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Too much to do; Too little time

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How many of you have too many active collections, crafting objectives, achievements, and other side projects?


I'm finding that many of mine are ~50-75% complete but can never seem to finish them before either running into a time-gate, 1000-count material grind, losing interest or even finding a new shiny idea.


I can eventually get to the really important ones: crafting ascended/Legendary weapons, but the smaller ones are too easy to pass on as "I'll get to them later."

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I imagine I am in a similar situation. However, it does not bother me. For example, I have all legendary collections active at the same time, but I do not work on any of them specifically. I just follow my usual routines and those collections slowly get completed. Once I see that I have only 1-2 items left, I go and get them.


I would say that if you feel pressure to finish things in an orderly manner, you could set your priorities based on some criteria and proceed from there. For example, you can check which collections are the closest to completion and start working on them from the most complete to the least complete. Or you can arrange them in term of time and money required. GW2efficiency can be very helpful in this.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> How many of you have too many active collections, crafting objectives, achievements, and other side projects?


> I'm finding that many of mine are ~50-75% complete but can never seem to finish them before either running into a time-gate, 1000-count material grind, losing interest or even finding a new shiny idea.


> I can eventually get to the really important ones: crafting ascended/Legendary weapons, but the smaller ones are too easy to pass on as "I'll get to them later."


Yeah, I was always in the same boat.

Most things it just seemed that the end didn't justify the means.

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I pick at the more intensive achievements a little at a time until I'm close to finishing and then go on a tear. Like the commenter above, I don't do anything special, I just play and if I am near where I have to do something I do it. If I find my self with time on my hands I will go achievement hunting, looking at my list for ones to specifically work on. The ones I put off are story ones that need a group. Never have the patients to put up a lfg to get one.

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I've always had a mental to-do list for this game, and I suspect I always will. What's on it changes frequently of course, but I've always got stuff I'm working on and stuff I will work on once the current stuff is done. It doesn't bother me though because I'm not in a rush to finish any of it, just means I always have something to aim for.


If there is something I really want to get done ASAP that goes to the top of the list (like when the skyscale came out) but other stuff will start out as a lower priority. For example I've been wanting to make the Claw of the Khan-Ur for my charr thief since it was released, but I didn't want to make another legendary at the time so it was fairly low priority for me. It meant I was saving mystic coins, amalgamated gemstones and other stuff I knew I'd need but I wasn't really working on it. I finally started about a month ago, but I'm not doing much yet because I ban myself from spending gold in August and September if I can avoid it, to save up for the Halloween mini (which usually costs about 10,000 candy corn and so a few hundred gold). After Halloween I'll spend all my remaining gold on elder wood and whatever else I need, and focus on the legendary until Wintersday comes out and probably after that too. Once it's finished I'll move on to whatever I want to do next.


I also have a whole load of achievements, collections etc. which unlocked automatically and are partially completed, but unless I actually want to complete them I don't count those.

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