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Players Asking for dps check without knowking the boss mechanics in fractal


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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> > > Except that the threshold for success IS that narrow at pure dps check bosses.

> >

> > What I don't agree with is the meta pushing that goes along with the idea that DPS meter is some necessary tool to complete content and behind the scenes, people don't acknowledge how it's ACTUALLY used in some cases to abuse others because when people do it, it works in metapushing favour anyways. That's not honest.


> Actually dps meters are helping people to raid on off-meta builds.


Again, this isn't a debate about how useful DPS meters are. It's how they are used by some people with an agenda to push where it's not needed. I'm not denying the value of the DPS meter. I'm also not ignoring how it's used in various ways, good and bad. I'm also not going to be convinced it's needed in any content in this game as a way to justify monitoring and judging others players performance.


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There were pricks being pricks about gear and dps at launch, there are pricks being pricks about gear and dps now, and in a few years there will still be pricks being pricks about dps. Nothing will change as long as the "time/effort" vs "rewards" ratio favors high DPS.


I used to be anti dps meter until l started using one. It has made me a better player and I recommended everyone to start using one even if you aren't serious about "gittin gud". Seeing for yourself that your are the one holding the group back is a great motivation to improve your game. That being said, it is also important to know the mechanics, because if your high DPS gets shut down because you don't know how to dodge then you are now the one holding the group back. If you are going to be demanding DPS checks then you should have at least mastered all the fight mechanics.

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> @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > @"Lexi.1398" said:

> > welcome to pugging in any game ever, where other people will blame you for their personal failures reguardless of whos actually to blame.

> >

> > if ppl have low dps you should be doing mechanics anyway even in t4, it boggles my mind too why someone would blame on another their inability to press the dodge key, but hey, thats randoms for you. howeverrrrr, sometimes you have a comp made for high dps only and so failing a "dps check" is difficult to recover from because no one brought support and the lack of a healer/aegis etc can make doing a mechanic really difficult, where with high dps you would never have came across that problem.


> It's interesting that nowadays people think the only way to have big sick dps is bring 5 dps in t4. When no one play support, 5 dps means 5 corpses.


Lol what?! Do you think we always had healers in this game or something?

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nteresting that nowadays people think the only way to have big sick dps is bring 5 dps in t4. When no one play support, 5 dps means 5 corpses.


> Lol what?! Do you think we always had healers in this game or something?


This is kinda right, but it has to do with these new instabilities, before the rework you could do any T4 with any instability combo without a healer, just needed someone providing boons, and 4 DPS players who knew what they were doing, and you were good to go, did that a lot of times.


With this rework and these new instas, you just have big damage/one-shots thrown around by every adds, and now you need a healer to succeed, you can still get it without a healer, bu only if you get an easy combo.


Dunno if it's humanly possible to complete Observatory with Frailty, Outflanked and We Bleed Fire without a healer hehehe.



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> @"Brandon Uzumaki.1524" said:

>if it's humanly possible to complete Observatory with Frailty, Outflanked and We Bleed Fire without a healer hehehe.

yes, is possible .. may be sometimes hot, but it possible. And it many times wiht that incontestability .. for that we need 3 dps, and 2 hybrid diviner rene, and fb. Bu no any player have toughness or heal stats. But if one from dps do 5k - it 100% fail.


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Shattered Obserevatory is one of the easier Fractals to do without a healer. The combination of instabilities you mentioned aren't that bad at all. We Bleed Fire can be reflected as it usually comes from a single target. The other stuff doesn't matter that as you are to skip quite a few phases by burst and avoid even more damage if you know how to posiiton yourself.

Skorvald hardly touches you if your group knows how to prestack, insta CC and insta burst. Use raid portals to return instantly to have more time to burst.

Viirastra is all about mechanics. People run various items to CC the clones quickly. Use reflects (guadians, soulbeasts, etc.) to return her orb attack for insane damage, usually leads to intant phasings. Don't step into red fields.

Ark is all about doing mechanics and skipping phases through burst. Split properly to push the orbs, pull the adds in as they can be annoying. Avoid the bombs by jumping up last second. Use FB reflects to avoid even more stuff.


So yeah, that Fractal is quite doable without a dedicated healer unless the normal version is different. I only know the CM.

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