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Unlocking all maps without starting the story.


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Hello, everyone! I think there isn't a post like this one, or atleast i couldnt find it on the new forums.

For a long time I wanted to create an Alt and unlock everything (maps) before playing the story. Couldn't bring myself to do it before the addition of mounts which makes the map completion 3-4 times faster. So I am almost finished with core Tyria, and now comes the question, how do I proceed getting to the new maps without activating the story missions. On my main I have finished everything, including PoF story. I've gone as far as the Silverwastes (on the alt), but have no idea if I can get to the maps from LS3 and later.


It would be amazing to finish everything and the just do the whole story in one big run.


The only way I can think of is using teleport to a friend, but I don't want to spend money for something that should be accessible without cheating with gemstore items.


Thanks a lot!

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LS3 map vendors sell teleport scrolls you can use to get your alts to those maps without doing the story. For PoF you indeed need to use those teleport to friend thingies, or The Lily of the Elon pass if you happen to have it, or if you are in a guild that has the new guild hall. You can exit to Vabbi from the hall.

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One question, have you started the griffon quest?


Because if you have, you get an item that teleports you to the griffon roost. The item is account bound, meaning it can be used across all characters. It's called "Spearmarshal's Plea".


Much more reliable than a teleport to friend, which requires having another player be there to teleport to.


EDIT: my bad, missed the living world season 3 thing, but Ameepa's got you covered on that.

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From my experience, you can go into the HoT maps without activating the story. It's only with LWS3 and PoF maps where you have to have to go through the story. However, with LWS3 maps you just need someone to buy the map tome and then place it in a shared inventory slot to get other toons into the map. It's what I did.


Sadly, there isn't such an option for PoF. You HAVE to play through the first part of the story with each toon you want to send out there to get them to the desert. Out of my 15 characters, I did that with 11 of them before I decided no more.

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > @castlemanic.3198 said:

> > I just teleported to the griffon roost on a level 50 character (my lowest level lol), so the spearmarshal's plea does indeed work across all characters


> I forgot about that. :P I'll have to remember to use that for when/if I bring my last four characters into the desert. Thanks. :3


No problem, happy to help!


EDIT: A couple of people below have mentioned the lily of the elon pass, which is a path of fire deluxe edition item. Getting to the griffon roost and receiving the Spearmarshal's Plea, while a bit difficult, is the only 'solo free' way of getting a permanent account bound item that's useable across all characters that teleports you to Path of Fire maps without requiring the story to be done. You don't need to finish the entire griffon collection (though it's worth it imo), but just getting started on it will give you the item, as it's the item that unlocks the entire collection. Never thought about leaving the path of fire guild hall from the front door, but that requires connections to a guild that has access to it.

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You have only five options: 1. TP to friend as you mentioned, 2. Starting the story and playing it just as far as entering the desert map, and then cancelling it (which is a little story, but not actually completing a chapter), or 3. Get the Lily of the Elon pass, which teleports you to Crystal Oasis, but at least one character on the account will need to do step 2 first. 4. You need to complete the ENTIRE story on at least one character, AND start the 5th mount quest, which will give you an an account-bound item that can teleport any other characters to the last PoF map, then you can backtrack from there. 5. I haven't tested this, but it should work that if your character can link up with a guild that has the Vabbi Guild Hall, you can just teleport to there and then leave through the front door.


And btw, as for the LWs3 maps, you won't be able to enter any of them without at least starting their story chapters on at least one character, but if you get one character in, you can buy scrolls from a vendor that can teleport any other characters in, so that might work for you.

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Hmm, even if you use a tp to friend or whatever you will have a problem. To get any of the other mounts you will need at least the third level mastery of the first mount .... and the only way to get that is via the story. Without any mounts you are going to find a few challenges to map complete in POF!

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> Hmm, even if you use a tp to friend or whatever you will have a problem. To get any of the other mounts you will need at least the third level mastery of the first mount .... and the only way to get that is via the story. Without any mounts you are going to find a few challenges to map complete in POF!


The OP has already completed the story on one character, they're good on the mounts thing.

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