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Dear Evon Gnashblade...

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If you're talking about what I think you are, it's a leftover from very early in the game when people could order for less than vendor price. Then they'd take their purchases and vendor them for profit. ANet has done at least one, perhaps more sweeps through to cull out these unfillable orders, but some still remain.


Loosmaster, you'd see very tangible, very bad changes in the game if there weren't fees. They are the gold sink that reins in rampant inflation. Not one hundred percent, TP prices have certainly gone up (I remember scraping together 9 gold to get a precursor for someone as a Wintersday present in 2012), but gold is still worth something because the game sucks gobs of it out into the ether. Just think of the fees as a factor in the price you set. You're not being robbed of 100 gold, you set your price 100 gold higher to get the amount you actually wanted.

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I think I should have included an example in my first post.


[Rampager's Iron Greatsword of Ogre Slaying](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Iron_Greatsword_(loot)%23item105 "Rampager's Iron Greatsword of Ogre Slaying") (item #27564) is worth 1 silver 98 copper to sell to a merchant.


There are 250 orders to buy at 2 silver 6 copper and 250 orders at 1 silver 99 copper.


The minimum sell price is 2 silver 33 copper.


It is impossible to fill the current buy orders because they are below the minimum unit sale price.

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