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EU Ranked PvP on Core Mantra Mesmer!


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For someone claiming to not care, you write long replies.


And my duel against vallun wasn't several minutes it was two and as [you can see I start from half hp without even expecting to fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IzRj5Qwaps&feature=youtu.be "you can see I start from half hp without even expecting to fight") at first and end up winning. You also claim its a condi build and its not try actually paying attention instead of desperately looking for anything to complain about. Axe warhorn and sd, your logic is linear lmao. Read up please


You also bring up the length of time it takes to kill but I use builds that actually require intelligent rotation not easy damage lb builds, you know the only build you and your ranger friends know how to play well? So two minutes coming from a half hp deficit without using trash lb dmg. Seems normal to me. Like all of your friends ive beaten, you claim everyone in my video is a bot yet the ones in your video aren't? The necro couldn't fight back because I had daze rotation on him. Nice try tho kid. And its funny you claim I spam evasion when I actually wait for initiation from the opponent to dodge while I have my back turned to bait their engagement. And I've been reported several times for "hacking" to the point that the entire PVP discord made rumors that my inf evasion build was a hack.


Our duel was boring because you couldn't even touch me and every trade resulted in me having significantly more dmg dealt. YI beat you both by point capture and damage dealt. The full duel is literally the same repeated engagements: your linear and unoriginal rotations easily evaded and my damage landing easily due to your predictable play style. I edit my videos DOWN to fit the average length that viewers will watch. Otherwise I'll end up with a minute montage and long fights that no one wants to watch. Your only forray in EU forced you to play a completely different class lmao.


> I took several minutes to kill a single meta marauders amulet herald on a full 1v1 condi spec. p.s. (it's double as embarassing because heralds barely have any condi clear lmfao)


Condi builds rely on condition damage. If you pay attention even just for three seconds you'll notice the condi ticks arent doing anything to him. So doubling down on this condi build is laughable. You can't even interpret video. Again, you can't even buy a plane ticket with whatever scraps you've won from gaming. Yet you brag about being a pro apex player. Lmaooooooo


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You keep trying to squirm around the point, but I've beaten you in a duel and you followed me after complimenting me. You keep claiming you followed me to see if I left but that story is years older that the duel in my video. Literally more than two years old. Simply checking the date my screenshot was created/modified on PC DESTROYS you story lmao.


You didn't add me for any other reason than getting whooped. Stop squirming for moot arguments. I beat you. I'm better than you. Lol

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> You keep trying to squirm around the point, but I've beaten you in a duel and you followed me after complimenting me. You keep claiming you followed me to see if I left but that story is years older that the duel in my video. Literally more than two years old. Simply checking the date my screenshot was created/modified on PC DESTROYS you story lmao.


> You didn't add me for any other reason than getting whooped. Stop squirming for moot arguments. I beat you. I'm better than you. Lol


"No you didn't. I'm better than you!"


lol that's so stupid man. You clearly recorded the fight between us, why don't you just upload the whole thing instead of hiding behind heavily edited screenshots and videos?


I'm confident enough to live stream gameplay and post raw footage of outnumbered fights (on multiple different classes btw, I have outnumbered wins recorded on several of them) so I don't have to run around claiming "Please! Please believe me that I killed people!"


[1v3 on a squishy ranger build](


[1v3 on a squishy mesmer build](



Like dude I have a lot to pick from and can easily record myself winning more outnumbered fights if I wanted to.


I'm not recycling the same old, heavily edited footage/screenshots because I have nothing else to back up my claims lol

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> For someone claiming to not care, you write long replies.


> 1. And my duel against vallun wasn't several minutes it was two and as [you can see I start from half hp without even expecting to fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IzRj5Qwaps&feature=youtu.be "you can see I start from half hp without even expecting to fight") at first and end up winning. You also claim its a condi build and its not try actually paying attention instead of desperately looking for anything to complain about. Axe warhorn and sd, your logic is linear lmao. Read up please


> 2. You also bring up the length of time it takes to kill but I use builds that actually require intelligent rotation not easy damage lb builds, you know the only build you and your ranger friends know how to play well? So two minutes coming from a half hp deficit without using trash lb dmg. Seems normal to me. Like all of your friends ive beaten, you claim everyone in my video is a bot yet the ones in your video aren't?

> 3. The necro couldn't fight back because I had daze rotation on him. Nice try tho kid. And its funny you claim I spam evasion when I actually wait for initiation from the opponent to dodge while I have my back turned to bait their engagement. And I've been reported several times for "hacking" to the point that the entire PVP discord made rumors that my inf evasion build was a hack.


> 4. Our duel was boring because you couldn't even touch me and every trade resulted in me having significantly more dmg dealt. YI beat you both by point capture and damage dealt. The full duel is literally the same repeated engagements: your linear and unoriginal rotations easily evaded and my damage landing easily due to your predictable play style. I edit my videos DOWN to fit the average length that viewers will watch. Otherwise I'll end up with a minute montage and long fights that no one wants to watch. Your only forray in EU forced you to play a completely different class lmao.


> > I took several minutes to kill a single meta marauders amulet herald on a full 1v1 condi spec. p.s. (it's double as embarassing because heralds barely have any condi clear lmfao)


> Condi builds rely on condition damage. If you pay attention even just for three seconds you'll notice the condi ticks arent doing anything to him. So doubling down on this condi build is laughable. You can't even interpret video. Again, you can't even buy a plane ticket with whatever scraps you've won from gaming. Yet you brag about being a pro apex player. Lmaooooooo



1. Dude Vallun can only play thief.

He's like very, very average on every other class. Idk why you're using him as an example especially on his rev... lmao


Here. I'll give you a tip. Win a straight 1v1 against Helio's spellbreaker or holo and post the FULL video footage of that with you both bowing at the start, show the chat log, and the person who dies at the end. Then people might start to take you seriously.


2. Dude I'm using a glass build that can die in 3 hits. It is objectively harder to survive on my build in comparison to your ripoff regen ranger bunker build that spams evades.

3. That's some severe lack of observational abilities. The necro literally stands in the middle of the node keyboard turning. Don't lie about that too lmao. He didn't even dodge once and was a complete bot. That's sad if that's the best example of your gameplay you can find.

4. Our duel was boring because you just ran from me the whole time on a full bunker spec.


I'll also upload footage of some condi ranger gameplay of mine if I can find it. Will edit this in a sec.

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You keep bringing up the same story you made up over two years ago (its even in the discords dated beyond this screenshot). [but here's proof that your story has nothing to do with this video](https://imgur.com/RDl0mfC.png "But here's proof that your story has nothing to do with this video"). And now your story changes from "I remember that day" to "Omg editted video". You added me because I whooped you. You're running out of excuses. I don't need people to take me seriously, I beat most of them. You're included in that.


Whether or not you want to see me as a professional or a troll, the money's coming to me regardless. The wins are coming to me regardless. The world famous streamers are coming to me regardless. I'm the only professional to have emerged from this toxic community. You're merely an imitation.


"Like omg dude I have more footage than you."

I have more bodies than you. I have more money than you. I have more qualifications in the industry of competitive gaming than you. I'm world ranked in over 8 popular competitive titles. You have footage facing NA players. All that proves is you press record more often. When we met, one lost and followed the other. Keep squirming though, I love that.

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> You keep bringing up the same story you made up over two years ago (its even in the discords dated beyond this screenshot). [but here's proof that your story has nothing to do with this video](https://imgur.com/RDl0mfC.png "But here's proof that your story has nothing to do with this video"). And now your story changes from "I remember that day" to "Omg editted video". You added me because I whooped you. You're running out of excuses. I don't need people to take me seriously, I beat most of them. You're included in that.


> Whether or not you want to see me as a professional or a troll, the money's coming to me regardless. The wins are coming to me regardless. The world famous streamers are coming to me regardless. I'm the only professional to have emerged from this toxic community. You're merely an imitation.


> "Like omg dude I have more footage than you."

> I have more bodies than you. I have more money than you. I have more qualifications in the industry of competitive gaming than you. I'm world ranked in over 8 popular competitive titles. You have footage facing NA players. All that proves is you press record more often. When we met, one lost and followed the other. Keep squirming though, I love that.


Don't just say it man, [prove it](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof).


You literally just spew nonsense without backing up any of your claims and wonder why people laugh at you.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:


> You literally just spew nonsense without backing up any of your claims and wonder why people laugh at you.


"You want my attention" "You want to be taken seriously" "You wonder why people laugh at you."


None of these are any more than assumptions. I don't care what you're laughing at lmao. I make more money than you from winning professional gaming tournaments. You're laughing at someone more relevant in the scene than you are. I did prove my claims as well. I put up the duel and the screenshot of you following me afterwards. You replied with a fictional story you've been telling your friends for two years. You offer some garbage, last minute lazy explanation for following me which I also disprove with a screenshot showing the date we dueled, which was a few months ago. You had plenty of compliments for me when you didn't know it was me. Now that you do, suddenly I'm garbage.


And talking about backing nothing up, wheres the evidence of this story of yours? All you're doing is putting up clips "See I can do it to". I literally out play you in every single fashion in that video. You try to downplay it, as every other friend of yours does, by claiming I only fight bots. Just like Sind claimed before I put a top 10 eu in the garbage. I showcased an entire powerpoint of screenshots against the best players in Europe. But of course all of my footage is fake all the screenshots are fake. I got called out by hundreds in EU for 5 entire years and duel on the spot with experimental builds. But of course I dodge duels. I come to twitch, Grimjack bans me from the chat then of course I'm dodging a duel again? I silenced myself then right?


I literally streamed [an entire series of F2p climbing ranked](https://youtu.be/f117cRB60IQ?t=430 "an entire series of F2p climbing ranked") and dueling experienced players. With a squishy af build. As if you'd even last half a season playing melee only f2p ranger. I have done everything there is to do. And you think I'm here to be taken seriously? Nothing I do will change the bully mentality that you and your friends attempt against me. But in truth, I am the only professional gamer to have emerged from GW2. I am the only GW2 player that will be competing against the likes of Sypher PK, Ninja, Nick Mercs, Tfue, Nickeh30. I don't care what you want to believe. I already beat you



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And I am not burdened by proof at all. I'm literally teetering on World fame this year with upcoming Fifa tournaments. Closing in on 450k USD just from that game. I'm the top rated Shinobi in all of For Honor and proved it by dominated two entire platforms on the game and facing world famous streamers. I play games with REAL money in them and I win. I proved all of it. Tell me, how many NA clips are you going to need to even touch 100k USD?


When I'm on the world stage with all the proof in the world of my stature, you'll still be making up fiction and looking for any slight to use as an argument. All you can talk about is semi pro apex legends. How many 100k tournaments have you even been invited to? How many million dollar prize pool tournaments? None. Yet you think I'm the one who needs people taking me serious. I was the best thing to happen to this game, competitively speaking. The only thing.

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> >

> > You literally just spew nonsense without backing up any of your claims and wonder why people laugh at you.


> "You want my attention" "You want to be taken seriously" "You wonder why people laugh at you."


> None of these are any more than assumptions. I don't care what you're laughing at lmao. I make more money than you from winning professional gaming tournaments. You're laughing at someone more relevant in the scene than you are. I did prove my claims as well. I put up the duel and the screenshot of you following me afterwards. You replied with a fictional story you've been telling your friends for two years. You offer some garbage, last minute lazy explanation for following me which I also disprove with a screenshot showing the date we dueled, which was a few months ago. You had plenty of compliments for me when you didn't know it was me. Now that you do, suddenly I'm garbage.


> And talking about backing nothing up, wheres the evidence of this story of yours? All you're doing is putting up clips "See I can do it to". I literally out play you in every single fashion in that video. You try to downplay it, as every other friend of yours does, by claiming I only fight bots. Just like Sind claimed before I put a top 10 eu in the garbage. I showcased an entire powerpoint of screenshots against the best players in Europe. But of course all of my footage is fake all the screenshots are fake. I got called out by hundreds in EU for 5 entire years and duel on the spot with experimental builds. But of course I dodge duels. I come to twitch, Grimjack bans me from the chat then of course I'm dodging a duel again? I silenced myself then right?


> I literally streamed [an entire series of F2p climbing ranked](https://youtu.be/f117cRB60IQ?t=430 "an entire series of F2p climbing ranked") and dueling experienced players. With a squishy af build. As if you'd even last half a season playing melee only f2p ranger. I have done everything there is to do. And you think I'm here to be taken seriously? Nothing I do will change the bully mentality that you and your friends attempt against me. But in truth, I am the only professional gamer to have emerged from GW2. I am the only GW2 player that will be competing against the likes of Sypher PK, Ninja, Nick Mercs, Tfue, Nickeh30. I don't care what you want to believe. I already beat you




Don't just say it man, [prove it](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof).


You literally just spew nonsense without backing up any of your claims and wonder why people laugh at you.


> @"bighead.3465" said:

> 1. Condi builds rely on condition damage. If you pay attention even just for three seconds you'll notice the condi ticks arent doing anything to him. So doubling down on this condi build is laughable.

> 2. You also bring up the length of time it takes to kill but I use builds that actually require intelligent rotation not easy damage lb builds, you know the only build you and your ranger friends know how to play well?

> 3. You play monkey builds that rely on one shot powerbursts, stealth and gimmicks. The duel video literally shows you using a braindead, copy pasted boonbeast build that isn't at all "squishier" or demonstrative of "intelligent" employment of cooldowns. Nothing about waiting for plasma to drop for boon copy is intelligent. I play every build every weapon and pet every single traitline on ranger. Gs sd, double dagger, axe war horn I've done it all with ping in eu. You barely even lasted a season there.


I literally take build requests on my stream so I have footage of me playing every single weapon set/core/elite spec on ranger + multiple classes as well because I'm not a basic one-trick ranger main like you.


[Outnumbered Condi Soulbeast](

) | Deadshot Amulet | Shortbow | Double Dagger


Btw, I run a squishier condi build than you do and killed/downed MULTIPLE people in the short time span of 4 minutes. Compare that to your video (that you're very proud of) of the single, very average revenant that took you 2 minutes to down (and [you almost died too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IzRj5Qwaps&feature=youtu.be&t=56) lmao).


You literally just got [lucky](https://imgur.com/cMnmFnk) here and he faced the wrong way on his sword 4 before the heal immobilize (which is something that he should've known to watch out for, but like I said, he only plays thief decently).

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> And I am not burdened by proof at all. I'm literally teetering on World fame this year with upcoming Fifa tournaments. Closing in on 450k USD just from that game. I'm the top rated Shinobi in all of For Honor and proved it by dominated two entire platforms on the game and facing world famous streamers. I play games with REAL money in them and I win. I proved all of it. Tell me, how many NA clips are you going to need to even touch 100k USD?


> When I'm on the world stage with all the proof in the world of my stature, you'll still be making up fiction and looking for any slight to use as an argument. All you can talk about is semi pro apex legends. How many 100k tournaments have you even been invited to? How many million dollar prize pool tournaments? None. Yet you think I'm the one who needs people taking me serious. I was the best thing to happen to this game, competitively speaking. The only thing.


My dude I didn't just compete in Apex. I'm busy with school right now but when I have time I'll stream comp for other games too. I also streamed pro scrims for Apex DAILY which were invite only against basically everyone involved in the comp scene. If you really want to throw big names out there, yes, I've fought/killed KingRichard, Diego, several other comp players (not huge entertainers, but other human aimbots that are signed to orgs), I played with several Tempo members every day for a few months. The vods are gone now since it's been so long but I can easily hop back into it when I have the chance.


Honestly dude you dropping names doesn't mean anything. When you play against them every day it just becomes normal lol


Again, if you're doing well in all of these tournaments, [prove it](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof).


Oh wait here... I'll post some screenshots of my Apex.

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I literally gazelle strided out of the aoe range after dodging the freeze moments prior and then waited with my back turned (for the second time) for the sword ambush to evade. And again you're leaving out the fact that I start this duel with most utilities on CD AND half hp. "You almost died too" You literally die over and over in your mesmer videos and your mmr plummeted as a result HAHAHA. Every win of mine is lucky isnt it lol. Every evade of mine is lucky according to you. Every loss of yours is your teams fault not yours. That logic man lol. And again "omg heres a clip with me using a squishier condition build and getting more kills" its higher condition damage thus higher kill potential. This single component of your build choice keeps eluding you lol. its easier to win a 1v2 with a build that has the damage to kill two people (and relies on GS block and invulns but you keep leaving that part out) but "muh logic". Just because you record more doesn't mean anything other than you press record more. I can and have played literally every possible build on ranger. "My build is squishier but does more damage therefore I'm better than you."....but I literally beat you haha


> I'm busy with school right now but when I have time ...


Notice how you expect me to take this excuse seriously but here you are complaining about my lack of footage. You're in school, I run two online businesses and house my family. My time is infinitely more busy than your schoolwork. If you're offering reasons for lack of competitive footage in other games, stop posting about burden of proof. Your logic is s*** too because you always have an excuse for your loss and always have an excuse for my win. Im lucky Im dodging and I'm lying according to you. What exactly are you then? None of those clips have me in them. Not one. By tomorrow I can replicate everything you've posted, BUT IN EU WITH PING. Then what? You're forgetting the most important part here: I've already beaten you

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Look at the names:


1. https://imgur.com/a/O3a0FAq

2. https://imgur.com/a/F1h6xFj

3. https://imgur.com/a/d9ecIJs

4. https://imgur.com/a/Jrn3K8I

5. https://tempostorm.com/articles/solveful




Here's some Fortnite stuff:


1. https://imgur.com/a/vd96gz9




Like dude you're cracked. I guarantee would've heard of you if you played comp in any games. I have stuff from Battlerite, Smite, etc. etc. never once seen/heard of anyone that remotely resembles you.

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> I didn't just compete in Apex


You didnt compete in apex at all. You're not invited to any invitationals, you aren't making money or taking large prize pools. You're an amateur gamer by definition. When the Fifa VP league starts up, I'll make sure to spam the videos to you and even show you my paypal winnings. You'll have yet another excuse "those are bots, you got lucky" its irrational and incredibly hypocritical from you. One year on from now, you'll still be amateur level telling me that I'm fighting bots or my games aren't good to compete in or some other garbage. I am a professional gamer. I could live off of what I win. Can you?

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> I literally gazelle strided out of the aoe range after dodging the freeze moments prior and then waited with my back turned (for the second time) for the sword ambush to evade. And again you're leaving out the fact that I start this duel with most utilities on CD AND half hp. "You almost died too" You literally die over and over in your mesmer videos and your mmr plummeted as a result HAHAHA. Every win of mine is lucky isnt it lol. Every evade of mine is lucky according to you. Every loss of yours is your teams fault not yours. That logic man lol. And again "omg heres a clip with me using a squishier condition build and getting more kills" its higher condition damage thus higher kill potential. This single component of your build choice keeps eluding you lol. its easier to win a 1v2 with a build that has the damage to kill two people (and relies on GS block and invulns but you keep leaving that part out) but "muh logic". Just because you record more doesn't mean anything other than you press record more. I can and have played literally every possible build on ranger. "My build is squishier but does more damage therefore I'm better than you."....but I literally beat you haha


> > I'm busy with school right now but when I have time ...


> 2. Notice how you expect me to take this excuse seriously but here you are complaining about my lack of footage. You're in school, I run two online businesses and house my family. My time is infinitely more busy than your schoolwork. If you're offering reasons for lack of competitive footage in other games, stop posting about burden of proof. Your logic is s*** too because you always have an excuse for your loss and always have an excuse for my win. Im lucky Im dodging and I'm lying according to you. What exactly are you then? None of those clips have me in them. Not one. By tomorrow I can replicate everything you've posted, BUT IN EU WITH PING. Then what? You're forgetting the most important part here: I've already beaten you


Yes, you make soooooooo much money. That's why you stream/record on a potato that maxes out on 500p.

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> > I didn't just compete in Apex


> You didnt compete in apex at all. You're not invited to any invitationals, you aren't making money or taking large prize pools. You're an amateur gamer by definition. When the Fifa VP league starts up, I'll make sure to spam the videos to you and even show you my paypal winnings. You'll have yet another excuse "those are bots, you got lucky" its irrational and incredibly hypocritical from you. One year on from now, you'll still be amateur level telling me that I'm fighting bots or my games aren't good to compete in or some other garbage. I am a professional gamer. I could live off of what I win. Can you?


Lol that's false. But I'm not gonna get into that or link anything that shows my name/face. I'm not tryna have you obsess over me irl like you do in GW2.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > I literally gazelle strided out of the aoe range after dodging the freeze moments prior and then waited with my back turned (for the second time) for the sword ambush to evade. And again you're leaving out the fact that I start this duel with most utilities on CD AND half hp. "You almost died too" You literally die over and over in your mesmer videos and your mmr plummeted as a result HAHAHA. Every win of mine is lucky isnt it lol. Every evade of mine is lucky according to you. Every loss of yours is your teams fault not yours. That logic man lol. And again "omg heres a clip with me using a squishier condition build and getting more kills" its higher condition damage thus higher kill potential. This single component of your build choice keeps eluding you lol. its easier to win a 1v2 with a build that has the damage to kill two people (and relies on GS block and invulns but you keep leaving that part out) but "muh logic". Just because you record more doesn't mean anything other than you press record more. I can and have played literally every possible build on ranger. "My build is squishier but does more damage therefore I'm better than you."....but I literally beat you haha

> >

> > > I'm busy with school right now but when I have time ...

> >

> > 2. Notice how you expect me to take this excuse seriously but here you are complaining about my lack of footage. You're in school, I run two online businesses and house my family. My time is infinitely more busy than your schoolwork. If you're offering reasons for lack of competitive footage in other games, stop posting about burden of proof. Your logic is s*** too because you always have an excuse for your loss and always have an excuse for my win. Im lucky Im dodging and I'm lying according to you. What exactly are you then? None of those clips have me in them. Not one. By tomorrow I can replicate everything you've posted, BUT IN EU WITH PING. Then what? You're forgetting the most important part here: I've already beaten you


> Yes, you make soooooooo much money. That's why you stream/record on a potato that maxes out on 500p.


"Wow you have money you better spend it on what I would spend it on"


I play guild wars 2 on my music production laptop. I don't need to invest in a gaming PC because the tournaments I go to (the real one's with real money) provide machines to be used. And again your logic is trash. "You can't be a professional gamer unless you play on an expensive PC" On the contrary I don't even need 60 fps to beat you in this game. Thats the funniest part.


Secondly, its my money I'll choose how I invest it (back into my businesses that make me more money than buy a gaming rig would) and many of the fighting games I play are actually on console lmao. My fifa footage is 4k. And 450k USD over 5 years is less than 100k a year. Thats "soooooo" much money to you? Move out of your parents basement then. I was scripting IG bots and started my marketting company as a college freshman. You're only revealing how amateur you are and it's HILARIOUS.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > I didn't just compete in Apex

> >

> > You didnt compete in apex at all. You're not invited to any invitationals, you aren't making money or taking large prize pools. You're an amateur gamer by definition. When the Fifa VP league starts up, I'll make sure to spam the videos to you and even show you my paypal winnings. You'll have yet another excuse "those are bots, you got lucky" its irrational and incredibly hypocritical from you. One year on from now, you'll still be amateur level telling me that I'm fighting bots or my games aren't good to compete in or some other garbage. I am a professional gamer. I could live off of what I win. Can you?


> Lol that's false. But I'm not gonna get into that or link anything that shows my name/face. I'm not tryna have you obsess over me irl like you do in GW2.


"B-B-Burden of proof." Lmaoooo

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > I didn't just compete in Apex

> > >

> > > You didnt compete in apex at all. You're not invited to any invitationals, you aren't making money or taking large prize pools. You're an amateur gamer by definition. When the Fifa VP league starts up, I'll make sure to spam the videos to you and even show you my paypal winnings. You'll have yet another excuse "those are bots, you got lucky" its irrational and incredibly hypocritical from you. One year on from now, you'll still be amateur level telling me that I'm fighting bots or my games aren't good to compete in or some other garbage. I am a professional gamer. I could live off of what I win. Can you?

> >

> > Lol that's false. But I'm not gonna get into that or link anything that shows my name/face. I'm not tryna have you obsess over me irl like you do in GW2.


> "B-B-Burden of proof." Lmaoooo


You have yet to link a single thing proving you actually compete in anything. My dude you literally placed in gold on stream so you're quite literally in the middle of the pack skill-wise in this game.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > > I didn't just compete in Apex

> > > >

> > > > You didnt compete in apex at all. You're not invited to any invitationals, you aren't making money or taking large prize pools. You're an amateur gamer by definition. When the Fifa VP league starts up, I'll make sure to spam the videos to you and even show you my paypal winnings. You'll have yet another excuse "those are bots, you got lucky" its irrational and incredibly hypocritical from you. One year on from now, you'll still be amateur level telling me that I'm fighting bots or my games aren't good to compete in or some other garbage. I am a professional gamer. I could live off of what I win. Can you?

> > >

> > > Lol that's false. But I'm not gonna get into that or link anything that shows my name/face. I'm not tryna have you obsess over me irl like you do in GW2.

> >

> > "B-B-Burden of proof." Lmaoooo


> You have yet to link a single thing proving you actually compete in anything. My dude you literally placed in gold on stream so you're quite literally in the middle of the pack skill-wise in this game.


Placed gold on stream? Again you make stuff up haha. I've always placed plat in eu and na especially. And there isn't even a past broadcast up that shows my placements so you're literally just "spewing nonsense" you read somewhere. You need sleep your logic, like your EU mmr, is plummeting

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > > > I didn't just compete in Apex

> > > > >

> > > > > You didnt compete in apex at all. You're not invited to any invitationals, you aren't making money or taking large prize pools. You're an amateur gamer by definition. When the Fifa VP league starts up, I'll make sure to spam the videos to you and even show you my paypal winnings. You'll have yet another excuse "those are bots, you got lucky" its irrational and incredibly hypocritical from you. One year on from now, you'll still be amateur level telling me that I'm fighting bots or my games aren't good to compete in or some other garbage. I am a professional gamer. I could live off of what I win. Can you?

> > > >

> > > > Lol that's false. But I'm not gonna get into that or link anything that shows my name/face. I'm not tryna have you obsess over me irl like you do in GW2.

> > >

> > > "B-B-Burden of proof." Lmaoooo

> >

> > You have yet to link a single thing proving you actually compete in anything. My dude you literally placed in gold on stream so you're quite literally in the middle of the pack skill-wise in this game.


> Placed gold on stream? Again you make stuff up haha. I've always placed plat in eu and na especially. And there isn't even a past broadcast up that shows my placements so you're literally just "spewing nonsense" you read somewhere. You need sleep your logic, like your EU mmr, is plummeting


Yeah I just checked. You probably just deleted it too lol


You placed in like high gold 2. Why do you think all of your gameplay footage/screenshots come from FFA arena? Matchmaking literally won't match you up against actual high plat/legend players cause you're too low.


FFA arena is literally the only place you might get lucky and stumble across a decent player unless you hit the matchmaking jackpot at off-hours and happen to luck into anyone above plat 2.

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> https://imgur.com/a/GHLQM5E


> Qualified for the world tournament 10k USD Prize was banned for toxicity during prelim qualifiers. Switched to PC where I then never lost a single duel. I'm still on the leaderboards 100% rating. Beat sypher pk king richard and iskys




Dude you scrubbed out every single name of every single person in there except you and didn't even drop the name of the tourny or the game it was in. What a joke lmfao

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > > > > I didn't just compete in Apex

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You didnt compete in apex at all. You're not invited to any invitationals, you aren't making money or taking large prize pools. You're an amateur gamer by definition. When the Fifa VP league starts up, I'll make sure to spam the videos to you and even show you my paypal winnings. You'll have yet another excuse "those are bots, you got lucky" its irrational and incredibly hypocritical from you. One year on from now, you'll still be amateur level telling me that I'm fighting bots or my games aren't good to compete in or some other garbage. I am a professional gamer. I could live off of what I win. Can you?

> > > > >

> > > > > Lol that's false. But I'm not gonna get into that or link anything that shows my name/face. I'm not tryna have you obsess over me irl like you do in GW2.

> > > >

> > > > "B-B-Burden of proof." Lmaoooo

> > >

> > > You have yet to link a single thing proving you actually compete in anything. My dude you literally placed in gold on stream so you're quite literally in the middle of the pack skill-wise in this game.

> >

> > Placed gold on stream? Again you make stuff up haha. I've always placed plat in eu and na especially. And there isn't even a past broadcast up that shows my placements so you're literally just "spewing nonsense" you read somewhere. You need sleep your logic, like your EU mmr, is plummeting


> Yeah I just checked. You probably just deleted it too lol


> You placed in like high gold 2. Why do you think all of your gameplay footage/screenshots come from FFA arena? Matchmaking literally won't match you up against actual high plat/legend players cause you're too low.


> FFA arena is literally the only place you might get lucky and stumble across a decent player unless you hit the matchmaking jackpot at off-hours and happen to luck into anyone above plat 2.


You didn't check anything at all. There's literally never been footage showing my placements outside of my freetoplay series where I placed plat one. You keep talking about proof you have nothing to reply to me with but nonsense stories. "I remember that day" nope disproven. "You literally placed gold" Again never happened and the only placement recorded was f2p. Stop making up low effort lies and invest a bit more time. its pathetic

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> @"bighead.3465" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > > > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > > > > > > > I didn't just compete in Apex

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You didnt compete in apex at all. You're not invited to any invitationals, you aren't making money or taking large prize pools. You're an amateur gamer by definition. When the Fifa VP league starts up, I'll make sure to spam the videos to you and even show you my paypal winnings. You'll have yet another excuse "those are bots, you got lucky" its irrational and incredibly hypocritical from you. One year on from now, you'll still be amateur level telling me that I'm fighting bots or my games aren't good to compete in or some other garbage. I am a professional gamer. I could live off of what I win. Can you?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Lol that's false. But I'm not gonna get into that or link anything that shows my name/face. I'm not tryna have you obsess over me irl like you do in GW2.

> > > > >

> > > > > "B-B-Burden of proof." Lmaoooo

> > > >

> > > > You have yet to link a single thing proving you actually compete in anything. My dude you literally placed in gold on stream so you're quite literally in the middle of the pack skill-wise in this game.

> > >

> > > Placed gold on stream? Again you make stuff up haha. I've always placed plat in eu and na especially. And there isn't even a past broadcast up that shows my placements so you're literally just "spewing nonsense" you read somewhere. You need sleep your logic, like your EU mmr, is plummeting

> >

> > Yeah I just checked. You probably just deleted it too lol

> >

> > You placed in like high gold 2. Why do you think all of your gameplay footage/screenshots come from FFA arena? Matchmaking literally won't match you up against actual high plat/legend players cause you're too low.

> >

> > FFA arena is literally the only place you might get lucky and stumble across a decent player unless you hit the matchmaking jackpot at off-hours and happen to luck into anyone above plat 2.


> You didn't check anything at all. There's literally never been footage showing my placements outside of my freetoplay series where I placed plat one. You keep talking about proof you have nothing to reply to me with but nonsense stories. "I remember that day" nope disproven. "You literally placed gold" Again never happened and the only placement recorded was f2p. Stop making up low effort lies and invest a bit more time. its pathetic


In the F2P series you were in gold. Either way, neither of us have proof one way or the other because you deleted the vods. I'm not going to play the finger pointing game regarding this specific topic.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"bighead.3465" said:

> > https://imgur.com/a/GHLQM5E

> >

> > Qualified for the world tournament 10k USD Prize was banned for toxicity during prelim qualifiers. Switched to PC where I then never lost a single duel. I'm still on the leaderboards 100% rating. Beat sypher pk king richard and iskys




> Dude you scrubbed out every single name of every single person in there except you and didn't even drop the name of the tourny or the game it was in. What a joke lmfao


It's forhonor and I had to scrub the names at the time to post it in the for honor subreddit. Keep laughing you literally haven't accomplished anything for the last hour except showing garbage mesmer plays. I have footage outplaying you in a duel that you claimed you won. I have images showing that your story for following me is trash and literally predates the duel by 2 years. Even Guild Wars forums has the same name rule for images. Man Im serious, you are approaching primitive levels of logic.

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