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Scourge math ...


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Hi all,


I did my best to get a professional answer from support team, like well, have my question placed to devs and get an answer from them … UFO, right?

my personal opinion, their so called "explanation" is a complete disrespect for players ...

_"The scourge elite specialization has also undergone a significant change such that its shade skills will only fire around them when they do NOT have a shade up.

If they do have a shade present, then those skills will happen around their summoned sand shades.

Alongside this change, the scourge and each sand shade now affect an increased number of targets by default, which can be increased further through the use of the grandmaster trait Sand Savant"_

oh ya, ok, I got the part with targets, but what about damage ??…


I am stubborn enough to play my Scourge, but...

if someone knows and find it funny to reply to me, please fill the info I am missing below (also please no side comments and advices like go read logs...)



I am casting Harbinger Shroud, with a combination of having/ not having shades active, how does the damage around me is calculated?

I simply find no hint in any of their release notes, not skill tooltips, not even GW2 wiki … :((


If I cast Harbinger Shroud

let's say I have

around me damage **X points**

around a little shade **Y points**

around a big shade **Z points**


the only relation I may think it is now : **Z points = Y x3 points**

in the old way I was stepping over my shades area and placed **my X points** there too,


now they just **deleted my X points of damage completely** from the game or they remade the equations into … ?? what really ?

**what's the real relation between X and Y, Z ??** , now after the overlapping is eliminated by devs


here are the possible combinations I could think at, how it is really working now ??

version I.

I am casting Harbinger Shroud with Sand Savant up:

A. one big shade active

I have near my shade damage as : **… ?**


B. with no big shade active

I have near me damage as : **… ?**


version II.

I am casting Harbinger Shroud without Sand Savant up, so 1 or 2 or 3 shades...

A. with little shades active

I have near my shade damage as : **… ?**


B. with no little shades active

I have near me damage as : **… ?**


no thanks to any of the game devs , by contrary !!

and all thanks to players, including the ones who have the patience to read my post but have no answer (as me :P) :D


SunCat's Scourge Kitty


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Your basics are wrong. Shades were and still are no more than an extension of your own coverage thus, whether you had 0 or 3 shades active, on a single target you were and you still are doing the exact same amount of damage.


Right now, roughly, with X being the maximum potential damage dealt by a shade:

With 0 shades summoned, no _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum number targets you do: X

With 1 shades summoned, no _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum number targets you do: X

With 2 shades summoned, no _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum number targets you do: 2 X

With 3 shades summoned, no _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum number targets you do: 3 X


With 0 shades summoned, _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum target you do: 2 X

With 1 shade summoned, _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum target you do: 2 X


I'm saying roughly because I'm not taking into account the increase in expertise when shades are up (you can see this expertise value as negligible anyway). Also, note that on a single target, whether you got _sand savant_ or not, the damage done is always X/5.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Your basics are wrong. Shades were and still are no more than an extension of your own coverage thus, whether you had 0 or 3 shades active, on a single target you were and you still are doing the exact same amount of damage.


> Right now, roughly, with X being the maximum potential damage dealt by a shade:

> With 0 shades summoned, no _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum number targets you do: X

> With 1 shades summoned, no _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum number targets you do: X

> With 2 shades summoned, no _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum number targets you do: 2 X

> With 3 shades summoned, no _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum number targets you do: 3 X


> With 0 shades summoned, _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum target you do: 2 X

> With 1 shade summoned, _sand savant_ and hiting the maximum target you do: 2 X


> I'm saying roughly because I'm not taking into account the increase in expertise when shades are up (you can see this expertise value as negligible anyway). Also, note that on a single target, whether you got _sand savant_ or not, the damage done is always X/5.


yes but do not forget that placing the shade its self used to cause quite abit of damage. infact. alot of the damage Scourge used to do was just from placing the shades.

the with soul reaping Shroud skills inflict burning that means shade = morning (not to mention sahde its self is turnament and some flat damage)

and with Scourge nodes after casting a punishment your shade cause more burning thats more dmage from shade its self.

and then we also got turnament deals more damage and cause burning.

so whe your other skills are on dc casting more shades is alot more damage that as Scourge we now have lost. this change to Scourge literally destroyed the class and aside from WvW theres 0 reason to play Scourge at all.. im honestly raging and after trying many classes i come to realize the only class i truly enjoyed was Scourge.. i guess its time to say good bye to this game and move to the new Archeage. might come back when they fix Scourge

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