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Anet Partnership For Spvp


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Is there way we can actually Remove players that aren't active at all or do anything at all with the partnership anet gave them? Theirs a LONG LONG list of players that have this partnership but do absolutely 0 for the community at all.


I know theirs a lot of NEW guys looking to be partner with anet who host a LOT of in-house tournaments for the community but doesn't get the support or recognition they need to become a partner with anet.


Can we have one of the Devs explain how this process works and what needs to be done to make sure you get the partner ship?



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What I would like to see from the partner program is, that the partners be more involved in the forums. I feel there are to many people all shouting there problems and the devs don't know what to take from all of this sometimes. However if the partners and community leaders lead the forums and questions then selected the most appropriate changes from the community and presented it to the devs and if you have multiple partners doing that and they all gather the same info well that's confirmation that w.e it is, needs changing.

It will also bring a better usefulness to the partner program and dev relationship. And this will make everyone happy. Please consider involving the most knowledgeable and active partners.


Allowing the partners who know the game inside and out to communicate with the devs will free up time for the devs to work on the problems instead of reading and trying to pick out what makes sense and what doesn't. I feel the devs shouldn't run the forums.cthe community should and the partners should be the middle man between the devs and the community.

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