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New nVidia drivers causing problems?

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there was a period back few years ago nVidia driver's quality control was so bad that people were reluctant to do automatic update


it is set to manual update like every other program on my PC

i feel there really isnt much need for driver update after a year buying your card, unless you are going to play the latest AAA titles

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Since making my original post, I have (not in order):


- Tried three different sets of nVidia drivers.

- Rolled back my whole computer via System Restore to before my problems started which was around 10/25/19.

- Uninstalled and reinstalled GW2 entirely.


Still, I am getting single digit FPS in Lion's Arch, half normal FPS anywhere else, huge ping, and my CPU is staying pegged at 100%. And all this is ONLY happening in GW2; nothing else is affected. If anything, it's gotten worse since I started trying to fix it. I'm thinking something is rotten with the holiday updates.

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Hey there,


I got the same issues. Mainly on maps like silver wastes or auric bassin (but not only) and with a character wearing a high detailed skin like the Ice Encasement Outfit.

I tried to lower details from ultra to high and also to low. changed anti alias settings but nothing really worked for me.

It's is pretty anoying to be not able to play proper. Like Jimbru I haven't had these issues before and was playing on maximum settings.

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Hey, i have exactly the same problem. A brand new rig:


Intel i7 9th gen (8 cores, 8 threads)

Asus prime z370-p mainboard

3.60 ghz / max 4.90 ghz

Win 10 pro 64 bit

Nvidia rtx 2080

16 gb ddr4 ram

1tb hdd

1tb ssd

500 gb ssd


I tested on dark souls 3 aswell and everything is perfect.


In the first few hours everything was fine, but then my pc crashed and i had to restart. That was after i installed the newest nvidia driver and newest win 10 upgrades. Restarting worked, tho i had no signal on my monitor anymore. I did a few different things (removing bios battery and so on) until it worked again. I dont know what caused the problem to be honest, however when i finally had everything running again my fps in guild wars had dropped to 14 on average in lionarch. Its terrible in other maps aswell. (Before crash it was 40-60).


I have the same symptoms: graphiccard cpu spikes to 100% and stays there. I know that gw2 isnt optimized very well, but this results seem a bit extreme...


Please help, im quite frustrated with this since the rig is roughly 2 days old. What was your solution?

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> @"Shura.4280" said:

> Make sure game is running on Nvidia gpu. I don't know how it happened, after a driver update I was getting same issue, turns out game was running on integrated intel gpu lol



You mean in the nvidia programm settings? It's already set on my graphiccard. There is a second option, but its the same. And i tried both, nothing helped.

As I said, in the performance tab the graphiccard spikes up to 100% and stays there, so I assume the GPU is in use when playing GW2, they just dont seem to like each other.


Or is there another option you are talking about?



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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > @"Shura.4280" said:

> > Make sure game is running on Nvidia gpu. I don't know how it happened, after a driver update I was getting same issue, turns out game was running on integrated intel gpu lol



> You mean in the nvidia programm settings? It's already set on my graphiccard. There is a second option, but its the same. And i tried both, nothing helped.

> As I said, in the performance tab the graphiccard spikes up to 100% and stays there, so I assume the GPU is in use when playing GW2, they just dont seem to like each other.


> Or is there another option you are talking about?




Yeah, what I meant - make sure it's actually running on Nvidia, not integrated. But seems you're all set, so really dunno the issue, weird

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