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Energy sigils not working in 2nd Equipment Template

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I have two sets of exotic energy sigils in both 1st and 2nd Equipment templates, including on completely separate ascended weapons (Torch and Focus), however they do not function at all in the second template.


I am curious if any other swap weapon sigil is not working, or if this is restricted to energy sigils only.


Edit - I just tried a different on swap sigil (Sigil of Battle) which works as it should.


Is this some unforseen interaction because the same on swap sigil type is in two different templates (even though they are completely different weapons, and exotic sigils)? I'd appreciate this being looked into because currently my second equipment template is unplayable.

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Update - I tried removing all weapons from the 1st Equipment Template, so only having weapons with energy sigils in the 2nd Template and they still do not work.


I am trying as many combinations as possible but so far nothing allows them to work in the 2nd Template.



Edit - editing this post so as not to keep bumping - I kept changing things around, bought some new exotic sigils and finally somehow it seems to work.


No idea how or why - could it be something weird happening because having legendary sigils existing on a couple of weapons (but they are configured to be different things, and work fine in the first template - eg I have axe with cleansing, torch with energy, and staff with cleansing/energy (legendaries are both cleansing here) and all works fine in 1st template).


Anyway, maybe a good idea to still look into this - my issue seems to be fixed thank goodness so it is possible to play, but don't understand why it happened in the first place or how it fixed itself - assuming some weird interaction in the new templates, maybe compounded by having legendary sigils on weapons also, even if they are different.



Edit 2 -

> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> We’re aware of the bug and are investigating it.


Thank you, I'm editing this post so as not to keep bumping this thread - I'd hazard a guess that it is some issue connecting with legendary sigils, even though the other sigils not working at the time were exotic, but sorry I'm unable to provide further or more detailed information to help.

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