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What do you want changed with weaver


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- Faster AA (1/2 sec)



- Grand masters: **These traits are supposed to change your play style with the spec not be bland passive benefits.**

+ Elements of Rage: Gain a damage bonus for a period of time when attuned to a single element. ~~Gain ferocity based on a percentage of your power.~~ The last element you attuned to has reduced cooldown (2 sec).

+ Woven Stride: Gain swiftness when you are inflicted with inhibiting conditions. ~~When gaining either superspeed or swiftness, also gain regeneration. Swiftness has increased effectiveness.~~ When you have swiftness cleanse a condition every 1 second. When you have Superspeed cleanse a condition every 1/2 second.

+ ~~Invigorating Strikes: Gain vigor when using a Dual Attack. Dodge rolling grants a barrier.~~ Endless Change: Attunement cooldown is reduced to 2 seconds, you can no longer attune to a single element. (Main hand attunement locked out)


Slot Skills:

- Aquatic Stance: ~~Striking a foe~~ Using an ability causes water to erupt from ~~them~~ you, healing your nearby allies.

- Unravel: ~~For a period of time, you forego your weaver training, choosing to fully attune to elements instead.~~ Instantly swap main hand & off hand attunements , reflect projectiles for 1 second. (This does not affect normal attunement cooldowns)

- Tailored Victory: Add a vortex like spin to enemies while the float is going on (much like the orbs that Mordramoth's generals throw out - can't think of their name).

+ This would make it more satisfying to get your perfect weave on & would also throw off enemy positioning in pvp.

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> I hope you haven't spent your endurance yet otherwise you won't be able to dodge roll through this wall of text ;) On the other Hand I'd prefer if you read it anyway :P


> 1. Make Weaver more flexible and adaptable by making 3, 4 & 5 Skills more accessible and Duals Skills more Viable

> This could be achieved by any of the following

> * Making Unravel an F5 Ability

> * Giving us a "Hand Swap" on Weapon Swap Hotkey that switches our current Attunements from one Hand to the other

> * Decreasing the Cooldown for Both Attunements that you're currently in (1/2s instead of 4) making full Attunements and Hand swapping faster


> 2. Make Weapons other then Sword viable (outside of perfect situations like large stationary targets)

> This could be achieved by

> * Shifting Weavers advantages from Traits to Dual Skills (Currently the only real strength of Weaver comes from the numerous damage mods in his traits - not his Dual Skills or flexibility - Scepter, Dagger and Staff Dual Skills aren't really much of an upside)

> Dual Skills that are Weak (and why they are weak)


> Starting with Staff

> * Pressure Blast (Fire/Water): Does the same Damage as Fire AA + a Weak Heal with Regeneration and Blind - Honestly not a bad skill but not good enough to intentionally switch to specificly Fire/Water just to use it as you could just as well do a Fire AA and switch to water for a Geysir (which heals more), needs both more damage and Heal

> * Plasma Blast (Fire/Air): Decent Damage, nothing much else - This skill is okay, I think it just doesn't feel like anything special it does damage which is characteristic for Fire but doesn't really have anything to do with Air, maybe give it a 1/4s Daze?

> * Pyroclastic Blast (Fire/Earth): Looks stronger than it is, initial impact should either be stronger or the entire AoE should be bigger - Is missing any kind of Earth characteristic (other than it's looks), 2s Cripple to the initial impact

> * Monsoon (Water/Air): I love this spell, the water aspects of Monsoon are great, lot's of Chill and regen - But what does Air do here? Air Characteristics are CC, Damage and Vulnerability, Monsoon doesn't do any of those, the damage is a joke. I'd suggest adding Vulnerability and increasing the damage slightly.

> * Lahar (Water/Earth): Is really good but I'm missing the Water aspect here, maybe add 1s Regen / Pulse?

> * Piledriver (Air/Earth): Very Strong skill with a very big drawback - it takes an eternity (not the GS) to get started but if it hits it's worth the effort. - Increase the range and make it unblockable so it feels like the strong skill it is. I mean, c'mon, when an Elementalist goes through the effort of Dual Attuning AND channeling a spell for 2s you expect him to come up with a little more then throwing a rock 1.2k range, right? Atleast make it a magically unblockable rock that flies faster than what we usually do!


> If you're still reading I'll continue with Scepter

> * Fiery Frost (Fire/Water): Does exactly what it's name suggests but considering that it replaces Phoenix/Water Trident I feel like it should do more, a Weaver shouldn't do what you expect, a Weaver should surprise - Increase the Damage and remove a Condition upon cast (Fire cleansing our body while the water washes away all scars?)

> * Plasma Beam (Fire/Air): Love it - I'd suggest adding Vulnerability to the fun!

> * Fracturing Strike (Fire/Earth): Good Skill, but why does it give Vulnerability? Replace Vulnerability with Cripple to suit the Fire/Earth theme better.

> * Glacial Drift (Water/Air): I like chill - But that doesn't make this skill good, needs more damage.

> * Stone Tide (Water/Earth): Suits the Water/Earth Theme perfectly and isn't bad overall (Not strong either) - maybe slightly more damage since Scepter is a Power Weapon most of the time.

> * Earthen Synergy (Air/Earth): Love it - first hit should cripple for 1 1/2s


> Next up: Dagger

> * Steam Surge (Fire/Water): Perfect in my opinion

> * Plasma Burst (Fire/Air): Since Fire & Air are both offensive Elements for the most part, this Skill does surprisingly little. Increase Damage and add Vulnerability or Blind

> * Ashen Blast (Fire/Earth): According to my theme so far, this skill doesn't suit the Fire/Earth theme, but I like the idea of it so I'll roll with it - Since this Skill has the flavor of a Fighter throwing Sand (or in this case: Burnding Ashes) at his foe to blind him, I think this skill should be faster to make it more of a surprise, decrease cast time to 1/4s and add 1s burning

> * Katabatik Wind (Who comes up with these names...) (Water/Air): Absolutely Perfect, no complaints here! Move along!

> * Mud Slide (Water/Earth): Very interesting Skill and again: no complaints here! Move along!

> * Grinding Stones (Air/Earth): Strong Skill, could maybe use Vulnerability for more Air flavor but doesn't need it.

> Overall Dagger Dual Skills feel the most interesting to me.


> And last but not least: Sword (If you made it so far)

> * Twin Strike (Fire/Water): Good Spell, move along

> * Pyro Vortex (Fire/Air): Good Spell, add vulnerability maybe

> * Lava Skin (Fire/Earth): Very interesting Spell that really suits the Weaver theme of combining the Elements to create interesting new Skills that make the Elementalist more flexible.

> * Sheering Edge (Water/Air): Needs either more Damage or a small daze

> * Natural Frenzie (Water/Earth): Strong Spell that does what you expect it to do.

> * Gale Strike (Air/Earth): Another very interesting Spell that, like Lava Skin, really suits the Weaver theme.

> It's quite obvious that they put a lot more effort into the Sword dual skills than any of the other Weapons, there are interesting Dual Skills on other Weapons too but none of them look as refined as those of Sword.


> No I know what you're thinking "Uh you're just crying and demanding buffs for ever single skill, stoopid Ele Fanboy!" And you're not wrong! I love Ele! But no, I don't want Ele to be on top of every DPS chart, I want Ele (Weaver to be more precise) to be fun to play. Now you might say: "Then gidgud" But here's the thing: I'm actually really good with complicated characters (Invoker, Meepo & Chen in Dota2 for example) and that's exactly the reason why I enjoy playing them - which is also why I've been looking forwards to something like Weaver in GW2. I don't want Weaver to be striktly stronger than he currently is, I want his strengths to come from his ability to juggle the Elements to his favor, to create new Skills and to be flexible all throughout the battle. But instead right now, all his strength comes from those numerous Damage mods in his traits, those should be toned down and/or changed to make for more flexible and interesting build choices!


> 3. The Utility Skills. Or why don't stances interact with Dual Attunements? (Except the Elite and the condi Dmg one)

> * Replace Unravle with something useful

> * make stances more interesting

> * we have a defensive stance, that is great but we still die to almost every condi build (except if we play a very defensive build with almost no pressure)


> 4. The Traits (I mentioned them a few times already, have you noticed?)

> The Traits don't really offer any choices at the moment.

> In the first row we pick Superior Elements on every power build, with sword maaaaybe Masters Fortitude if you're that scared to get hit but I'd never recommend it, Elemental Pursuit is an interesting idea and I can see that Trait beeing good in a 1v1 Situation against a ranged enemy, but that is a very very specific situation and you'll never pick a trait for that.

> In the second row we pick Weaver's Prowess on a condi Build or Swift Revenge on a Power Build, Bolstered Elements is terrible.

> And in the third row we pick Elements of Rage in PvE (and WvW if we want to go full Glasscannon backline) and Woven Stride if we also pick Water Traitline. Invigorating Strikes barely does anything.

> Basically all Trait choices are obvious and just add more damage - no interesting interaction with Dual Skills, Dual Attunements or Stances - just more damage - very boring. I can't really suggest any specific changes here since I feel like the entire trait line of Weaver needs to be revamped, except the minor traits, they are fine.


> Hurray! You made it! You may now grab a beer and drink with me! Unless you're underage, in that case you can still drink with me but grab a glass of water instead!


> And to anyone who actually read my entire text: Thank you! I appreciate that :)


> *grabs beer* and here's to hoping for better times for us Elementalists wannabe Weavers!


Wow awesome read forsure! unravel as an F5 ability actually would be cool, and for lava skin maybe add stability, protection or even cripple kinda like a walking burning churning earth. Cause as it sits now I feel like its missing the earth element just does some burning. I agree the traits are lackluster and need more spice but overall I have enjoyed my time learning the weaver hopefully Anet takes in some of the ideas that have been listed to bring weaver up to where it almost is.


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The F5-unravel sounds interesting, but at least I'd like a lower cooldown if you want to dual-attune. For example you attune to water, then you'd have a 4sec cooldown for air, fire and earth and a 2sec cooldown for water.

Even better would be, if you could attune mainhand and offhand directly(for example F1: Mainhand attunes to fire Ctrl+F1: Offhand attunes to fire), rather than just stacking the attunements through the slots.


I'd like a little less focus on skill(3). Sure it's cool that skill 3 depends on the elements that are woven together, but I'd prefer it if the weaver was actually more affected by both attunements and not just one skill. For example the attunement could add something different. Here's a small example...

Mainhand attunement:

Air: Your weapon-skills slightly decrease breakbars with every hit

Earth: Your weapon skills apply a small amount of barrier to allies

Fire: Adds burning to crits with weapon skills(effect has a cooldown)

Water: Adds/increases healing on weapon skills


Offhand attunement:

Air: On landing a crit, you regain a small amount of endurance(effect has a cooldown)

Earth: Blast finishers in your vicinity apply a condition based on your mainhand attunement

Fire: If your blast finishers land a crit, they burn a boon from your foe

Water: The effect from your mainhand attunement is shared with your allies(effects depend on your stats)

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I've only played my sword-wielding power Weaver in solo PvE so far, but even in my limited experience, I feel much more squishy than I did on my D/F FA Tempest. I've tried both dagger and focus offhand, and keep water traited to get some additional sustain, but I still get dropped almost instantly. Although damage might be on the low side, it doesn't feel too terrible when I am able to stay up. I think a range increase on sword might help. I'm going to try scepter mainhand to see if that helps me stay alive, but it's kind of frustrating to be unable to play the new weapon (which is very fun in the few circumstances I am able to stay alive).

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Reduce attunement gcd. This is supposed to be a damage build. Damage builds need to be fast paced to be useful on anything other than loot pinatas.


Make it reasonable to actually use single attunements outside of pve. Waiting to use the attunement a second time or using unravel are both absolutely laughable in wvw or pvp.


Basically just change weaver so that it isn't a pve only spec.

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I'll make it simple here. The dual skills need to be better in order to justify all the drawbacks that this spec has. Drawbacks that involve losing access to skill 3 unless you single attune and a 4s delay to accessing skills 4 and 5. Weaver either needs more defense from the dual skills or more pressure. I'd prefer more pressure due to the offensive theme of the spec. Pressure doesn't only mean damage btw, pressure can can also include disabling enemies or being more mobile so that you can stick on them.

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> @Mara.6782 said:

> Quickness would be nice and more barrier or endurance is needed when you play with sword. Maybe add these on sword skills so its not affect other builds.


Quickness would be incredibly fitting to the Weaver and it is a damn shame it didn't get it...


Weaver should stop being "amateur hour ele" and have some damn synergy with the base line traits. It is crazy that the traits that are "while in X attunement gain Y" do not work on Weaver except if it is the MH attunement.


We had this before with a freaking minor Arcane trait that was gutted by ANET, so the system is already there. Weaver should not, however, have the "double effect" if single attuned because that would just be OP.


Next I echo a lot of the requests for faster attack speed in Sword - yes I know ANET is afraid that this would be too strong with Signet of Restoration, but this could be compensated by adjusting some of the survival mechanics (mostly barrier) of the Weaver to not make it insane.


And, most importantly, make trait choices more meaningful (most of the non-stat increase traits are a joke) that offer some new tools to the ele - such as better interrupts, boon denial and/ or means to survive vs. condi without needing water traitline (my suggestion is resistance), etc.


I will say this, only getting stat buffs on our traitline is a damn mistake that will result in the spec being absolutely worthless because ANET will nerf the damage of the Weaver and, without any utility, we will just be a bottom tier joke. You can stay on denial about this for as long as you want, but mark my words it will happen if we don't push for utility.


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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> - Change unravel to something useful benefitting the class mechanic.

> - Better condi cleanse outside water.

> - More reliable spike and sustain damage with sword.

> - Faster cast time/animation. Due to the range it's hard to actually hit a moving target.

> - Never tried the heal, it already sounds bad on paper.


> I feel I already asked too much...


No, you didn't ask too much. :) At least, IMO. Your changes are perfectly reasonable to me as someone who was VERY hyped for Weaver when it first leaked without a name.

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After finally giving Weaver a whirl in sPvP this weekend, here are a few initial things I could get behind. Generally, the thread has provided pretty on point suggestions.




All trait and skill barriers have increased base values and reduced healing power scaling.



Stance related:


In addition to its other effects, Bolstered Elements grants moderate quickness duration upon stance activation.


Unravel resets elemental attunement cooldowns upon activation and grants moderate duration quickness baseline (plus the additional when traited).


Aquatic Stance also grants a good personal barrier upon activation baseline with low healing power scaling.


In addition to improved baseline barrier and lower healing power scaling, Stone Resonance (1) pulses the barrier to nearby allies and/or (2) grants you protection with each pulse.


Weave Self has a 60 sec cd.





Earthen Vortex is also a 450 range shadow step (burrow in at initial location, un-burrow at targeted location).


Range of Gale Strike and Power Vortex is increased.

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> @Flobings.7251 said:

> Sword:

> - Faster AA (1/2 sec)


> Traits:

> - Grand masters: **These traits are supposed to change your play style with the spec not be bland passive benefits.**

> + Elements of Rage: Gain a damage bonus for a period of time when attuned to a single element. ~~Gain ferocity based on a percentage of your power.~~ The last element you attuned to has reduced cooldown (2 sec).

> + Woven Stride: Gain swiftness when you are inflicted with inhibiting conditions. ~~When gaining either superspeed or swiftness, also gain regeneration. Swiftness has increased effectiveness.~~ When you have swiftness cleanse a condition every 1 second. When you have Superspeed cleanse a condition every 1/2 second.

> + ~~Invigorating Strikes: Gain vigor when using a Dual Attack. Dodge rolling grants a barrier.~~ Endless Change: Attunement cooldown is reduced to 2 seconds, you can no longer attune to a single element. (Main hand attunement locked out)


> Slot Skills:

> - Aquatic Stance: ~~Striking a foe~~ Using an ability causes water to erupt from ~~them~~ you, healing your nearby allies.


I have to admit, your idea at the beginning sounded crazy to me but as I started to think more carefully, your tips seem more fitting to the context. Elements of rage seems stupid to me because, time is gold when fighting, and 4 seconds are really a lot of time in this kind of games (in any mode). I like how you put Woven Stride, it looks like the first version of it, I would only give it a CD, because it would be crazy with Swift Revenge. Your proposal of Endless Change seems really fitting, considering you can't attune to the same element anymore. I like that idea.


It really disappoints me that the Aquatic Stance is too weak for its purposes. Your idea that using an ability sounds good, but I believe that's what does Signet of Restoration (except for the aoe heal for allies) Maybe adding the option to heal every enemy you hit (instead of only 1), makes it a little bit more effective. I've been in situations where I'm overwhelmed and I get a miserable 570~600 heal for one monster, when I lose like 300 health for a hit of one of them. :T




> 1. Make Weaver more flexible and adaptable by making 3, 4 & 5 Skills more accessible and Duals Skills more Viable

> This could be achieved by any of the following

> * Making Unravel an F5 Ability

> * Giving us a "Hand Swap" on Weapon Swap Hotkey that switches our current Attunements from one Hand to the other

> * Decreasing the Cooldown for Both Attunements that you're currently in (1/2s instead of 4) making full Attunements and Hand swapping faster


I loved the idea of the "hand swap" option, as it would really help (a lot) when you need the specific 1, 2/ 4, 5 abilities. It could create a 2s cd on the other elements so it wouldn't be "broken".

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Give all the attunements 2 ammo with 8s recharge, allowing you to double attune quickly, but still can't jump very quickly across all 4.


Auto attack chains remember their step between attunement swapping. 1/4s cast 1&2; 1/2s cast on 3.


Water stance - 4s duration. Become immune to burning and other conditions applied have a 75% reduced duration. Being struck causes water to erupt from you, healing you for 225 (+.25*healing power). Can only occur once per second. +7.5 % base healing over now.



I'm just spouting stuff. No idea how this would ruin everything, but those are my 3 biggest problems with weaver - (water, mostly, though Twist is a bit long on CD imo) stances, autoattack speeds, and something - can't put my finger on it - about swapping attunements. It's super fun though.

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I actually think that would have been a great way to do Unravel. The 2 charges on all attunements suggestion... only as a spec mechanic instead of an utility. Personally, the only time the attunement CD really bothers me is when I need to go dual water for any reason, and dual earth is to be avoided at all costs when i can go fire instead. I think that the full attunement #3 skills would see more play this way, too.

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I think people have targeted a lot of changes in skills and utilities. So my main suggestion will be give an overhaul to the Weaver's **traits and mechanics**.


The traits it currently has are lackluster and don't provide much survivability. There's little to no Weaver Trait synergy with existing elementalist specific skills like auras, glyphs, cantrips, and even little to no synergy on STANCES! Give us more options for defense because the defenses on a Weaver are even less than a Tempest. I'd like Weaver traits that give us benefit from attuning more, after all that's what the Weaver is all about. The stances also aren't really interesting at all except Primordial Stance; they're not effective enough or interesting.


Also, give some mechanical tweaks: Please reduce the attunement recharge severely! The point of a weaver is the attune like crazy and the CD kills this flow. Unravel should be an F5 toggle mechanic, not a waste of a utility slot.


Until the Weaver gets some love, I've stashed it away for now and use Tempest.

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* Sword needs damage buffs, be it through increased attack speed, reduced cooldowns or higher base coefficients

* More barrier generation overall, but especially on Dagger and Sword

* Higher baseline barrier coefficients or make Master's Fortitude give Vitality *and* Healing Power as a percentage of Power/Condition Damage

* Give attunements a 2 or 3 ammo capacity shared among all attunements, keeping recharge and global ICD the same

* This is probably the weirdest idea: vary the attunement swap ICD according to your mainhand weapon, giving melee weapons shorter ICDs to compensate for the increased danger

* Redesign the three Grandmaster traits so they're more interesting and actually change how you play the spec

* Remove Unravel and give us a proper utility instead

* Do something about Tailored Victory, it's almost never worth using

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