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AFKers getting smarter


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I've been noticing players who will fight in like the first fight over mid (or even a little after) and then just /afk the rest of the match, it's really stupid and really annoying. The worst was we actually were winning once when this happened. I think that this is happening because Anet is getting smarter about how it deals with rank points, I'm not sure about the winning side, but i know the losing side isn't losing rank, so AFKers are being just active enough to throw off automated means of afk detection and it's a huge QoL impact.

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> @"Fearless.3569" said:

> The only way to get rid of AFKers in Ranked. Is to bring back full pre made teams. Anything short of that invites AFKer trolls and wintraders


I would prefer ranked be split into solo q and full premade, and this duo queue garbage we have get flushed down the toilet. As anet has already openly admitted they don't care about balancing teams with duos any more in favor of queue times.


That being said i don't think that's the only way to deal with it. They could require more queue pops at once, making it harder to manipulate with only 1 other account, keep free to play players out of ranked (they must have purchased the most recent expansion to participate, adding more cost to smurf accounts) and not allowing any sort of communication between opposing teams (making coordination impossible). All of those make manipulation harder in some way. They should also perma ban accounts that are repeat offenders fron ranked pvp, further increasing cost on smurf accounts and cheating in general.


Also, allow zoning while in queue, that way it's not a big deal to have to wait longer.

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