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What is the oldest thing you have on the trading post?


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> @"chad.8701" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > dont worry I'll say it because I focus on PvP and WvW...

> > >


> >

> > Yea I think Chad just wanted to show of their gold tbh.


> TBH it's not that much gold. There are alot of players at 200k with banks full of legionaries and stacks of mystic coins.


LMAO I reached 500g a while ago because I barely ever buy new stuff. Down to about 350 now because I blew a TON of money on getting cooking to 500 (which I now don't even use...) and acquiring the Skyscale.


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Currently 7 months (some fireworks). I generally have pretty quick turnover since I tend to only list items in markets I'm familiar with. When I do come across a surprisingly high-value item that warrants a possible listing, I see how much listing history I can uncover on it and if the data is low or indicates low turnover, I just sell instantly (or salvage, if more profitable to do so).

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