures


I will give the adventures a go that have been listed above tonight! Thanks for the replies

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