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Mounts unhealthy for core player experience ?

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Using mounts is more fun. Why are people against fun?


If you see someone with a mount and you want one, you can do like we did and hand Anet some cash. Otherwise you are just going to have to run on your feet while we run on our cute raptors. That's life. Some people use sneakers, some use bikes, some use Hondas and some use Mercedes. Should we limit everyone to sneakers just because not everyone owns a Mercedes?

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > > > @Cristalyan.5728 said:

> > >

> > > > Exactly this. I'm worried about this also.

> > > > But it seems that the others are not. They **bought** the expansion to have an **advantage** over the others (but this is not pay to win). To keep this advantage they don't care about the future. Even if this is the future of the game they play.

> > >

> > > What advantage do people have with mounts over those without mounts? Come on, tell me an example... Not just an imaginary one, a real one.

> > > People didn't buy PoF to have an advantage over f2p players, they bought it because most of them already did the content you're complaining about now (and are enjoying for free while the majority of the players had to pay for what you're playing free now). So since most players already did 100% map completion in core tyria and probably also HoT, they bought it for some new game content which happen to be mounts among other things. They certainly didn't buy it just to "win" at core tyria maps.

> >

> > There is actually an advantage .. it's much easier to get around and do map completion. Remember all those hard to jump to vistas? Not anymore ... just break our the Rabbit. Remember the days when Guardian had to take Traveler's runes? not anymore, any mount get's you whereever you want fast.

> >

> > It's also super easy to avoid areas in OW packed with mobs with mounts. Running through some places was just not an option, now mounts ignore immobilize, etc.... you can go whereever you want with impunity.

> >

> > Don't get me wrong though ... even though there are advantages, i don't think the OP is correct in thinking they shouldn't be available outside a paid expansion.


> That is not an advantage, that's a "quality of life" improvement if anything. There are no unreachable areas on core Tyria that require mounts. Some are even designed to not be reachable easily to make it fun to look for paths to them. That's what we did when we had no mounts and everyone did map completion regardless of mounts. I did mine a week or two before i actually bought the expansions. It's not hard to youtube a vista or something you don't know how to get to and look at the path instead of jumping to it with a rabbit.


> You can also go wherever you want in core Tyria too. Running is an option, aggro radius is not that huge like in PoF. And if some earea is giving someone trouble then perhaps they're not leveled enough or geared enough to be there yet. So instead of using mounts, those players could go level some more. That's the game's way of telling people "yo, level or gear up or you'll have your kitten handed to you in later content". If they bypass that with mounts, they'll never learn. :wink:


> An advantage would be if players with mounts have get bigger XP, karma and loot rewards for using mounts in events and map completion over those that don't. Since the rewards are the same for everyone, there's no advantage to speak of there. Mounts in core tyria are just a QoL improvement for people that already did that content.


> If i'm being honest, i'd personally lock mounts and the whole PoF if you didn't finish your personal story and are lvl 80. That way core Tyria still has relevance (if people think it's not relevant anymore) and no one can QQ that someone has cool toys and they don't.


No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way. Now with mounts there are none. Another example ... you could be controlled by mobs as you ran past them, now you are immune to these effects. These are definitely advantages, as they save you time ... saving time in any MMO is an advantage.


No, those are not QoL improvements. Mounts making content irrelevant is not QoL.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way.


Why aren't they still hard? Haven't seen anet or anyone else say you had to use mounts to do vistas lol Good chance anyone that is using mounts to shortcut vistas has probably already did them in the past the natural way how is what another does affecting you directly? what are you losing by them short cutting vistas or even jumping puzzles? Ya'll be having a narrow perspectives syndrome I think. Got some tunnel vision action going on there or possibly sounds like some might be little bit jealous, i mean that in a kind and respectful way to.

This is starting to remind me of the mounts in jumping puzzle threads that has been deleted 2 times now lmao. I still seen it this way i didn't even own PoF at the time.

Saving time as an advantage? That's a new one wow ya'll come up with all kindz of crazy stuff. If you wasting time you probably shouldn't being playing an MMO to be honest, hell shouldn't even be worried about vistas if you think it's a waste of time lmao.... I'm amazed you've played the game any at all if you think somebody has an advantage over you based on time lmao

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Mounts are **unhealthy** for everyone in old maps. Mounts should have been limited to PoF maps. I mean sure, i love to fly everywhere, but Springer Mount is just killing the game. It's making it Waaaaaaay to easy to get to places high up. People horribad at jumping makes it super easy. It already was easy, they just bad at jumping. I really haven't been outside the desert maps too much anyways, So i havent seen what people have been up to, but i'd imagine SW is alot more like nascar now. nascar =not good.


I would just hop that you introduce new maps that require some really high places to get to, some tricky bits and sorta make it like if u were just jumping normally.


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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > The maps certainly seem a lot smaller with mounts. I ran my friend through a few zones unlocking some dragon way points and he could tell strait away there's no point coming to core Tyria at all now with his mounts unlocked. He's only been playing a week too.


> How does a mount make Core Tyria pointless?

> Is there nothing to do on the maps suddenly?


Because he's level 80 and has a mount... We just skimmed through the levels with no immersion into the maps on our way to the Dragon Way points and all the good events are on the new expansion maps. He admired the view but outside of that he knows it's pointless being level 80 and doing some level 40 events when he could be working on masteries n such.


I tried to give him a more challenging map like Orr but he just raptor jumped his way through the maps with ease, only took about 5 minutes from fort trinity to the ARAH dungeon, probably less. It certainly makes the game appear a lot smaller than what it is.

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> @Pimpology.6234 said:

> Mounts are **unhealthy** for everyone in old maps. Mounts should have been limited to PoF maps. I mean sure, i love to fly everywhere, but Springer Mount is just killing the game. It's making it Waaaaaaay to easy to get to places high up. People horribad at jumping makes it super easy. It already was easy, they just bad at jumping. I really haven't been outside the desert maps too much anyways, So i havent seen what people have been up to, but i'd imagine SW is alot more like nascar now. nascar =not good.


> I would just hop that you introduce new maps that require some really high places to get to, some tricky bits and sorta make it like if u were just jumping normally.



Here's the thing I don't understand with your kind of people though.

I've seen this in many forums with games on "Why did they add *insert something or option or weapon* in this game? It was already easy and now they're just making it easier and making people lazy and blah blah blah."


Here's the thing... like the Vistas. Who the hell say you need to use the Mounts? In PoF they are needed so that's a whole different story.

In the core game you don't. No one putting a pistol in your mouth and say "Use them or I will cause bleed to you... and maybe daze and cripple..."

You can still do those "easy vistas" the normal way. You can still do the jumping puzzles that allow mounts (or gliders) the normal way too.

If people want to do it, they can. Those that don't want to? Use the mounts.


With or without mounts I find level 2 enemies a joke as they die in 1 hit 95% of the time. I'm not going to whine and say they're too easy. Same as I find many normal enemies easy to go through with mounts or just blasting through them with dual pistols as a thief. Am I having fun? Yes. That's all that matters as long as I'm not messing with someone elses fun.


And those that say mounts attack is too strong, I've already addressed that in the topic so I won't go through that again, but the only way I see someone can tamper with someone elses experience is if they deliberately followed a new/low level player and went and killed everything on purpose before they get to them. That I would say is not right. I don't know if reporting would work for that, but that's not how the game should be played. The problem though is someone can do the same exact thing without mounts if they're ranged. Whether Magic, Pistols, Bows, whatever.


There's people who go out of their way to make things challenging. That's good. If you want to test yourself in things, do it. Though, if someone has a way to get to something easier than you you can't say "Well I don't like it and don't want to use it, so you shouldn't use it too." That sounds kind of unfair than anything else someone would try to counter with. You can say the same with gliders.


You got to a high point where a vista is. You made it. Yaaaaaaay. But wait... how do you get down? You see a point of interest a couple of meters north from you, but the waypoint is far from that location. Oh... I got a glider so I can go to that area with no problem. The thing is... you don't need to use the glider. Maybe slowly make your way back down, or as I said... waypoint. Even if you have the glider, you don't need to use it outside of HoT.


And while yeah I don't understand certain things Arenanet does, like the nerfing of that souleater, but if it allows people to get through the game and enjoy it... so be it.

In those cases, the nerf effects everyone though I would say because now anyone that fights it, fights the easier form. That is completely different than an item/utility.

Next you will tell me that those infinite gathering tools are wrong and shouldn't exist?

No I don't own any of those gathering tools that's infinite in the gem store, but I don't see a problem in it. You could easily say, "They could just stock up on those pickaxes or just head to the guild hall or just go into the pvp lobby or wait until they get to a merchant that has them or...." and so on and so forth. Once again... they don't need to use it. Games have options and choices for difficulty and gameplay. You play one way, someone plays another.

Don't force people to do things how you do it just because "I like it this way."


I don't like playing Scourge as I find it unfun and I like Shroud. Can say Shroud make it "easier" because of the 2nd life bar but.... don't care. That's how I want to play.

Play Scourge if you want, not for me. Not going to play it. The end.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way.


> Why aren't they still hard?


Because the hard parts are skipped by jumping in the bunny.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> > > @sephiroth.4217 said:

> > > The maps certainly seem a lot smaller with mounts. I ran my friend through a few zones unlocking some dragon way points and he could tell strait away there's no point coming to core Tyria at all now with his mounts unlocked. He's only been playing a week too.

> >

> > How does a mount make Core Tyria pointless?

> > Is there nothing to do on the maps suddenly?


> Because he's level 80 and has a mount... We just skimmed through the levels with no immersion into the maps on our way to the Dragon Way points and all the good events are on the new expansion maps. He admired the view but outside of that he knows it's pointless being level 80 and doing some level 40 events when he could be working on masteries n such.


> I tried to give him a more challenging map like Orr but he just raptor jumped his way through the maps with ease, only took about 5 minutes from fort trinity to the ARAH dungeon, probably less. It certainly makes the game appear a lot smaller than what it is.



Still don't explain what hellsqueen asked of you i have mount i play core i play it same as I always did before mounts. just because 1 person plays like that don't mean we all do. Think alot of the opinions here in this thread with those in mind that are agaisnt it see it from a self center point of view you don't care other then fact ya'll arnt doing it I'd bet 100 gems ya'll had mounts none of yaz would be in this thread saying the things you do.

(not directly meant at you as a whole but all those that whimper in entire thread)


What you should have done is said "Sweet friend lets walk and kill em all" instead of "sweet friend pull out your mount lets race to the warp gate"

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way.

> >

> > Why aren't they still hard?


> Because the hard parts are skipped by jumping in the bunny.


did you not read all what i said? Saving time isn't advantageous if ya'll having competition or a race or something sure but other then that i think your view point is struggling to justify the means of an advantage lol. In other words you are just making up craziness to create a new type of advantage because lets be honest someone saving time isn't an advantage at all they not hurting your play time if you think you are wasting time doing vistas then don't do them. No one forcing you to play the game or the side stuff within.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way.

> > >

> > > Why aren't they still hard?

> >

> > Because the hard parts are skipped by jumping in the bunny.


> did you not read all what i said? Saving time isn't advantageous if ya'll having competition or a race or something sure but other then that i think your view point is struggling to justify the means of an advantage lol. In other words you are just making up craziness to create a new type of advantage because lets be honest someone saving time isn't an advantage at all they not hurting your play time if you think you are wasting time doing vistas then don't do them. No one forcing you to play the game or the side stuff within.


Or once again can get the mounts by just getting the bloody red dye expansion.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > > No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way.

> > > >

> > > > Why aren't they still hard?

> > >

> > > Because the hard parts are skipped by jumping in the bunny.

> >

> > did you not read all what i said? Saving time isn't advantageous if ya'll having competition or a race or something sure but other then that i think your view point is struggling to justify the means of an advantage lol. In other words you are just making up craziness to create a new type of advantage because lets be honest someone saving time isn't an advantage at all they not hurting your play time if you think you are wasting time doing vistas then don't do them. No one forcing you to play the game or the side stuff within.


> Or once again can get the mounts by just getting the bloody red dye expansion.


yep but believe me they don't wanna hear facts, i have stated fact after fact like it goes in 1 eye out the other. I also agreed on something you said in above reply(where the thumbs up came from lol) about damage i was thinking bout this other day on thread about mount scalling for damage heck i 1 hit all low level mobs even with out mount on my more higher damage lv 80 classes. i honestly believe most these people are just jealous, because they are not considering all the facts and the view points they have seem more self centered rather than well being of everyone.

My arguments and facts I state now i even stated before i had Pof or a mount. In the jumping puzzle mount threads.

I have to say life must be very painful for alot of the people here wonder how they feel when neighbor buys a new vette so he is able to get to work faster lol.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way.

> > >

> > > Why aren't they still hard?

> >

> > Because the hard parts are skipped by jumping in the bunny.


> did you not read all what i said? Saving time isn't advantageous if ya'll having competition or a race or something sure but other then that i think your view point is struggling to justify the means of an advantage lol. In other words you are just making up craziness to create a new type of advantage because lets be honest someone saving time isn't an advantage at all they not hurting your play time if you think you are wasting time doing vistas then don't do them. No one forcing you to play the game or the side stuff within.


Sorry, I have a question for you ...


What kind of armor do you wear? Exotic? Rare?

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> @takatsu.9416 said:

> I actually see mounts as an object of envy and a lot of free to play players are purchasing the upgrade because of it. It convinces people to help upgrade imo even more than gliders which are less noticeable. Alot of players are asking how to get mounts and then getting PoF after.


They should though 30$ alone not that much i also think it is good that they are pitching in and supporting the game, finally. It's not a bad thing never was, just the entitled generation think it all should come free. So when they cant have it for free, they start making false advantages up to try and justify why they should have it to lol.


I'd bet yet another 100 gems most if not all that are against it are under the age of 30. Anyone that has lived life 31+ years knows it is what it is. They know you want nice things (or luxuries) be it in game or real life they know you have to buy it. Just blew me away some one seen saving time as an advantage when theres not a race going on ya know.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > > No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way.

> > > >

> > > > Why aren't they still hard?

> > >

> > > Because the hard parts are skipped by jumping in the bunny.

> >

> > did you not read all what i said? Saving time isn't advantageous if ya'll having competition or a race or something sure but other then that i think your view point is struggling to justify the means of an advantage lol. In other words you are just making up craziness to create a new type of advantage because lets be honest someone saving time isn't an advantage at all they not hurting your play time if you think you are wasting time doing vistas then don't do them. No one forcing you to play the game or the side stuff within.


> Sorry, I have a question for you ...


> What kind of armor do you wear? Exotic? Rare?


Depends I used rare for long time about 2 years accross all my chars guess what i got "been there done that" title while wearing rare armor lmao so idk what argument you trying to pull out of the void, but it wont take off with me. Armor has nothing to do with mounts has nothing to do with vistas either lets stay on topic.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > HP and MP trains don't have to use mounts. Who says there is only one way to do things? If there are enough people without mounts wanting to form a train, all the better for it.

> > > Have a commander/leader form a train specifically for those without mounts.

> > > I think it's a bit ironic that before PoF rolled out that many people were dissing the mounts, now they are refusing to dis-mount!

> >

> > Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there.

> >

> >


> Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.

> Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount.


Except the champs don't spawn quick enough for both.

Btw "free players"?...I have the expacs...doesn't mean I don't recognise that mounts cause problems for those unmounted.

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> @Taygus.4571 said:

> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > HP and MP trains don't have to use mounts. Who says there is only one way to do things? If there are enough people without mounts wanting to form a train, all the better for it.

> > > > Have a commander/leader form a train specifically for those without mounts.

> > > > I think it's a bit ironic that before PoF rolled out that many people were dissing the mounts, now they are refusing to dis-mount!

> > >

> > > Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.

> > Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount.


> Except the champs don't spawn quick enough for both.

> Btw "free players"?...I have the expacs...doesn't mean I don't recognise that mounts cause problems for those unmounted.


they respawn do they not? Keep up with the game or get left behind that's how it goes in most mmo games specially those based on a f2p system. Thats the entire marketing ploy behind f2p idea. Anet needs money to pay employees for content they create they need $ to pay internet fees for all the bandwidth that all of us free and non-free players are using. Who knows probably even more fees and stuff they gotta spend money on themselves. Buy the expansion if you feel so disadvantaged. I'm sure even you could agree with that considering you bought it.

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> @Taygus.4571 said:

> > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > HP and MP trains don't have to use mounts. Who says there is only one way to do things? If there are enough people without mounts wanting to form a train, all the better for it.

> > > > Have a commander/leader form a train specifically for those without mounts.

> > > > I think it's a bit ironic that before PoF rolled out that many people were dissing the mounts, now they are refusing to dis-mount!

> > >

> > > Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.

> > Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount.


> Except the champs don't spawn quick enough for both.

> Btw "free players"?...I have the expacs...doesn't mean I don't recognise that mounts cause problems for those unmounted.


Except for like 1 champ in HoT, they don't die instantly.

For PoF, while I have been to some of those trains (mainly because the characters I bought were like level 20 to level 50 so... they couldn't do it on their own)... they are pretty much doable as one person if you don't have to worry too much on random enemy aggro around the Hero Points, or better yet with 2 or 3 people.


So what I'm wondering is which hero points are you talking about?

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > HP and MP trains don't have to use mounts. Who says there is only one way to do things? If there are enough people without mounts wanting to form a train, all the better for it.

> > > > > Have a commander/leader form a train specifically for those without mounts.

> > > > > I think it's a bit ironic that before PoF rolled out that many people were dissing the mounts, now they are refusing to dis-mount!

> > > >

> > > > Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.

> > > Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount.

> >

> > Except the champs don't spawn quick enough for both.

> > Btw "free players"?...I have the expacs...doesn't mean I don't recognise that mounts cause problems for those unmounted.


> Except for like 1 champ in HoT, they don't die instantly.

> For PoF, while I have been to some of those trains (mainly because the characters I bought were like level 20 to level 50 so... they couldn't do it on their own)... they are pretty much doable as one person if you don't have to worry too much on random enemy aggro around the Hero Points, or better yet with 2 or 3 people.


> So what I'm wondering is which hero points are you talking about?


I'm talking about core Tyria, I was playing SW and champs there die to mounted players before unmounted can catch up for the most part.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > > HP and MP trains don't have to use mounts. Who says there is only one way to do things? If there are enough people without mounts wanting to form a train, all the better for it.

> > > > > Have a commander/leader form a train specifically for those without mounts.

> > > > > I think it's a bit ironic that before PoF rolled out that many people were dissing the mounts, now they are refusing to dis-mount!

> > > >

> > > > Bit hard to form a train...when there's another mounted train killing off the champs before you can get there.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Tag up and start your own then. Who said there needs to be only 1 train? Up to free players to adapt. Got a train for the mounters got a train for the walkers.

> > > Problem solved. i'm talking on behalf of the HP/MP champs world bosses you got time to get to em even if ya walking. Use swiftness or speed modifying trait/signet not much slower than a mount.

> >

> > Except the champs don't spawn quick enough for both.

> > Btw "free players"?...I have the expacs...doesn't mean I don't recognise that mounts cause problems for those unmounted.


> they respawn do they not? Keep up with the game or get left behind that's how it goes in most mmo games specially those based on a f2p system. Thats the entire marketing ploy behind f2p idea. Anet needs money to pay employees for content they create they need $ to pay internet fees for all the bandwidth that all of us free and non-free players are using. Who knows probably even more fees and stuff they gotta spend money on themselves. Buy the expansion if you feel so disadvantaged. I'm sure even you could agree with that considering you bought it.


I didn't buy the expansion because I felt disadvantaged. I bought it because it seemed fun. But I think mountd should be slower in core Tyria as it's not balanced with them in mind. ..and we shouldn't have to use mounts, just to keep up.


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> @Taygus.4571 said:

> I didn't buy the expansion because I felt disadvantaged. I bought it because it seemed fun. But I think mountd should be slower in core Tyria as it's not balanced with them in mind. ..and we shouldn't have to use mounts, just to keep up.


Not what i meant man, i wasn't saying you directly felt at disadvantage, speaking on behalf of all those that do though. Hey I'm one them peeps thinks mounts shoulda been here from day one but they wasn't ya know. I'm just telling ya the facts in the matter, rather they should or should not have to isn't the problem or the solution fact they dont wanna feel at disadvantage at this very moment only option they have is to buy the expansion.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > > @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > > > > > @Obtena.7952 said:

> > > > > > No, it is an advantage. Some of these things trivalize the game as it was intended. As just one example ... before there were hard vistas ... and they were designed that way.

> > > > >

> > > > > Why aren't they still hard?

> > > >

> > > > Because the hard parts are skipped by jumping in the bunny.

> > >

> > > did you not read all what i said? Saving time isn't advantageous if ya'll having competition or a race or something sure but other then that i think your view point is struggling to justify the means of an advantage lol. In other words you are just making up craziness to create a new type of advantage because lets be honest someone saving time isn't an advantage at all they not hurting your play time if you think you are wasting time doing vistas then don't do them. No one forcing you to play the game or the side stuff within.

> >

> > Sorry, I have a question for you ...

> >

> > What kind of armor do you wear? Exotic? Rare?


> Depends I used rare for long time about 2 years accross all my chars guess what i got "been there done that" title while wearing rare armor lmao so idk what argument you trying to pull out of the void, but it wont take off with me. Armor has nothing to do with mounts has nothing to do with vistas either lets stay on topic.


I'm not asking you what armor you had, I'm asking you what armor you HAVE now.


.. and yes, this has lots to do with your argument that mounts don't offer an advantage if you don't use them and Anet didn't tell us to use mounts. Think about it. People using a mounts to avoid undesirable content (because it saves you time or aggravation) is the same as choosing armor. Choosing the right armor in this game is done to save you time and aggravation because it allows you to die less and enjoy the game the way you want. Make no mistake though, both are an advantage for these reasons. you are right ... Anet doesn't tell me to use mounts to avoid content ... but I do ... the same way Anet doesn't tell me what armor to use ... but I choose that too for the same reasons. And I bet you do to.


The only difference here is that you're cherrypicking the advantages you think are OK and not. I'm pretty certain you don't run around in blue nomads armor. Even more generally, ANY choice you make in gear for that matter ... and there in lies the problem with the contradiction you're exhibiting. You don't think mounts are an advantage because you don't have to use them and Anet didn't tell you to use them? OK ... but obviously I can say that about ANYTHING I equip, and I'm betting you aren't just running around with 'whatever'. Truly, whether or not mounts are an advantage isn't the question here, but it is a fundamental fact that can't be denied by any reasonable person who can see what can be done with them in the game ... just like choosing the right gear and traits.This is an important thing to acknowledge if you want anyone to think you are more than just trolling.

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