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Most broken POF elite spec


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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @mrauls.6519 said:

> > I keep telling people that when Scourge/Spell Breaker is nerfed that we will see the rise of the Mirage


> Mirage has obvious animations and actual weaknesses. Even if it becomes top tier it's going to be nothing but a L2P issue to beat them.


Couldn't you argue that in the case of Spellbreaker as well? Obviously Full Counter is easier to land in a mid battle, but even then other AoEs are just as deadly if not more so. The animation is very obvious as is the follow up attack. Petty much everything on Warrior is well telegraphed.


I'm not saying that Spellbreaker is weak, it's very strong. I just think that any nerfs should be minor like a slight CD increase. Do much else and you just go back to the status quo of everyone spamming attacks on point. Spellbreaker can actually force a bit more strategic play and maybe keep things from being a massive cluster on point.


Not to mention, the spec is pretty much only useful in PvP, so if you nerf it too hard you might as well delete it altogether.

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> @BurrTheKing.8571 said:

> > @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > > @mrauls.6519 said:

> > > I keep telling people that when Scourge/Spell Breaker is nerfed that we will see the rise of the Mirage

> >

> > Mirage has obvious animations and actual weaknesses. Even if it becomes top tier it's going to be nothing but a L2P issue to beat them.


> Couldn't you argue that in the case of Spellbreaker as well? Obviously Full Counter is easier to land in a mid battle, but even then other AoEs are just as deadly if not more so. The animation is very obvious as is the follow up attack. Petty much everything on Warrior is well telegraphed.


> I'm not saying that Spellbreaker is weak, it's very strong. I just think that any nerfs should be minor like a slight CD increase. Do much else and you just go back to the status quo of everyone spamming attacks on point. Spellbreaker can actually force a bit more strategic play and maybe keep things from being a massive cluster on point.


> Not to mention, the spec is pretty much only useful in PvP, so if you nerf it too hard you might as well delete it altogether.


Spellbreaking is way to op for 2 reasons.

1) Full counter has very low cd and does too much dmg. I think is it has to be less punishing for the players who hit him when full counter is over. Think of a Mesmer (as me) our illusions just spam attacks we are forced to shatter and run when full counter is active. And also it has to be done more of a strategic skill. Not to be able to use it all the time in a fight but to be very specific and know when to use it.

2) The shield-gs build. Even before Spellbreaker most warriors run the famous shield-gs build where you can just block everything, cleanse everything and on top of that have great gap closers. Now, with Spellbreaker, the combination of full counter and shield literally makes you immortal. I think it's unacceptable you have like a full min of invulnerability. And now with the dagger you just do way more dmg than before.

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Spellbreaker because necro solidarity. I play reaper but we gotta stick together. We all necros in this.


More seriously I see spellbreaker having less cues. Scourge has clearer cues; don't stand in the shade, don't stand next to the necro. Scourge has somewhat poor options when dealing with classes at range, with unimpressive gapclosers and limited ranged power otherwise. On the other hand Spellbreaker has all the classic tools available to warrior to control ranges.

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> @BurrTheKing.8571 said:

> > @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > > @mrauls.6519 said:

> > > I keep telling people that when Scourge/Spell Breaker is nerfed that we will see the rise of the Mirage

> >

> > Mirage has obvious animations and actual weaknesses. Even if it becomes top tier it's going to be nothing but a L2P issue to beat them.


> Couldn't you argue that in the case of Spellbreaker as well? Obviously Full Counter is easier to land in a mid battle, but even then other AoEs are just as deadly if not more so. The animation is very obvious as is the follow up attack. Petty much everything on Warrior is well telegraphed.


> I'm not saying that Spellbreaker is weak, it's very strong. I just think that any nerfs should be minor like a slight CD increase. Do much else and you just go back to the status quo of everyone spamming attacks on point. Spellbreaker can actually force a bit more strategic play and maybe keep things from being a massive cluster on point.


> Not to mention, the spec is pretty much only useful in PvP, so if you nerf it too hard you might as well delete it altogether.


No, I wouldn't say that. A mirage has telegraphed attack and heal animations and is only dangerous when it uses a burst combo. A spellbreaker has like 5 skills that hit for 30-40% of my HP on a less than 10s CD, not to mention full counter can be glitched in a way where it display the full counter effect 24/7, making it nearly impossible to dodge.


You have a heal that is passive and cannot be interrupted. When you do activate it and i try to rupt it you may just get a passive proc of pulsing stab that negates it. Oh and unless someone has a million boonstrips condi specs literally can't fight spellbreaker because war is IMMUNE to everything, sometimes for a period as long as 30 seconds.


It's just cancer desgin with no counterplay.

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Scourge: drops lethal condi FAR too easily in fairly large aoes without any counterplay for close-mid range classes. Obviously OP.


Spellbreaker: impressive amount of defense on top of warrior's already strong base sustain. Can't say for sure if it's too much yet, but feels that way.

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> @MikeL.8260 said:

> Spellbreaker, it's too abonoxious to fight one.

> All you see when fighting one is Immune, Immune, Immune, Block, Block, Block, Evade, Evade and again Immune Immune... and while at it they spam their wep skills and cc lock you. If you are good enough to burst them in the short periods they are vulnerable they will either run away or heal back up, since no amount of burst can really get them down fast enough.


> I wish they wouldn't be able to contest bases during their immunity windows, just like Guardian's Elite that turns them invulnerable.


**"Immune, Immune, Immune, Block, Block, Block, Evade, Evade and again Immune Immune..."**

That's a perfect description to a fight against a Spellbreaker, lol.

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I always thought Spellbreaker was meant to be the boon denial/strip class. Not the immortal bunker on far 2 or 3 v1 class because it just doesnt die and can still output some decent damage. Although it is amusing if i land an interrupt on some key things with power block.


The other classes that may be overpowered can wait until the captain obvious stuff is brought back down to reasonable levels. Is getting hit for 19k Deaths Judgement ok? are Firebrands bunker/support on point ok? I think these will be addressed at a later date, once the blatantly retarded stuff is toned down.

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Scourge by far. I've tried all three current meta builds of scourge, SB GS/Dagger, and Mantra Bunker. The last two are strong, but they actually have to be played correctly to work. Spellbreakers cannot mindlessly use FC against good players or it doesn't do anything, and you can outplay Spellbreakers by not spamming in turn. SBs also need to know which animations to FC for maximum effect. Mantra bunker actually requires specific reactions to specific problems or else you will die.


Scourge does not have these problems. I'm in plat and can dunk on people with scourge by randomly pressing buttons. It's legit the lowest skill floor build in all of Guild Wars history -including GW1. Even Rampage as One rangers in GW1 meta were harder to play than this brainless AoE spamming turd of a build. Scourge requires absolutely zero understanding of the game and that's why they get my vote.


Scourge is also the most annoying to fight. Spellbreakers aren't so bad when you know their cooldowns and 50% of the time getting hit with FC is your own fault. Mantra bunkers just have to be bursted and focused or ignored. But scourge just radiates unblockable condis for no reason which means fighting a scourge has more to do with your build than your skill. Ranged builds destroy scourge for no reason, melee builds get destroyed by scourge for no reason. It's a dumb rock paper scissors hard counter build which is bad for the game.


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> @Aomine.5012 said:

> > @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> > Spellbreaker - good luck not triggering full counter when more then one attack him, and generally where are his weakspots?

> > I as scourge have to be very weary of spellbreakers, deadeyes, longbow rangers, other scourges and 120% evade uptime mirages.

> >

> > Spellbreakers don't seem to give two kitten about who's on the other end, they got tools to handle just about anything...

> >


> You may be surprised that Scourge is some of the few specs that can kill Spellbreaker with ease too if play smart and dodge the full counter.


> Just wait out Berserker Stance with terrain and you literally win.


> See Berserker Stance? Just run away for 10 sec, come back and corrupt his resistance = you win.

> Spellbreaker ONLY have melee option in their pvp build.


Are you implying scourge players understand basic tactics? Because they don't.



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I really wanted to put scourge because their multi dimensional burst is too high and the game revolves around this class at the moment.


HOWEVER, I voted spell breaker because I always need to run from these guys. No matter how noobish they are. That just ain't right. Too much damage per armor. It's got everything. Remove some passive defense or shorten its duration. The long blocks, endure pain, something....


Full counter hits too hard.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Scourge by far. I've tried all three current meta builds of scourge, SB GS/Dagger, and Mantra Bunker. The last two are strong, but they actually have to be played correctly to work. Spellbreakers cannot mindlessly use FC against good players or it doesn't do anything, and you can outplay Spellbreakers by not spamming in turn. SBs also need to know which animations to FC for maximum effect. Mantra bunker actually requires specific reactions to specific problems or else you will die.


> Scourge does not have these problems. I'm in plat and can dunk on people with scourge by randomly pressing buttons. It's legit the lowest skill floor build in all of Guild Wars history -including GW1. Even Rampage as One rangers in GW1 meta were harder to play than this brainless AoE spamming kitten of a build. Scourge requires absolutely zero understanding of the game and that's why they get my vote.


> Scourge is also the most annoying to fight. Spellbreakers aren't so bad when you know their cooldowns and 50% of the time getting hit with FC is your own fault. Mantra bunkers just have to be bursted and focused or ignored. But scourge just radiates unblockable condis for no reason which means fighting a scourge has more to do with your build than your skill. Ranged builds destroy scourge for no reason, melee builds get destroyed by scourge for no reason. It's a kitten rock paper scissors hard counter build which is bad for the game.



I agree that scourge is worse, but you're underestimating how bad spellbreaker is. A scrapper with paladin amulet cannot kill a half-decent spellbreaker with marauder's, simply because the blocking and invulnerability is too frequent and the healing is too great. Plus, any profession which relies on AoE damage or AI can't avoid triggering it no matter how well they play. And while the SB may force its opponents to avoid skill spamming, the sb isn't punished for it. If they don't proc a FC, who cares? It comes back again in a ludicrously short _6.5 seconds_! No other blocking skill _in the game_, to my knowledge, has such a short cooldown, even without the extra benefits. The worst part, though, is that its animation is often bugged. How the hell are we supposed to avoid hitting them when the animation for full counter _is always on_?

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