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Don't you think that Chrono need community help ?

Hiraga Taichiru.1580

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Hi guys... this is the last time you will hear from me. because I lost hope on ANET, so we need help from the community.

I made a poll which has this Question:

If we are to adapt the changes to what happened to the Chrono. Don't you think Wells and traits should be reworked to new skills and traits which grants clones depending on skills used?

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I think the devs are going to say "working as intended", just like Elusive Mind.

Time for acceptance and to just move on.


However, to answer your question with my opinion, I think there is no doubt that chrono needs some changes. However, I don't think Wells spawning clones is the solution as those newly spawned clones are still going to insta die in WvW anyway and you want to have clones before hand in the first place to use continuum split so that you can use utility skills in continuum split. In essence, with your solution the solution is always going to occur after the problem anyways.


One thing is for sure though, anybody who witnessed PvP before illusionary Persona went baseline knows why it needed to go baseline in the first place.

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I can accept losing distortion for cs but for the love of God why totally gut the class in competitive modes? Did some anet dev get farmed by a power chrono and go "TOO STRONK NERF IT!"? Was it too op in pvp/wvw? I don't get why they made this choice, it makes me really sad to see how little they seem to understand the results of their "balancing".


To answer OP I dont see a problem with wells, they're fine as is imo.

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> @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

> Hi guys... this is the last time you will hear from me. because I lost hope on ANET, so we need help from the community.

15 threads saying how they are displeased with chrono deletion wasnt enough, right?

> I made a poll

Like your poll is going to save chronomancer from anet hands :lol:

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> @"Engal.6359" said:

> I can accept losing distortion for cs but for the love of God why totally gut the class in competitive modes? Did some anet dev get farmed by a power chrono and go "TOO STRONK NERF IT!"? Was it too op in pvp/wvw? I don't get why they made this choice, it makes me really sad to see how little they seem to understand the results of their "balancing".

Yes that mind boggling. They didnt adjust any trait of chrono to match the "rework", neither adressed insane cd on CS of 105s when other classes literally spam their "special buttons" every ~10 seconds. Even when CS on insane long cooldown they cant even balance the class and hurt(in the past so many times) mesmer globally just because of chrono. Once they rework all traits from the ground, many nerfs could be reviewed.

> To answer OP I dont see a problem with wells, they're fine as is imo.

For an example FB/Renegade/scrapper whatnot doesnt leave their stuff on the ground and hope someone step on it to get the benefit from it after a while, even necromancer supportive wells you need to touch once. Chrono wells are small and you need to camp in them until they end, yikes.

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> @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

> Hi guys... this is the last time you will hear from me. because I lost hope on ANET, so we need help from the community.

> I made a poll which has this Question:

> If we are to adapt the changes to what happened to the Chrono. Don't you think Wells and traits should be reworked to new skills and traits which grants clones depending on skills used?


I'm for both. We should have the old boonshare SoI Chrono from a year back, but I also believe that we should get a new spec focusing on clones like they're trying to force us to do with Chrono now. Like say... idk.... MIRAGE? The one spec that actually works well with Clones?


Every change applied to Chrono could be applied to Mirage and I don't think anyone would complain. At least most going off what I know about how the spec works based on what I played. I'm not a Mirage main so I won't speak for Mirages.... BUT! I do believe that Distortion under ALL circumstances should not be tied with another skill like it is with continuum split nor should it be inhibited by clone requirements.


In short, apply the changes to Mirage but do it in such a way that actually makes sense and benefits the class. But keep Chrono the Chrono we always knew and loved. Was it overpowered? Debatable. It was by no means an overpowered god, yet it was held in such regard due to its interactions with the game itself rather than its sheer power. It is the UTILITY class with all the support you could ask for. Keyword right there being UTILITY. In any ANY game, does not matter what it is, utility will ALWAYS be king. Why? Because it does things. And things that create interactions within the game itself between mechanics and abilities are "broken" by design. You have pulls, reflects, distorts, portals, etc... you are everyone's best friend. Your very existence itself is a boon. People love you because nobody enjoys the class but YOU the Chrono. You play the class because you LIKE it. Not because it's broken. There is a reason why "Chronojail" exists. If it was truly broken, EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE would run it like you saw with Mirages in PvP. I mean for Pete's sake, you're playing alt-aholic simulator 2019. There is really no reason not to have one of each class at this point barring the lack of character slots.


Chrono is special. It is unique. It is the sole reason I played this game. There is nothing in the ENTIRE modern MMO genre that even comes REMOTELY close to what it was and I LOVED it. Using Portals to increase DPS uptime while doing position based mechanics or doing other such shenanigans with utilities in a creative and well rewarded fashion... it is literally THE ONLY class that actually rewards a tactful and creative thinking imagination.


Chrono adapts for NOTHING except to the party it's in and it needs to stay that way. It is not nor should be just an Alacrity/Quickness monkey. Both Ren and FB can do either one of those better while providing great heals and you often run two healers anyway. And most of the time in fractals you'll want a FB because it's always all about that quickness, they got a pull, they got aegis spam and all the heals for those bad pugs. Why bring a Chrono? UTILITY.


Except you can't because you're stuck using all three slots for SoI and Wells.

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> @"Vincenzo.3145" said:

> > @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

> > Hi guys... this is the last time you will hear from me. because I lost hope on ANET, so we need help from the community.

> > I made a poll which has this Question:

> > If we are to adapt the changes to what happened to the Chrono. Don't you think Wells and traits should be reworked to new skills and traits which grants clones depending on skills used?


> I'm for both. We should have the old boonshare SoI Chrono from a year back, but I also believe that we should get a new spec focusing on clones like they're trying to force us to do with Chrono now. Like say... idk.... MIRAGE? The one spec that actually works well with Clones?


> Every change applied to Chrono could be applied to Mirage and I don't think anyone would complain. At least most going off what I know about how the spec works based on what I played. I'm not a Mirage main so I won't speak for Mirages.... BUT! I do believe that Distortion under ALL circumstances should not be tied with another skill like it is with continuum split nor should it be inhibited by clone requirements.


> In short, apply the changes to Mirage but do it in such a way that actually makes sense and benefits the class. But keep Chrono the Chrono we always knew and loved. Was it overpowered? Debatable. It was by no means an overpowered god, yet it was held in such regard due to its interactions with the game itself rather than its sheer power. It is the UTILITY class with all the support you could ask for. Keyword right there being UTILITY. In any ANY game, does not matter what it is, utility will ALWAYS be king. Why? Because it does things. And things that create interactions within the game itself between mechanics and abilities are "broken" by design. You have pulls, reflects, distorts, portals, etc... you are everyone's best friend. Your very existence itself is a boon. People love you because nobody enjoys the class but YOU the Chrono. You play the class because you LIKE it. Not because it's broken. There is a reason why "Chronojail" exists. If it was truly broken, EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE would run it like you saw with Mirages in PvP. I mean for Pete's sake, you're playing alt-aholic simulator 2019. There is really no reason not to have one of each class at this point barring the lack of character slots.


> Chrono is special. It is unique. It is the sole reason I played this game. There is nothing in the ENTIRE modern MMO genre that even comes REMOTELY close to what it was and I LOVED it. Using Portals to increase DPS uptime while doing position based mechanics or doing other such shenanigans with utilities in a creative and well rewarded fashion... it is literally THE ONLY class that actually rewards a tactful and creative thinking imagination.


> Chrono adapts for NOTHING except to the party it's in and it needs to stay that way. It is not nor should be just an Alacrity/Quickness monkey. Both Ren and FB can do either one of those better while providing great heals and you often run two healers anyway. And most of the time in fractals you'll want a FB because it's always all about that quickness, they got a pull, they got aegis spam and all the heals for those bad pugs. Why bring a Chrono? UTILITY.


> Except you can't because you're stuck using all three slots for SoI and Wells.


cant wait for them to shit on mirage in similar fashion.

as it stands mirage hangs on a thread right now, smal push and its going to fall off a cliff, the only actuall mirage builds you see is condi and condi! 1 for confusion and another for overall dps, remove IH? its gone, nerf damage? its gone, nerf shatters? its gone.

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