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Anet please dont nerf us into the ground


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> @Jitterboy.3709 said:

> > @Kam.4092 said:

> > > @Jitterboy.3709 said:

> > > I can't wait to see these nerfs happen and see NO NECRO in every pug group i try to get into for raids. It's fun when your class offers nothing compared to other classes so much so that the community shuns and outcasts you from doing high end content. But again just have to wait and see how bad these nerfs will be and if my necro (which was the first character I got to 80 on release and have had the longest) ends up going on the bench again till another expansion with hopes that we will for once be a viable choice.

> >

> > You're using viable wrong. Necro has always been viable, it's just not optimal. I've never had a problem in Fractals. I always pug too. Just wait until next Tuesday I guess. :/


> Never mentioned fractals once. I am talking about RAIDS my friend. The raiding community became so bigoted towards necro players that they were not taken whatsoever. With good reason. We offer nothing compared to other classes. they do everything we do but better. With scourge the way it is now we finally bring something to the table. Sadly with Anets track record its going to be nerfed to the point that I see NO NECRO for another 3 years. Don't believe me. Look at power reaper. It's still waiting for buffs that are probably never coming.


Either way, it's 5 days too soon to be upset, and spreading doom and gloom. This always happens whenever nerf talk is brought up. The biggest recent example is raging over PoF pre launch balance for Scourge. Everyone said Scourge was dead before it went live. It was a complete mess on the forums, thread after thread. It even caused a mess on the Reddit. Scourge QQ threads were getting removed, and it was embarrassing to me as a Necro main.


After Necros making one of the biggest cryfests in MMO history, when Scourge launched, it was performing extremely well, and everyone was raving and happy.


The exact same thing is happening again pretty much. A dev mentioned Shades not working as intended. Then people clog up the forum with doom posts of Necro being dead soon, etc, etc.


It makes more sense to give reactions after a balance patch. Getting upset before it even happens is pretty pointless.

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> Dungeons, fractals, and open world events all include a ton more direct damage than raids. Raids are near-exclusively limited to damage that requires breaking a breakbar, stepping into a colored shape, or stepping out of a colored shape. You stack in melee range, which isn’t a problem because the target doesn’t move, heal through whatever damage does come in, and bathe in boons from your support. It’s an aberration.


uh? have you actually raided before?

Raids are pretty much the same as fractals, but there are twice as many people.

(and they take a lot longer and there are far fewer of them)

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> Maybe raids shouldn’t be the metric for anything’s performance...


Maybe it's about fucking time that necro gets his spot in raids.


All the open world lovers, PvP lovers and WvW lovers already had their share with reaper. It's as if you guys want to keep necro an exclusive trash class for highend PvE.


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> @reikken.4961 said:

> > @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > Dungeons, fractals, and open world events all include a ton more direct damage than raids. Raids are near-exclusively limited to damage that requires breaking a breakbar, stepping into a colored shape, or stepping out of a colored shape. You stack in melee range, which isn’t a problem because the target doesn’t move, heal through whatever damage does come in, and bathe in boons from your support. It’s an aberration.


> uh? have you actually raided before?

> Raids are pretty much the same as fractals, but there are twice as many people.

> (and they take a lot longer and there are far fewer of them)


After this comment, I must question whether you have raided before. Because suggesting fractals are like Raids is just preposterous.

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> @Kam.4092 said:

> > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > Fun fact: Scourge was suppose to be a support class


> Wasn't Tempest supposed to be support too? Look how that turned out.


Did you miss out on season 1 entirely or something? Tempests _were_ support bunkers, putting out 500k+ healing per game and never dying. Hell, I remember one game in which my brother fought over tranquility for most of the game. Nobody died, nobody got it, after several minutes of that the game ended, and he'd done more than 750,000 healing.


Anyways, scourge absolutely does need a nerf, but I hope they don't gut it. It's just that right now, people with no experience on necromancer are getting carried by the elite specialization. I mean, it's not completely idiot proof; I have seen people so terrible at it that they manage to die/lose. However, those players are few and far between compared to thoroughly mediocre players defeating more skilled opponents because of scourge's oppressive AoEs.

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> @"Unholy Pillager.3791" said:

> > @Kam.4092 said:

> > > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > Fun fact: Scourge was suppose to be a support class

> >

> > Wasn't Tempest supposed to be support too? Look how that turned out.


> Did you miss out on season 1 entirely or something? Tempests _were_ support bunkers, putting out 500k+ healing per game and never dying. Hell, I remember one game in which my brother fought over tranquility for most of the game. Nobody died, nobody got it, after several minutes of that the game ended, and he'd done more than 750,000 healing.


> Anyways, scourge absolutely does need a nerf, but I hope they don't gut it. It's just that right now, people with no experience on necromancer are getting carried by the elite specialization. I mean, it's not completely idiot proof; I have seen people so terrible at it that they manage to die/lose. However, those players are few and far between compared to thoroughly mediocre players defeating more skilled opponents because of scourge's oppressive AoEs.


I think the best thing would be to just make Scourge support as it was suppose to be. Turn corruption into boon strip. Necros already have tons of conditions I dont understand why they felt it was necessery to make them be able to turn boons into more conditions. And those shades for the love of God..

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > @"Unholy Pillager.3791" said:

> > > @Kam.4092 said:

> > > > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > > > Fun fact: Scourge was suppose to be a support class

> > >

> > > Wasn't Tempest supposed to be support too? Look how that turned out.

> >

> > Did you miss out on season 1 entirely or something? Tempests _were_ support bunkers, putting out 500k+ healing per game and never dying. Hell, I remember one game in which my brother fought over tranquility for most of the game. Nobody died, nobody got it, after several minutes of that the game ended, and he'd done more than 750,000 healing.

> >

> > Anyways, scourge absolutely does need a nerf, but I hope they don't gut it. It's just that right now, people with no experience on necromancer are getting carried by the elite specialization. I mean, it's not completely idiot proof; I have seen people so terrible at it that they manage to die/lose. However, those players are few and far between compared to thoroughly mediocre players defeating more skilled opponents because of scourge's oppressive AoEs.


> I think the best thing would be to just make Scourge support as it was suppose to be. Turn corruption into boon strip. Necros already have tons of conditions I dont understand why they felt it was necessery to make them be able to turn boons into more conditions. And those shades for the love of God..


It's horrendous with two scourges on the opposing team. The raised structure that holds the mid point in Forest of Niflheim? Almost completely covered in AoEs. Not just the capture point, _the whole platform_.

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The new specs create a while new meta for PvP and thats good for the game type becuaee it requires people to change think and makes more dynamic games.


Lately I've been seeing bunker guards on firebrand with rev support that are super hard to kill, even with all the boon strip necros can do.


Ive seen people who dont know how to burst, and ive seen spellbreakers and engineers who know how to counter scourge burst.


Trust me as a necro you learn to anticipate and try to counter peoples burst (aka warriors stun Condi and kill you with cc pre pof) and now people need to learn to do that with necro. I have no sympathy for those that have to learn how to counter play since we've been doing it for years.


I would like to see a buff to support:

More scaling on transfusion to healing power

Barrier decay being tied to concentration


The reddit AmA sugested that power scourge is something they are looking at and running full seek in raids I can say that power scourge ticks from shades is really nice while hitting with weapon skills at the same time. Perhaps they could lower the power scaling by 10% and give us 1 more second of torment baseline on the shade skill. Something to balance and move the damage.



Tldr: changes to PvP are good. Learn to counterplay necro in PvP, not just whine. Neuro needs support values changed. BALANCE in damage is needed, not straight needs.

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HUH you know how we were all doom and gloom about necro and people were telling us we were wrong. Well we effectively lost about 6-9k dps in pve. BACK TO THE DAYS OF "NO NECRO" for raid groups. Thanks ANET! Lets just keep fucking over the necro class. May as well just remove it from the game at this point.


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Yup, why play a support focused necro when warrior brings more dps and 4 times as much support in the form of banners, might, empower allies and even strong, low CD cc


It just seems like necro will forever be the class anet will never let be as good as the others

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