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PvP/WvW: Mainhand Sword changes are a nerf, and don't won't achieve Anet's intentions.


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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> With the sword changes we actually have MORE evade uptime than we previously did, Serpent Strike is now an 8s CD (due to being attached to Monarchs leap), and Hornet Sting also resets the CD of Monarch/Serpent Strike so we'd be able to use Serpent Strike MORE than we used to be able to, just not as on demand.


> Also, Monarch Leap is swords big damage ability and is now on demand, pretty sure we'll be able to combo this with axe 4 for some nice on demand burst. Personally I really really like the changes for Sword on paper, we'll see how it actually works in reality though.


Any capable players will interrupt your monarch's leap the moment you leap into them. you wouldn't even have time to use serpent's strike.


> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Also, some of you aren’t even paying attention... If these weapon skills hit then you get 1 more gap closer attack and evade... or are some not aware that a hit with skill 3 refreshes skill 2?


Too bad not all of us are fighting some npc mobs in open world to make that work most of times, and good luck trying to pressure holo, warrior and guardian with sword.

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The muscle memory is screwed up more than anything, which is an inconvenience more than a nerf, but the cooldown on 3 is a little disconcerting, too.

Until they adjust the movement abilities on sword to be more streamlined (like greatsword) or allow you to simply click in the direction you want to travel like other professions I can't see myself swapping back to it.

Glad some people are getting more out of it, however.


~ Kovu

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After playing more with a sword/dagger combo, I really feel the fluidity in the animations. For example, I can [Monarch Leap]==>[Hornet Sting]==>[serpent's Strike]==>[stalker's Strike] etc. Also just holding down the key chains the animation smoothly [for me] from the monarchs leap into serpents strike. When you daisy chain the leap/sting/strikes with each other + your normal dodges and swoop if you have a bird & even more with the griffon stance/lightning reflexes - I can easily give a lot of classes some pain& trouble, it feels like a thief yet not a thief if you know what I mean. I am still doing some testing, but atm I've run into some trouble with some kind of bug where I cannot use my f1-f3 keys when I'm camping in beast mode. With hornet sting resetting my monarchs leap on a hit has also been really useful. I was defending a camp against 2 spellbreakers and they ended giving up and I don't blame them because I was able to kite them and avoid being chain stunned and kept them from capping camp until they realised they couldn't do anything to my build. Anyway, there's more testing to do. I don't think I would've been able to do this with the past iteration of sword, but I am still going to try and learn the strengths of the new version. I would say just give it some time to get used to the new mechanic whether you like/dislike it. It may or may not grow on you, but you'll be able to feel the fluidity of it somewhat. That is what I have gotten out of it and how I am dealing with it.


Wishful thinking: can we add a leap finisher to hornet sting? XD

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