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If Anet ever made a new character transforming fractal which race would you like to place as next?


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I've always thought Anet should have one fight where your piloting asura golems. Maybe it would start with players transformed as asura, but then they have 3-5 golems to choose from for the fractal, each one would have different kit. Obviously something like dps golem, healer golem, boon golem. Maybe 1 or 2 would be focused on some sort of fractal specific mechanic.


Now obviously this would remove all of the players gear choices, profession choices etc. So I wouldn't want more than one fractal like this. But I think it could be really cool to have a single fractal like that. Of course it has to be done right, i.e. the golems can't be clunky. I would even say make the golems all move noticeably faster than regular players with swiftness. These golems should feel powerful. Probably with great maneuverability through some of the utility skills, Maybe the different golems would have different weapon skills but the same utility skills. I think having a fractal where all the players are restricted to a few kits could allow for really exciting game play with a lot of quick counterplay opportunities, and really tightly tuned challenge mote.


Of course this is somewhat idealistic. In a world where Anet releases 3 fractals a year, one that doesn't use the standard combat system would be seen as a fun change of pace. In a world where we probably only get 2 or 3 more fractals before this game closes up shop, not so much.

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> @"ListenToMe.5130" said:

> i don't buy into the tengu thing. people are trolling. no one wants tengu.


I could say a few things about wanting to play a skritt (which is what you seem to want to play), but instead I'm just going to point out that just because you don't want to play it, doesn't mean other people don't want to. Personally, I wish they would bring out Tengu as a new playable race, but I have a feeling we're never going to get that.


I would like to see some of the Tengu history, maybe about the event that brought them to Tyria or led them to build the Dominion of Winds.

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First off, you can wipe out 3 of the choices: human, charr and asura. There already exists racial transformation fractals for them. However, I do like that you put other requested races with the high probability that they'll never be playable races. If anything, it's a great way to "unofficially" put other races in the game! Still, I'd rather finish off the remaining two playable ones!

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