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If ANET really cared about opening up space so they can improve Scourge why would they???


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Why would they force power melee scourge, you don't even need to place shades.

Why is epidemic still as powerful as it is, why is boon corrupt still the same. Sure these things are not useful everywhere but if the spec is nerfed because of the power of these 2 things then the 2 things are the problem, not the ability to cast your f1-f5 on your shades and yourself.


I think people who called prior this patch scourge braindead must of been playing power melee, they get buffed and ranged scourge gets nerfed, because they believe ranged weapons should be lesser damage than that of melee for some reason. Oh sure all of you guys huddling together in melee, with full access to heals/buffs and being able to aegis/distort/block all mechanics really need to do more damage then ranged because you have to 'put yourself in danger' LOLOLOLOL.


Sure in WvW its a massive buff for zerg content, but if you say are alone or a small group and you throw a shade at someone then they run at you, you can only defend yourself by placing another shade on yourself and tryign to bunker on that shade instead of kiting or w/e


They have forced people to give up ranged because they dont think you should be able to be ranged and have some very minor option to defend yourself, they would much rather you play power melee scourge and ignore the shade mechanic entirely. That's waht they want, they want everyone to huddle up and ignore all mechanics and they will buff you if a ranged option is better.


They balance based on what the end game pve community want only, if they listened to wvw people they wouldnt of been buffed so that they are more oppressive and have even less defense. Open worlders are forced to play melee or be defenseless. The only people that benefit from this are scourge supports (Which are melee) for raiding and the yare still niche epidemic bots while playing braindead melee power f4 for free revives if you team failed to aegis that certain mechanic.


What they need to do is obv revert their changes entirely, even death magic coz its a worthless rework tbh... Then nerf epi for pve, buff sand savant to 10 targets for scourge support, with epi nerf you can buff the damage of condi scourge and ofc buff the punishment skills, apart from the worst punishement skill they are all melee, most are useless unless you got something to corrupt, thats the problem, everything is weak because if it just had OK damage alongside all the epidemics and boon corrupts it would be too powerful...


You may think the mechanical change of casting the f1-f5 on yourself and shade is nothing important but its literally killed the spec for me, scourge isnt supposed to be power melee or even melee, the ability to cast on yourself and shade shows that they wanted you to play from afar

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P.S. The reasons they gave for the change was a lie, they dont want to open up the scourge spec for improvements, jsut look at what they have done, they forced even more onto the niche power of spec(boon corrupt) and epi remains untouched. Then they nerfed its ranged viabaility (0 defenses), buffed its braindeadedness (melee with no shades)

which is what they wanted, dont listen to the lies about opening the spec up to imrpovements, they want to restrict it even more

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I have said this before and I will say it again, ANET HATES NECRO, so much that they want to REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME, but they cant because of all the backlash they would get, next best thing? NERF IT SO MUCH AND SO BADLY that no one plays it. then it is basically as if it was removed from the game without removing it

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The only reason they acted like that is because they somehow think that area denial is what the scourge is designed to do. ANet is this kind of editor which tend to be extremly studborn about petty things and would rather nerf the quality of life of the players than fix the source of the issues. And the best is that they hate to go back on their change, which would basically mean that they acknowledge that they kittened up.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> The only reason they acted like that is because they somehow think that area denial is what the scourge is designed to do. ANet is this kind of editor which tend to be extremly studborn about petty things and would rather nerf the quality of life of the players than fix the source of the issues. And the best is that they hate to go back on their change, which would basically mean that they acknowledge that they kittened up.


I would have far more respect for them if they came along and said, ok we messed up here and our changes did not go as planned and we have rolled them back until we can get a better solution to the problem, however they wont, they will bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine, the new necro change is horrible, it completely removes fluid game play, they want us to be melee but the class is not designed well for that, but as others have said if really does feel like necro is a hated class, and they want to nerf it down to nothing,


The should have split that change and left if alone in PvE ( open world ) and changed it for WvW ( where a change was needed )


I have completely stopped playing now, as i feels like a chore to play now, its like they completely forgot that enemies in this game are not static, and run out of shades fairly fast.

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They changed it because a few vocal people complained about area denial. So Anet gave them exactly what they asked for; they cut their area denial in half, but of course to even out damage or target disparity (as scourges are forced into melee range and super damn slow), they had to increase to 10 targets. The end result, the scourge is even more oppressive and obliterating than before. They didn't change it based on PvE needs, the change actually screwed PvE'ers royally because boss targets move. Which if they move, makes more sense to cast f1-f5 on yourself while chasing them around, rather than dropping the shade in 1 spot, having the boss move, then you're sitting there with your hands in your pocket for a dozen or more seconds being completely ineffective.


It's a case of players that called for a change, should have remained tight-lipped and put a lot more thought into what they were asking for. I know the classes the complainers were coming from (guardians & warriors), because no ele, rev, ranger, or thief will be in the kill zone. You might find scrappers or chrono's running in the red circles, but all the chronos and scrappers i've ran with have had 0 issue with scourges previous to this change.


Then one has to ask they question: Then what is the actual problem with the scourge? The answer: Nothing, there is no problem, there never was, but the more "balance" patches they release, problem in-turn get creaated. Many players to this day complain about "power creep" when in actuality, all the Pof specs have been destroyed except for the Firebrand; we see more HoT classes in WvW than actual PoF classes. There is no power creep. Players think damage is too high, yet they can't figure out that it's not 1 person hitting them 15-30 players hitting them. Players think Scourges are too overbearing and deal too much condition damage, yet a shade on it's own with the F skills deals pitiful damage; it's the fact that players are likely being hit by 10-15 scourges.


The problem isn't any class (except the Guardian), or damage, it's **volume** It's the amount of players hitting you, and the amount of aoe's you're standing in (which begs the question why do you run through or stand in AoE's to begin with). Maybe the better turn their complaints to the volume of players allowed on each map in WvW.


Every balance patch they release, it seems the play because less and less fluid and more clunky.

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Well. Playing the old playstyle from before the patch:

On soulless horror:

Before: ~22-23k target dps

After: ~19k target dps

With deathmagic or soulreaping, tried both.


Just that one change was a 15-20% dmg loss! Because of moving boss.

And you'd imagine moving bosses are good for scourge because of torment application.

But firebrands and mirages are the dmg gods, that hit ~29-32k on average at this boss.

That's more than 150% of necros dmg! So 50% more.


Sure, cleave should be considered as well, but it's just insane how much more value you have from playing firebrand or mirage here.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > The only reason they acted like that is because they somehow think that area denial is what the scourge is designed to do. ANet is this kind of editor which tend to be extremly studborn about petty things and would rather nerf the quality of life of the players than fix the source of the issues. And the best is that they hate to go back on their change, which would basically mean that they acknowledge that they kittened up.


> I would have far more respect for them if they came along and said, ok we messed up here and our changes did not go as planned and we have rolled them back until we can get a better solution to the problem, however they wont, they will bury their heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine, the new necro change is horrible, it completely removes fluid game play, they want us to be melee but the class is not designed well for that, but as others have said if really does feel like necro is a hated class, and they want to nerf it down to nothing,


I still don't feel like they hate the necromancer, they just stick to much to a flawed design and refuse to accept that somehow they need to do something about it. Just how many time did they already tried to nerf shades to soothe players? They nerfed core traits, put a delay to the damage, a big red circle, nerfed CD, nerfed the number of condition converted... etc. All of that for what? Still the same complaints.


> The should have split that change and left if alone in PvE ( open world ) and changed it for WvW ( where a change was needed )


Even in WvW the change is arguable. What they did just worsen things there. They should already be aware that their "fix" was a bad one at this point.

As for spliting the change? Nope, Anet don't split mechanism, Anet just split numbers.


> I have completely stopped playing now, as i feels like a chore to play now, its like they completely forgot that enemies in this game are not static, and run out of shades fairly fast.


What wear me down the most is the way they balance this game. It feel like they are constantly going the wrong way. That said, it's not uncommon in games, in a way gw2 necromancer remind me a lot of the rune of magic's warden. The warden was supposed to be a magic tank with a pet and it's the pet design that ended being the focus of the developpers, trying stupidly to make the pet tank...

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