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Invisible boots and poor heavy leg options. SUGGESTION


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Please could we have the invisible boots implemended again as an over riding skin? Since they are seen as a prestigious item worth more than a legendary weapon.


What I am suggesting is that when you equip the boots, leg armour up to the knee join becomes skin, this would allow a much greater option of armour choices for heavy classes with this skin. Please see my example below, I have chopped off the lower plate pannels under the knee replacing them with skin. As you can see the armour now looks 10x better without the hiddious ankle bashing stick thin armour trousers.


![](https://i.imgur.com/e2aRVwT.png "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/X5hr77B.png "")


This will allow players to have a much vaster choice of armour to wear with this boots, rather than being locked to say Spear Marhal's Tassets for ever...


Additional example:


![](https://i.imgur.com/p6uKDvF.png "")



Please make this a thing.

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