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Need help learning a better way to STRAFE

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I think in your case, remapping Q and E to your A and D buttons would not only make it easier to face your target, but also free up two easy to reach buttons for other skills.


There's not really any reason to keep the turning buttons, especially since this can be done with the mousebuttons or alternatively with your arrow keys - either way you won't lose out on anything by remapping those keys.


As for being able to dodge, you should preferably use a mouse button for this, however in a pinch something like Left Alt or Shift will do as you'll be using your thumb/little finger and therefore it won't interfere with whatever weapon or utility skill you press.

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I have A/D as turn left/right, but when you're in Action camera they become your strafe keys while on foot. I prefer (and I personally use) toggle for Action cam as it drops your cursor and you will have to aim with the center-point "crosshair" to pick targets. Otherwise, you can move Q/E for turn left/right and set A/D for move left-right, if that makes it easier for you.

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Don't even bother with the other left-right movement keys. Strafe is all you need.


E is forward for me, D is backward, F is strafe right, S is strafe left. G is skill 1, R, W, Q, V, C, X, Z are all mapped to other skills and A is weapon swap. Left Shift is the interaction button. T, H, and B are also mapped to skills. Mapping "turn right" or "lateral left" is a waste of convenient keys you need for other things.

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I've unmapped Q and E quite a while ago--it was a tip an old raiding friend gave me. "More keybinds for DPS, less strafing. You don't need it, you're going to be holding down the right click the whole time anyway and just end up using A + D for left and right movement." Q and E have been DPS keybinds ever since.


In your case, I agree with SinisterSlay--action camera is actually the easiest to strafe with if it's that important to you. Then you just aim at your target and keep moving as normal and will strafe automatically.

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The old cadence of Q/E as keys is no longer applicable for me as I've unbound these, I follow WASD setup but I also can approve using ESDF as a means of control as you're able to quickly shift between move and type (since you're home-rowed anyway). So, it's all a matter of preference with controls. When action is concerned, I toggle on action cam which gives me better control anyway.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> What is the easiest/most comfortable way to always face a target, attack, and be able to dodge?


It really depends on personal preferences. I have no left or right keys assigned, A and D are for strafing. Turn left or right I achieve through camera rotation. Dodge is on my mouse 4 button (thumb).

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I typically use the mouse for directional movement, "W" for forward, "S" for backward, "A" and "D" for lateral right and left, which leaves "Q" and "E" for right and left strafing.


> What is the easiest/most comfortable way to always face a target, attack, and be able to dodge?


There's a keybind option called "action camera." You can use that as an auto-right click of sorts and it makes the game feel more like a 3rd person slasher/shooter. You can even customize camera position relative to the character in another menu, both horizontally and vertically, and based on camera zoom too. First thing I do whenever I log in is activate action camera. When you open menus, your mouse cursor comes right back until you close everything again.

The way combat mostly works in this game, I'm rather appalled this method of camera control isn't the default, or that there isn't an option to make it the default.

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Use pinky finger to strafe, so you can freely use other fingers for other actions while pinky is held down. With or without action camera.


Thusly key setup would be like this:


e = move forward

d = move backward

s = turn left

f = turn right

a = strafe left

g = strafe right


Then you can strafe indefinitely by holding down 'a' with pinky. While in this mode, turning directions is done by the mouse, for precise aiming and facing. Furthermore Index finger being most mobile while pinky is held down, the weapons skills should probably be assigned to keys reached by index finger.

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Can't go wrong with the classic WASD

Keep Q and E for turning because it's useful for mounts

Action camera could've been good but the way they implemented it kinda sucks bc as soon as you get into combat, strafing left/right becomes as slow as in normal mode. I have it keybound but hardly use it, kinda pointless.


You'll find that keybindings is a touchy subject for a lot of people with really strange and inefficient setups, so, be cautious about taking advice when it comes to this subject. But again, can't go wrong with WASD, that's a fact lol

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