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Should class switching in ranked be removed?


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To climb in ranked pvp, you need to carry. Hard. Being able to pick your particular carry for the match is the best way to carry the garbage teammates you all complain about. If I need to play a sidenoder, a mid fighter (condi or power), a +1er, I can. Being able to fill in roles to both give you an effective team comp and be able to carry hard enough to climb is essential to the game. Just another point, the only truly dead classes atm are druid, renegade, core ele, core rev, and core engi. You can get away with just about anything else up till mid plat 1, and after that there's still lots of variety. The concept of queuing on a dead class is not really that accurate. Picking a counter to the opponent's team? Sure I get you're mad but often you can anticipate what's being switched into, and maybe don't get mad for having your double condi thief comp getting countered... I will never play holo against a purely condi matchup, I'm dead weight and will lose. Swapping gives you not only a fighting chance, but the ability to both carry and make your team balanced.

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