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Reaching the Potential of Guild Wars 2 World vs World


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> @"awaken.2134" said:


> The first objective is to remove barriers to entry for new players. I believe that the first step should be to remove the equipment and level barrier for new players. Many new players have very low stats or all out glassy gear making them die very easily. Allowing them access to an easy to obtain stat changeable exotic set could answer this problem. The equipment would be WvW stat specific unlike pvp. If they like the game mode, they can work towards ascending through a reward track of some kind.



agree on the equiptment thing. e.g. getting minstrel or celestial gear etc. consumes too much time to get into action.


> Add builds, guides, and videos (similar to metabattle) to the game interface. Players rate which builds/guides/videos are best (similar to Dota 2).



disagree here. guides, videos and all that never did good in any game over time. arenanet once modified the new player experience in pve because some pve communities told arenanet that "the game would be too difficult for new players" so arenanet unfortunately listened and the effort done did not improve anything. (a game of 11111 using too difficult....) a person capable of running a computer is able to get into a game if the person wants, people are not dumb and can read and do the math if they want. also we will have a build sharing function with the upcomming build templates update. i think its better if players talk to each others regarding the game and builds and share with each others instead of just brain afk copying builds without a clue how to play them after.


> Have a guild recruitment list so new and experienced players can find guilds that suit their playstyle (similar to eve). New players get needed gameplay help. Experienced players find needed experienced fight guilds. Being in guilds/being in comms are also important in having a good experience in WvW.



agree. the guild system needs definately a huge improvement. and not an "wvw guild addition UI wich can be bought for 3k gems" but a serious update cause it was definately missed from the start and arenanet should have known better from all the GW1 experiance they had. one would think that software improves over time - the step from GW1 to GW2 was a joke regarding player usable systems. At the moment all the guild recruitment is diminished into teamchats or private TS or discords....


> Built in VOIP (discord) similar to CS:GO or Dota 2. As said above, making it easier for people to be in comms makes for a more exciting experience in WvW. Their will of course be options to mute, kick and even ban people depending on if you're the commander, lieutenant, guild leader, etc.



disagree here. VOIP Systems in other games are just awful annoying. I dont want to spend my time muting single persons all the time who just talk rubbish in PVP or play adolf hitler speech or their latest harcore techno bass creep just because they need to express themself in a game over their microphone like that. The system of private TS /Discords is fine like it is as players can self install admins to control the situations.

Arenanet would need to do tremendious effort to record all the voice comm for the sake of being able to handle reports and bans. is ok if the players can handle it private basis.


> Allow new users to gain access to auto loot, mounts and gliders. This auto loot will allow new users to make the much needed gold when starting out. The mount and glider will help newbies follow commanders when moving from fight to fight. It would be bad for the commander to have to go into a fight without his full force with him.



sadly agree here. todays gaming youth is lazy and not willing to work for something. wanting everything now and without training or anything. and if they fail because they dont train then "the system is broken" from their pov because they never learned the principle of improving thinking they are the masters anyway. so make them stop crying to be fed in this case.


> Increase size and visibility of wvw entry button. Make it easier to choose which link to follow when on wvw map selection screen. Possibly get rid of eotm and consolidate wvw maps. Have a "jump into the battle" button. Have Newbie and experienced interfaces for joining maps. Similar to Team Fortress 2 one can click to auto find a server or find a server manually. Also remove small leave mist button and replace with bigger, more visible leave button.



most of this problem will be sorted out by alliance system. In the future a person without alliance will be randomly assigned into action as what i understood by anet posts regarding this. No need for server alterations here.


> Every few months we could have a different season which introduces a new map to the game. The players vote on which map they want. This will keep the gameplay fresh and fun.



agree here every month a fast season bash would bring something new from time to time. dont has to be huge detailed maps like desert border at all. hence people would even play on a huge meadow with just 3 cap points in every corner...


> Put in 15 man Guild vs Guild matchmaking system (with spectator mode). Guilds can schedule times to meet up within about the week. (similar to CEVO tournament system in CS:GO). An ELO ranking system is in place. A guild as well as a player can have stats (in game arc dps, will talk about later). The gvg system will go season to season. The system has the capability of being an esports. Although GvG's aren't the best for out of game spectators, usually experienced players will have fun watching the matches.


> Guild and personal stats: A system that shows damage, healing, cleanses and strips as well as other data, similar to arc dps, would help in matchmaking for GvG system.



agree here. in addition to that i would reward the monthly best stats players. like most damage dealt, most heals, most boons corrupted or given, etc etc. Gaming must have the purpose to play with your people, winning and rewards. gw2mists.de tries hard on it but its a private run site without meaning in the end. we must get away from private sites which try hard to give functions which are just missing inside the game. i play for playing the game and entertainment not to use private websites...


> As the years have passed I feel that most players play for the fights, not necessarily the sieging that takes place. I offer the idea of making maps with less objectives to defend and attack and make for a terrain that allows for fights happening more often as well as making fights more exciting.



disagree here. its true that the system of conquering objectives is not that attractive anymore but it got its root in false skill balancing. the declining playerbase comes from "dodge fast or die"-meta. if you make too small maps you get a problem incase an increase of players comes back. if you have an GvG matchmaking as alternative you are good on the way already. the encouragement must be to make alliances care for themself and their players to keep it active. leadership will be important in the alliance system. that way there will be a incentive for being social with each others. i hope we get away from that toxic antisocialism which developed over time now.


> Red vs Blue server balance system (Alliance vs Horde example): The goal of this system is to keep maps populated and fights relatively fair. Servers (maguuma exp) will be split into either red team or blue team. Similar to our current repairing system, sides would be balanced every few weeks with a certain set of servers on each side. By having two sides instead of an array of servers within tiers, we can fill up maps more easily, especially in off hours (OCX, SEA, EU). This is done by having maps ordered from top the bottom, the top being the most populated map and the bottom being the least populated map. Instead of only having 2 servers to play against (within tier), you would have 6 servers to play against (plus smaller servers) for each side (red vs blue). This system would also has a reservation system to allow guilds access to populated maps during prime time. What this system would do would be similar to a restaurant, guilds can reserve a time on a populated map like a restaurant reservation. To stop guilds from making more reservations than they need, a penalty system should be in place to make sure guilds make it to their reserved time slot and actually use them.



disagree. the alliance system will put balancing on the players responsibility already . i just hope anet took into account some sort of ingame alliance planning functions which makes guilds able to put themself into a calendar so the alliance can plan ingame who plays where at what time. it just cant be fix then as a combat game is dynamic.

so in the future it will be secured that a guild can play because the guilds design the alliance.


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> @"Omaris Mortuus Est.2738" said:

> You know I dont even bother reading these types of posts.

> After 7 years of neglect, I do not expect anything from Anet!

> The old archived forum was full of suggestions, of which Anet took no heed.


> I still play with my guild, if my guild still didnt play, I would not be playing this game.

> Simple as.

> But even our numbers have halved, and players continue to move on to other games slowly.


Better The Hard Truth


pretty much this

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You people really funny listing 20 millions different ways to change wvw when 1 skill still does 4 things at once and scourge shade was supposed to be "massive" but changed so little showing how much it just does not matter, Best to accept Anet prefers shooting glitters over mounts and feeding you that. But ill be positive and seeing as any decent changes took years, even alliances taking years, maybe in 2035 you can play WvW when its more balanced

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> @"Trollocks.5084" said:

> lol you think Anet is going to make any changes that will positively affect the game.


> It's a lost cause at this point. They don't know what they're doing.


Well....QoL changes are positive changes that affect the game


They actually stated what the relinks are going to be before the actual relinks happen. Its a start.

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