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Mesmers versus Elementalist and advice.


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I been playing both elementalist and mesmer and i love mesmer a lot better.


mesmers feel like real mages compared to elementalists.


Elementalists have a lot of damage and defense skills but that seems to be all they have. Just damage and defenses / healing.


Mesmer has stuns, ports, teleports - blinks - ranged damage, condi, utility, and some defensive skills and traits.


In terms of fantasy feelings i feel mesmer are awesome mages and good at being a primary spellcaster with lots of ways to neutralize and control enemies as well as get out of sticky situations. Elementalists don't feel very good. There damage is alright and their healing is nice, but they feel a bit frustrating to play in Spvp and WvW. Elementalists have to switch elemental attunements to keep a rotation going, but their utility skills don't feel very good. (the 6-0 skills with hero points).


Any ways, i think mesmer is so awesome as a caster and elementalist feels very unfun. I played an engineer and i felt like engineer has better utility skills than elementalist.


Maybe i am a noob and unskilled, but i feel like mesmer is just a better caster in every category versus elementalists.


Any one have any tips or advice about the strengths and weakness of the two casters.

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> @"Angel.3916" said:

> Maybe i am a noob and unskilled, but i feel like mesmer is just a better caster in every category versus elementalists.


...except they barely deal any damage in comparison to Elementalists or most other professions, which makes them pretty useless outside of WvW or Raids (and open world group events). :) If they were better in terms of damage, I'd actually play my Mesmer more often. ;)

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all class had their strength. ele is about technique, mesmer is about tactics. ele on pvp or wvw you better use digger or sword for melee instead of range attack. but you need to well knowing your 4 main elemental skill and keep swithing in situation: here is a really pro weaver :


but ele it is the hardest class over all

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> @"Angel.3916" said:

> I been playing both elementalist and mesmer and i love mesmer a lot better.


> mesmers feel like real mages compared to elementalists.


> Elementalists have a lot of damage and defense skills but that seems to be all they have. Just damage and defenses / healing.


> Mesmer has stuns, ports, teleports - blinks - ranged damage, condi, utility, and some defensive skills and traits.


> In terms of fantasy feelings i feel mesmer are awesome mages and good at being a primary spellcaster with lots of ways to neutralize and control enemies as well as get out of sticky situations. Elementalists don't feel very good. There damage is alright and their healing is nice, but they feel a bit frustrating to play in Spvp and WvW. Elementalists have to switch elemental attunements to keep a rotation going, but their utility skills don't feel very good. (the 6-0 skills with hero points).


> Any ways, i think mesmer is so awesome as a caster and elementalist feels very unfun. I played an engineer and i felt like engineer has better utility skills than elementalist.


> Maybe i am a noob and unskilled, but i feel like mesmer is just a better caster in every category versus elementalists.


> Any one have any tips or advice about the strengths and weakness of the two casters.


Mesmer isn't really that effective imo. I've been playing it alot and am realizing they've pretty much lost their king of support role but haven't gotten anything in return. And the last few patches have all been just nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf......


They lost their class lead design and whoever is designing now them just doesn't like them at all. I've been having more succcess as a non-mesmer in PVP even though I've been a mesmer main since ever and now I can tell, using numbers that an alacrigade can maintain alacrity 100% of the time with less concentration gear and more damage. Not to mention a FAR easier rotation to pull off to maintain it. I really can't recommend mesmer in its current state. It's fun to play sure, and if all you'll ever do is open world, then sure, have at it. Otherwise I would say do something else.

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> @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> > @"Angel.3916" said:

> > I been playing both elementalist and mesmer and i love mesmer a lot better.

> >

> > mesmers feel like real mages compared to elementalists.

> >

> > Elementalists have a lot of damage and defense skills but that seems to be all they have. Just damage and defenses / healing.

> >

> > Mesmer has stuns, ports, teleports - blinks - ranged damage, condi, utility, and some defensive skills and traits.

> >

> > In terms of fantasy feelings i feel mesmer are awesome mages and good at being a primary spellcaster with lots of ways to neutralize and control enemies as well as get out of sticky situations. Elementalists don't feel very good. There damage is alright and their healing is nice, but they feel a bit frustrating to play in Spvp and WvW. Elementalists have to switch elemental attunements to keep a rotation going, but their utility skills don't feel very good. (the 6-0 skills with hero points).

> >

> > Any ways, i think mesmer is so awesome as a caster and elementalist feels very unfun. I played an engineer and i felt like engineer has better utility skills than elementalist.

> >

> > Maybe i am a noob and unskilled, but i feel like mesmer is just a better caster in every category versus elementalists.

> >

> > Any one have any tips or advice about the strengths and weakness of the two casters.


> Mesmer isn't really that effective imo. I've been playing it alot and am realizing they've pretty much lost their king of support role but haven't gotten anything in return. And the last few patches have all been just nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf......


> They lost their class lead design and whoever is designing now them just doesn't like them at all. I've been having more succcess as a non-mesmer in PVP even though I've been a mesmer main since ever and now I can tell, using numbers that an alacrigade can maintain alacrity 100% of the time with less concentration gear and more damage. Not to mention a FAR easier rotation to pull off to maintain it. I really can't recommend mesmer in its current state. It's fun to play sure, and if all you'll ever do is open world, then sure, have at it. Otherwise I would say do something else.


one thing i am not happy about is they nerf Phantasm become clones after 1 hit. i changed my main class because of this. :(


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> @"Angel.3916" said:


I should correct myself. I find the rotations on ele easier but mesmer has better/more in demand core roles. They're just difficult to pull off. I feel like the trend is the balance team is gravitating toward necro love in pvp and general love of plate and rangers just about everywhere. My ele healer does great in fractals.

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> @"Angel.3916" said:

> I been playing both elementalist and mesmer and i love mesmer a lot better.

> @"Angel.3916" said:

> In terms of fantasy feelings i feel mesmer are awesome mages . . .

> @"Angel.3916" said:

> Any ways, i think mesmer is so awesome as a caster and elementalist feels very unfun.


You pretty much answered your own question. You have fun and feel awesome playing a Mesmer? Play a Mesmer.

It's a game--the point is to have fun. So if you have fun, _then keep having fun._ It's that simple.

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