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Warrior the class recently (played 1000+ hr on thief)that I've felt like I use all my weapon skills during fights, feel like i have a weapon skill fitting most situations within a fight, has a good build for every game mode and if i die feel like it was on me not the opponent. I guess the complexity not being high may not be ideal for u but I like how the lower complexity gives me more clarity to decide on what's going on in the fight and what I should do within it if that makes sense.

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I think you are setting yourself up for disappointment by restricting yourself to one main. You demand a lot and expect one class to deliver it all, while they all have their weaknesses. Moreover, one balance patch can change the whole ballgame. Find a good build for each gametype you are interested in, and set up a toon for that. You already did the groundwork by levelling each class. You can probably restrict yourself to two or three toons, while fullfilling most of your demands and partially inoculating yourself from balance chances by having choices.


Good luck.



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> @"Irensaga.6935" said:

> My Elementalist dies so easily I've been kind of tired of playing it.


Change to this for excellent damage with good tankiness:


* Build: Fire 1-1-1, Earth 3-2-3, Weaver 3-2-1

* Skills 5-10: Glyph of Elemental Harmony, Signet of Fire, Firestorm, Arcane Shield, Glypf of Elementals

* Armor: Berserker (Scholar)

* Weapons (Sword/Dagger): Assassins (Bloodlust+Strength)

* Amulet+Rings+1 Accessory: Marauder, 1 Accessory: Berserker, Backpack: Berserker+Valkyre

* 18 x +5 Power infusions


In case of emergency, attune to Earth so you will become immune to criticial damage.


I have successfully and smoothly played through 100% of the PvE content with this build.

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Ok, sorry for not replying for a bit longer. So after some more time of playing I was able to further limit the choice.


Engineer is out.


Don't get me wrong. I love the class. It has a wide variety of tools, nice utilities, can be a healer, is needed in WvW and Holosmith is a strong spec for PvP and other modes but with some shortcomings.

But I played the class more and more and I have realised how basic it all is.

Turrets are often just useless. Yolosmith just spams skills in Holo mode and tries not to get overheated. And scrapper isn't that good for PvE and PvP wise there are better options. Playing a healer srapper is also rather simple.

It doesn't provide this complex and rewarding experience.

Core engineer is weird. Really weird. I like the idea of tool kits. Unlike many in my enviroment but often they just seem as if they dont provide actual utility and instead they are there to just makes things more complex.

Complex is nice IF it gives more tools to work with not just more buttons to click just to have the same DPS as others.

I like the theme. I do enjoy how skills look especially for Holosmith. But he simply doesnt have this feeling of actual complexity that makes the gameplay much more diffcult and rewarding.


Moreover I also focused on the remaining classes.


Guardian is nice. Really nice. Both of the specs are useful but the Dragon Hunter's traps are quite clunky to use. The class isn't fast enough.

Again I like how it's an active defender with wide range of defensive skills. But for overall gameplay? I mean, I like guardian when I am in an organised group but that is not always the case. I like Firebrand better. When I play guardian I do use him more than Dragon Hunter for majority of content. But the FB truly shines in WvW.

Since I play a lot of WvW I will be using FB often. Main or not. But again, that will not be the class that is the only one being used.


Thief. Oh boy. I do like thief. In WvW I sometimes feel like I can take on 10 people at once. Don't think I'm bragging or something ^^ but It just feels really good. Beginnings were rough. At the beginning of my adventure with GW2 after playing thief I thought it sucked but a month later I discovered that action camera exists in the game.

After making few changes to the keybindings I must say.


I like thief.


In PvP though. Not in PvE. He isn't the most needed class for PvE. And the reasons are obvious. It's quite a selfish class.


I will try Ele, Mesmer and Warrior again now. Thief and guardian aren't likely to be my mains but I WILL use them in WvW if I feel like it. For me, they are classes that just...

They fulfill a specific role in one mode. But they do it so well I can't just throw them. But again. Most likely not my mains overall. Not sure yet, we will see after Elementalist, Mesmer and Warrior.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your original post and follow-up replies. It's been interesting for me following your experiences and I've enjoyed your detailed descriptions of pro's and con's of each role for you. I've also enjoyed most of the answers, some of which were very informative. It's helped me a lot in getting closer to making my own decision.

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> @"Yvallia.2583" said:

> Thank you for your original post and follow-up replies. It's been interesting for me following your experiences and I've enjoyed your detailed descriptions of pro's and con's of each role for you. I've also enjoyed most of the answers, some of which were very informative. It's helped me a lot in getting closer to making my own decision.


Hello again, Yvallia!

I'm glad that this thread could help even if by just a bit. Since as you have mentioned you've enjoyed the descriptions of my choices I can explain my final choice. Perhaps others will also benefit from that.


Mesmer, while not perfect, fits the most of my requirements.


Mesmer isn't the most complex character but when i'm playing him I am always doing something. The active gameplay keeps the game more interesting even if the class itself isn't the most complicated. Despite that there is enough of things, enough of these little details that can be changed to fit my playstyle, even if the choices are limited because of seemingly outdated (design-wise) skills.

What do I mean by that?

I can change the class to be tankier, have more condi damage, power damage, focus more on interrupts or make entire build around bursting the enemy from stealth. But because of nerfs or just simple lack of proper tools; several weapons (in PvP of course) are just useless. Axe just never feels like doing enough damage, torch has both skills on 30s cooldown and the skill 5 is a phantasm which does have all of the problems that all phantasms have. Sword off hand is underwhelming in comparison to other weapons. If playing condi or power mirage (since Chronomancer is now, for me, a class that takes way more effort than it's is worth it feels like I'm fighting the class instead of my opponent making it less viable than mirage) I found only very specific weapons to work. Greatsword, main hand sword, scepter, pistol and occasionaly torch but only because of the short stealth on skill 4 and SOMETIMES for an interrupt which isn't that good because, again, phantasm.


So again. The class isn't the most complex but it is active, the build variety is there but there are clearly better options, some weapons should be reworked (utility skills too) but the ones that are good, do the job most of the times. There is a certain learning curve to the class and most importantly it can be learned to the point where its will be quite dreadful to deal with. I did meet such people. And I did get better myself.


Of course, many believe that the class is still OP and it carries the player so that's that.


Also WvW. Roaming with mirage is harder than it is in Conquest, mesmer either if I play him or play against him, suffers when fighting in open space since it can be rather hard for him to pressurize people if the enemy will effectively use all of the disengage skills/rotations. But, again, harder and not impossible. You can get better of course.

And as for zerging...

Sure you don't have any other role than to be veil and portal bot but since the time I became a bit more active on my server's discord and did make some connections I learned how to utilise my skills properly and with coordination with the commander so that we can take advantage of the "tactics" like "portal bombing" where a well placed portal can allow for unexpected teleport to behind or even in the enemy zerg and deal massive damage to them. Again, situational skill but if used properly it can be a game changer which feels nice.


PvE wise I sadly don't ever feel like doing enough damage. With Chronomancer, I made a build where I use Sword/Sword, Greatsword and full Berserker's gear with only diviner's armor and runes of the pack for longer quickness and alacrity uphold (for my comfort) and despite pretty much perma 25 stacks of might and fury and near constant Quickness and Alacrity I still don't feel like doing enough damage. Mirage is the same although condi damage is nice, I can't deny that. But despite that, damage isn't bad and because of the clones taking a bit of aggro AND of the superior dodge on Mirage I have enough defenses to easily protect myself while wearing full Berserker's gear makes it a bit more challenging since I can die easily if not careful. I like it overall.


And as for raids, I accepted the fact I will be there only to deal mediocore damage in comparison and, most importantly, to give perma quickness and alacrity to others through wells that feel rather clunky but if that secures my place in a raiding group AND makes my class meta for a mode that isn't that important to me YET so be it.


So, just to summarize.


Not so complex but active gameplay.


Can be mastered to high degree.


Portal and stealth for big groups can have different and unique applications in PvP and PvE.


Meta boon support in raids, despite clunky wells.


Good damage even if I personally feel like doing more with other classes in full Berserker's gear.


Good mobility, and great defense mechanisms on Mirage.


Chronomancer, while not so good for PvP, is still viable for PvE and because I like tinkering with the class I play I will often use it and see what I can do to improve it, making it kind of a challenge I guess, to make it work, also in PvP, who knows.


And finally, theme and design. While as I said before like all classes' themes and design, mesmer, is one of my favourites. I still cry over revenant though...


Also Mirage's voicelines sound the best on my favourite voice actor that gives his voice to male sylvari playable character so it is quite a joy to hear it.


And that is that. If anything needs clarification please say so, I may have written some things too vaguely, if so I will elaborate if a need arises.




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Odd... my axe/pistol and greatsword mirage has been doing quite a lot of damage on the Crystal Desert maps, and has been surprisingly surviveable due to being hard for enemies to hit. I think a lot depends on the trait-line you use.


Also, Woodenpotaoes has been doing a YouTube video series on powerful Open World builds for each class. He hasn't gotten all the classes yet, but here's the playlist.


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> @"Irensaga.6935" said:

> Odd... my axe/pistol and greatsword mirage has been doing quite a lot of damage on the Crystal Desert maps, and has been surprisingly surviveable due to being hard for enemies to hit. I think a lot depends on the trait-line you use.


> Also, Woodenpotaoes has been doing a YouTube video series on powerful Open World builds for each class. He hasn't gotten all the classes yet, but here's the playlist.




Open world? Really? How much damage? What is your burst? How much sustained damage can you uphold?

I mean, in open world everything goes. Sure you can go (I assume) power axe but it doesn't mean it's the best and most effective choice. I do that from time to time just because I like spinning like a ballerina gracefully with axe skill 2 even if sometimes I spin gracefully off the cliff. ^^


Also I don't know which traitlines you use but in my opinion fast clone generation is a must for mirage and clone on dodge trait is mandatory. Also, clones themselfes deal WAY less power damage (none sometimes) while conditions provided by them are nearly equal to the player's, therefore when you focus on power only and neglect condis then you are missing out on a lot of sustained damage, especially since mirage focuses on torment and confusion which is great for open world since enemies move a lot and attack a lot.


Infinite Horizon is popular for a reason. Condi burst from that is nice.


Any class, with any specialisation and any type of damage can do well enough in open world PvE. Some perform better than others. I use ARC dps meter on regular basis and by that I mean CONSTANTLY. I am also often playing with an organised group of friends whose DPS I also measure. One of them plays full Berserker's Reaper, with the build that further increases damage by applying Vulnerability to the enemy and nearly constant 25 stacks of might to of course himself. With a very simple rotation and after a bit of delay before he reapplies 25 stacks of might and vulnerability, he can easily reach 17k/s on a single target without any support from the others. Considering that we often run with revenant and warrior who occasionaly provide their respective boons, he reaches up to 4500 power, 80% of critical chance and 230% critical damage multiplier making his damage sometimes ridiculous. And that is when he doesn't even get into a reaper form. When he does he just outright caps the crit chance and gets 270% critical damage multiplier. So he has all of that damage WHILE being highly survivable because of a tanking golem with great CC and a second, on demand, health bar, which if properly used can allow a certain amount of outright face tanking.


Mesmer damage isn't the worst. But relatively to others he can be lacking. Not bad. Just underperforming in certain situations if compared to other classes.


Also, I have watched the video about mesmer, from the creator you recomended (thank you by the way, I will keep an eye on him) and by what I have seen it's a pretty similar build to what I have been occasionaly running. Also, I mean honsetly. This guy had the same problems as I did. Squishy and has next to no counterplay if the enemy won't focus on your clones, and half of the build is about upholding quickness and alacrity instead of just dealing damage which makes me wonder, why Chrono if necromancer can deal more damage, has more base survivability and can have tanking minions? Reaper's damage rotation is also rather simple. Again, Chronomancer's power damage isn't the worst, nor bad (for open world) but seeing that his build is pretty much what I was running and seeing him having the same problems as me WHILE also dying when fighting a bounty (I understand it was just a mistake on his part but you could have made that mistake if only he would get reaper and get into shroud, then he could face tank that attack) it does leave an impression that Power Chronomancer needs to make sacrifices greater than others to get damage that is underperforming in comparison.


Also I never has seen him using any dps meter so I can't be sure as to his damage.


Also, if you want a nice and comfortable build just go full trailblazer, condis can get the job done, while also your way higher sustain plus superior mirage's dodge AND tanking clones can provide enough of the defense for 90% of open world content. And as for remaining 10% you will have problems with any build by then.


Thank you for the post. I do appreciate the conversation.




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