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[NA][PVX]looking for a PVX guild!


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I've been playing GW2 since Apiril of last year and I always seem to join a dead guild.Therefore I've been soloing and learning about the game on my own..

I recently had take a break a few months from the game because of computer liquid cooler. it's all fixed now!!


I'm looking for a guild that is organized medium or small with a bunch of events and people to chat with on VC. Runs fractals, PVP, open-world, Meta. training raids and WVW if we're on the same server.

I have 8 level 80 characters, but i mostly main my reaper Nerco and sometimes switch to my scourge.


you can message my ign Fayiola.7608


Discord Sumanitu#7051

for more info about your guild.

Have a nice day ^.^

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Probably a bit later reply than one would hope for.


However,. I may have a guild you would be interested in.


We are [XHSA] a guild that's been around in the Guild Wars universe for over 14 years. You won't have to worry about this guild being dead or dying. We keep our membership capped at 200 and are very organized.


We are an active PvX guild that dabbles in a bit of everything and have regular activities for members to participate in. Including raids, fractals, meta trains, strike missions, guild missions, and wvw in Kaineng. In addition to this we also host contests, raffles, and giveaways.


We do also maintain an active discord most active in the evening hours where people utilize both text and voice.


If interested I encourage you to check out our recruitment post with links to our website for full details. https://redd.it/dbvmmg


We do have a short and simple app process. This is to ensure we are recruiting quality and respectful members, that understand rules, and to allow our community to get to know a bit about potential members before inviting them into the guild. We have found over the years this is very helpful in welcoming quality members into our community when they are being invited by the whole community instead of just added to the roster by an admin and hoping for the best.


If you have any questions the best way to get a hold of me is in-game or via our discord linked in our website.


Look forward to hearing from you.



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