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Upcoming rev changes


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> @"Shao.7236" said:


> Mixed feelings, though I can see why you're coming from with Pain Absorption as it can be easily interrupted, but maybe those are the trade off for having so much resistance. RotGD really needs to be a half a second to be in line with everything.

Yeah, I just think it feels shitty to have to dodge out of a skill in order to access the stunbreak and to gain no effects from it. Perhaps in ANet's eyes, the stunbreak *is* worthy of 30 energy on its own.


> With the added condition pressure yeah, 4 conditions make sense while the stunbreak would finally make it viable for teamfights.

> They could also just make the orbs bigger like Mirage mirrors are.

While true, I still think this would leave the clunky gameplay intact as well as create too much visual spam too due the potential orb yield, which is extremely high if you actually build for it. We have larger orbs when using the Ventari elite, and while they are much more potent than the smaller healing orbs, they still suffer the problem of having to compromise positioning in order to make use of them. Mirage mirrors are considerably more impactful, offering invulnerability, increased movement speed, and a free ambush attack. At the end of the day, Ventari has to work with a combination of rather clunky mechanics that impede its success, and healing orbs is just one of these issues. Such a mechanic in its current iteration probably works okay for bunkering points because you'll be more likely to have your orbs more concentrated on/around the point, but in the context of small-scale WvW, for example, its effectiveness just does not cross over.


> Feels like a good idea, though Revenant does have really strong raw healing while Herald does provide easily Regeneration and can be improved, so there might be some reasons why that isn't the case.

Perhaps there is, I just don't really see why they'd remove the healing boon from the healing traitline. The tablet regen trait was really great and a nice way of providing the boon without having to play with Glint. Although I may be a minority in this, I don't think that Revenant's greatest support potential is through Glint when functioning as a primary--not supplementary--support.


> Remember the Herald one that would also trigger a short Infuse Light? It used to be kinda OP to just randomly res someone mid fights. Though it seems like Revenant would need to get one faster res at their core traits, Herald does have the ability to apply protection around and mitigate damage on downed teammates, same for Mallyx Spirit Boon which can be really strong to proc around a res.

l don't think I ever PvP'd with Rev much before it got changed to affecting the rezzer, but yeah, I can imagine that being silly OP. I always thought the trait was cheesy and overrewarding and am not unhappy that it was removed, but I am unhappy that it was not replaced. I just think it would be really nice to at least have the option of enhancing rezzing potential beyond its current scope. Things like insta-rez Merciful Interventions exist in WvW, so I don't think it would be necessarily problematic if skills like that have remained in their current form.


> Honestly if they are to keep it that would it would be so much better if the Tablet would just Tether and follow the Revenant on first appearance and whenever using the heal skill (Which can balance out those rune benefits), it would unlink from the Revenant and destroying it would be required to make it follow again. Because as it is, Healing people with their random movements in a small radius is just too hard and is very node focused.

Oh without a shadow of a doubt, this would instantly make the legend infinitely more usable. I oftentimes *wish* that it had this sort of functionality, but at the end of the day, this dramatically lowers the skill floor of the spec and takes away what makes the legend so inherently unique and special. I would 100% expect numerical nerfs to the legend if it got the PBAoE treatment because it would just become a lot more mindless and spammy. While I don't think this is a bad idea and would enjoy its implementation, I would rather they actually make its current functionality smoother, which is why I suggested the 2 second cooldown on Ventari's Will. I think there are other things they could do to make it feel a bit more fluid, like increasing its travel speed and lowering the delay on Natural Harmony. Also a simple QoL feature such as giving the user a 240 radius indicator for it so we can time perfectly our Purifying Essences, for example, while the tablet is mid-flight.


> Honestly, the ability to even give Resistance is already pretty OP all around. Just like RotGD, being very pro active in between legends is where Anet really is focused on and those extra benefits are just to keep the user for the team if you ask me.

Yeah, I do worry about overtuning core legends' kits to accommodate too many builds/playstyles, but perhaps it's a personal thing that I would like to see support move away from Glint and more towards Jalis. Reason being is that with the new update to Inspiring Reinforcement, it paves the way (hehe) for a legitimately solid support legend, and supports in ways that help fill in the gaps that Ventari has, such as lack of stab. Barrier would help seal that gap and would provide incentive to investing into healing power for the legend, provided either that or the current condition damage modifier, be unlocked via Versed in Stone to prevent builds such as WvW frontline hammer Herald to gain access to it without sacrificing a significant portion of damage. While you would like for a decreased cast time for RotGD (which makes sense; it is looooong), I would like for its impact to be increased to justify the longer cast time. I do appreciate that you are more cautious when it comes to overbuffing things, though. It's a healthy perspective to have and I'd hate to have a support Rev become the new OP FotM only to be obliterated to a worse state than its current.


> Yes, they need to bring back Duelist Preparation slightly buffed or to work like Shield of Wrath does. Require about 3 hits to trigger Shackling Waves, but it should only be done by the player while the blocking stance can be kept for 2 seconds entirely. Having the old ability to block would make Revenants less dependent of staff, as for Deathstrike Anet has really dropped the ball by removing Chill and Slow, for whatever reason they just kept speeding up the animation to the point where it doesn't exist anymore which was unecessary. The very first reworked Deathstrike was a bit slow, so the first buff was justified because even with Quickness it was pretty easy to avoid, but now it's very cheesy.

I would be happy with a change like that, or a new weapon. I really do miss that block.


> Agree with all of that but do add Diabolic Inferno in there too, it really needs to have an extra burn stack or improve Burning somehow, while I'd like to mention that I still think Pulsating Pestilence should be placed into the Minor trait slot over Yearning Empowerment to be something that can be chosen.

Pulsating Pestilence as a GM minor, now that would be a gamechanger. An interesting thought. I have always felt that since PP's change to transfer conditions, it has been one of Revenant's best traits in the game and absolutely worthy of a major GM slot. However, it becoming a minor is definitely food for thought and would help make GM choices more competitive. It'd be nice to take Maniacal Persistence and Pulsating Pestilence, and it's quite silly that you can't currently as it is the most obvious natural pairing. I'd fear that if it became a minor, it'd get reduced to 1-2 condis, in which case I'd rather have its current location.


Thanks a bunch for all your feedback, @"Shao.7236"! I appreciate your perspective.


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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > actually im fine with the changes.

> > u guys should be happy that there wasnt a bigger nerf than just the hammer 2, which is still decent


> True Nature nerf is pretty substantial. Much more so that the hammer nerf, imo.


range is still enough to hit from FoN , and the damage from hammer is a bit less, but see it positively ... it can be used as melee now :p

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Clocked out for lunch and saw these...holy buffs batman! Jalis and Mallyx changes are juicy. Thank you ANet for adjusting the cooldowns for EtD and CtA! The Forced Engagement change looks insane. Sorry Justine for your hammer sacrifice.


> Lol that damage nerf is nothing. It's so meaningless and yet people think it will really help. Just give it 6-12 months and people will start to cry it does too much damage once again


It's a damage nerf to the Ranger Pew Pew'ing you from far, but a damage buff to the S/D Thief up in your grill. Overall I'm happy, since at least we have a response to the low information players begging for nerfs to CoR (meanwhile getting downed by our Phase Smashes).

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