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have BG ever been beaten before?


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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> This is what wvw has devolved into:

> Server X complains about BG, "how dare they stack and pvdoor everything with mega-bl;obs".

> Server X decides this is not fun and is unfair and devises a solution.

> Server X intentionally tanks to a lower tier (or transfers to a low tier link), so they can have "fair" fights where they are the mega-blob who pvdoors everything.


> The key is there are huge servers and blobs in every tier. People hide out of T1 and make sure they don't have to face ANY other large, organized groups.

> And, they will transfer or tank if somehow they get stuck against other large, organized groups playing during their timezone.


> Anet was right about one thing in regards to wvw, it's a PvE gamemode. Everyone keeps stacking, tanking, transferring so they can steamroll small groups or just pvdoor.

> No one is looking for "fights", just fast, easy loot and ranks.


And then the roamers are always the bad ones amirite, i keep saying that this is ridiculous as an open world PvP mode for an MMO. Like what is even fun about ktraining PPT? Any serious world PvPer comming to this game must see this as a joke, i know my friend comming from BDO does.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > The sweet salt of tears.. ?


> Lol, typical comment from a BG player that helped kill the game, and drive most players away.


> If you enjoy BG's place (in a deserted game) because of it's cheating ways then you are a part of the problem. And that is the crux of the problem with WvW as a whole. It encourages cheaters and bad players to believe they have skill, when all they have is coverage in a broken game mode designed by the inept.


> If your server truly cared about WvW the players would leave BG instead of gaming the system to make the imbalances worse. But you don't and you won't.


> If alliances ever are created (doubtful) then RvR players with skill may come back to the game. They left this garbage game years ago. Only the inept are left. Until then enjoy your empty 3 legged dog race.


> Oh, and just a reminder to all. BG was a garbage server that nobody cared about for the first fiew years when the game was populated HoD for a few months and then JQ (for years) were the servers to beat. BG only started winning when they broke the transfer system and the game mode (with ANET's misguided help). But by that time most serious RvR players had already left the game.


> BG never won with skill, only by gaming the system.


Well if nothing else, one has to admire your stamina in beating this "BG is evil" drum since 2013. ?


It's not hard to imagine that when this game eventually shuts shop and the last one left is asked to turn off the lights on the way out, you'll still be here whining how this is all BG's fault ! :p

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> @"Hexalot.8194" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > The sweet salt of tears.. ?

> >

> > Lol, typical comment from a BG player that helped kill the game, and drive most players away.

> >

> > If you enjoy BG's place (in a deserted game) because of it's cheating ways then you are a part of the problem. And that is the crux of the problem with WvW as a whole. It encourages cheaters and bad players to believe they have skill, when all they have is coverage in a broken game mode designed by the inept.

> >

> > If your server truly cared about WvW the players would leave BG instead of gaming the system to make the imbalances worse. But you don't and you won't.

> >

> > If alliances ever are created (doubtful) then RvR players with skill may come back to the game. They left this garbage game years ago. Only the inept are left. Until then enjoy your empty 3 legged dog race.

> >

> > Oh, and just a reminder to all. BG was a garbage server that nobody cared about for the first fiew years when the game was populated HoD for a few months and then JQ (for years) were the servers to beat. BG only started winning when they broke the transfer system and the game mode (with ANET's misguided help). But by that time most serious RvR players had already left the game.

> >

> > BG never won with skill, only by gaming the system.


> Well if nothing else, one has to admire your stamina in beating this "BG is evil" drum since 2013. ?


> It's not hard to imagine that when this game eventually shuts shop and the last one left is asked to turn off the lights on the way out, you'll still be here whining how this is all BG's fault ! :p


Lol, 2013? BG wasn't even a part of the competitive servers back then. They were garbage tier, nobody cared about them.


BG didn't start winning until they broke the transfer system a few years ago (long after most serious RvR players had already left the game). That is when people realized what a bunch of garbage BG is full of.


In their defense, BG couldn't exist if ANET were competent. WvW is game mode that negates skill and only cares about coverage.


WvW is a monument to incompetence. Such a shame too. WvW could have been epic.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:



> Oh, and just a reminder to all. BG was a garbage server that nobody cared about for the first fiew years when the game was populated HoD for a few months and then JQ (for years) were the servers to be. BG only started winning when they broke the transfer system and the game mode (with ANET's misguided help).


HoD lasted 3 weeks.

JQ started with a massive sea population and only dominated in offhours.


> But by that time most serious RvR players had already left the game.


Like mithril warhammers or red guard who have since switched from, you know, actually doing rvr to waiting for crowfall and CU respectively? It's great to go hard for the first few months. But as the grils say, staying power is as or more important than a great start.



> @"Hexalot.8194" said:


> It's not hard to imagine that when this game eventually shuts shop and the last one left is asked to turn off the lights on the way out, you'll still be here whining how this is all BG's fault ! :p


Seems almost certain the last player will be on BG. And likely one of the lifers who'll then work to create another "winning side" like they've already done in archage unchained a scant day after launch. Such skill!



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