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Appeal of the Russian-speaking community Guild Wars 2


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мы уже не просим полный перевод, хотябы дайте возможность нам между собой общаться на родном языке

we are no longer ask for a full translation, at least give us the opportunity to communicate with each other in our native language

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I play GW2 from Ukraine, I really love game's storyline, it's characters, quests etc. English - isn't a problem. Even better - it helps me to study it :)

But I really don't understand - why don't you guys just add cyrillic support for the chat? It's not complicated technically, I guess.

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A lot of games have issues with several languages because they use characters that the game doesn't support, some games are able to do this because they built the game to support those characters early on in the development. I guess the best workaround is coming up with a way to quick translate from cryllic to english and english to cryllic. I'd look into those types of avenues before i try to get Anet to build in functionality for something that would only be for a small subset of the player base this late in the game's life. As an aside, things like discord exist as a way to chat with friends outside of the game, that is probably the easiest way to make communication easier with non English players through Voip.

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> @"WizarXD.9602" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"WizarXD.9602" said:

> > > We demand an answer!

> >

> > Pretty sure they have already answered this request previously.

> > It likely does not offer a viable financial return on the time and costs associated to bringing this to fruition.

> >

> > Could they utilise a some kind of 3rd party or player driven alternative, most likely , but that could risk opening a can of worms they just don't want to have to then jump in and sort out.

> >

> > Does it suck - yeah I guess it does for those affected

> > Does it make sense from a business perspective - Unfortunately yes it does also.


> That's understandable. But sit on place and silenced, we, too, already not can. We do not ask for the translation of the whole game, we ask to add at least Cyrillic. At least in Guild Chat.


I hear ya, but it is what it is.. and likely to be even more unlikely to happen since loosing many faces at the company this past year , major reshuffling and a busy LS schedule to keep to following a fairly long dry spot across many facets of the game. Even just adding support for Cyrillic is likely a little more complicated than many of us realise.

As I said it definitely sucks, but it just doesn't line up with current priorities I guess from a business perspective.

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I'm a player who speaks Russian.

I don't need localization. I'm completely satisfied with the immersion in the game in English, but I would like to have the opportunity to write in Cyrillic. I want to be able to conveniently communicate with Russian-speaking players. I want to chat normally in my native language.

But I have to write transliteration. For example, "hi" - "privet" or "how are U?" - "kak tvoi dela?". It's hard and uncomfortable.

Please enter the Cyrillic alphabet into the game!

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Use a chat program or voip outside of the game, very easy workaround. At this point in the game's life cycle it's way too late to integrate unsupported languages characters. The testing alone for it would be very intensive to make sure there aren't any unintended crashes or other oddities from the implementation. What you could consider is pushing for them to support it for the next game they produce. It's way easier to build that support for multiple languages when the game is being developed rather than adding it 7 years into the game's life.

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> @"noviiparen.8163" said:

> **Hello from Russia, My friends!**


> In this video, the Russian-speaking gaming community of Guild Wars 2 request ArenaNet to start supporting Cyrillic letters in the game. I know that these problems not only Russian players , but also many other countries. Unfortunately, I cannot be responsible for everyone, but I can be responsible for those with whom I play. Do not remain indifferent to our problem and support our appeal!


> [https://youtu.be/xX6EQSBJbkA](https://youtu.be/xX6EQSBJbkA "https://youtu.be/xX6EQSBJbkA")


Sanya, well done! Maybe they will still hear us! I live in Scotland and I speak Russian.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You might find this thread enlightening (Dev responses): https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/307741/#Comment_307741

> I believe it references the same video.


> Good luck.


This topic (and dev response) was more about full translation. OK, i can understand, that translation of game its too much and not cost-effective at the moment. But we asking about Cyrillic, at least in guild chat and party. Its trivial feature in terms of implementation and the same time really essential.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I think it would need to much money to translate the game into Russian and I don’t think there is really a need for it. Everyone should be able to understand English good enough to understand the game.


NOBODY asking for a full game translation, please read the topic...People just ask for cyrrilic alphabet support so they can type in chat on their native language. Like german, french and spanish players do.

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