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GW2 Steam?

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I doubt is a money issue. It is also data issue, they need to share certain data with steam and steam is pretty open in some data which from marketing view, isn't beneficial since we players will just make comparison. Likewise, also reviews system, it is very normal for people to change positive review to negative review just because of a bad patch.

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > * Want ANet to lose 20% or more to Steam, when ANet's margins are already low


> They're not really losing 20% since they'd be tapping into a market they might not have had otherwise. They'd certainly see a boost by using it.


Sure, they'd tap into a new market. That's only part of the story. They really are losing on each transaction (whether it's 20% or some other number). There are also contractual obligations (including potentially dealing with how updates are delivered to Steam customers). However, it fails to take into account how much this would cost. And it presumes that ANet hasn't done the research to determine the likely effort and the likely financial gain.


I am certainly wrong about the amount Steam charges and I'm probably wrong about the total amount ANet loses per transaction. But, the central point remains true: it isn't free for ANet to offer the game through Steam and they have determined that it isn't worth it to them.


FYI I'm not trying to make an argument for ANet. I'm offering a (simplistic) explanation for those who might not consider finances. Just because it sounds good at first blush doesn't mean it's better for ANet in the long run.

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