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Account to Game Story attachments.

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I don't notice a section where you can't access your toon's story/journal, unless I'm wrong.

So I thought, I hope one day ANET would make something like that in a future update.

Something that it's just browser accessible, even capable of being downloaded, so one doesn't have to log into the game to double check something.

I hope I'm not the only here that hopes there can be an access through browser, maybe on the overview section, or even just a new tab that says "Stories".

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I had 70% of site done to show you exactly that: The story and choices from your account or for a ton specifically. A download "book" was also an option.


Put the idea on the lore section of this forum and got two answers saying "yeah, cool" and other saying it was useless.


Of couse that cut my enthusiasm. It seems only a small group of community cares about it. (or at least a small group from forum)

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> @"rogermkiihl.1967" said:

> I had 70% of site done to show you exactly that: The story and choices from your account or for a ton specifically. A download "book" was also an option.


> Put the idea on the lore section of this forum and got two answers saying "yeah, cool" and other saying it was useless.


> Of couse that cut my enthusiasm. It seems only a small group of community cares about it. (or at least a small group from forum)


I have to admit I don't see the appeal. It's very rare that I need to know how far through the story one of my characters is when I'm not logged into the game, and I can remember most of them anyway. Maybe if someone has a lot of characters (I know some have over 70) or doesn't always do the story in order it might be helpful to have a way to check it without logging in to each one, but that's not going to be a lot of people.

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Ok it looks like (if I've understood correctly) what you want is on the Wiki. Have a look at this page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personal_story


It lists the whole personal story, including all the branches resulting from different choices you make along the way and if you put your API key in it will show which ones are completed on your account. (Only limitation I've spotted is it only counts characters still on your account, not ones you've deleted.)


Then each story step has it's own Wiki page which lists all the dialogue and the text which appears in your story journal once you've finished that step.

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Ah now I understand. Sadly I do not know of any that have the whole story of your character outside the game. But when you have time, while able to be in game, you can jot it down for the character you are using. Its not as convenient as just having it at your finger tips, but at this point the best alternative. The best I can think of is create a flow chart, of sorts or just enough of your in game character journal and reference back to the wiki. The info needed for what I believe you are wanting is in the wiki. You just have to have the reference of that particular character.

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