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Braham's Future (Spoiler maybe?)


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> @dusanyu.4057 said:

> > @RyuDragnier.9476 said:

> > > @dusanyu.4057 said:

> > > i figure Braham will eventually step in something that will bite his foot we will have to jump in before he looses it completely

> >

> > Most likely. That or he'll end up causing something he can't fix and get somebody he cares about (ie Rox) killed and will spend the rest of the story from then on atoning for it, being unable to blame anybody but himself. Bonus points if he admits he loved her.


> i hope they don't Kill Rox of all of the Dragons Watch NPCs she is one of more Reliable and down to earth.

Well, she's definitely the least developed. What do we really know about her? She has ties to Rytlock and there was that one charr in Camp Resolve that had a conversation with her. Unlike Vlast, killing her now really would be a waste of a character and I don't think she'd have a very good story revealed after the fact. At least, not the way they've been building her up.

> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> > @ugrakarma.9416 said:

> > Brahan is a Caithe 2.0


> Who's egg did he steal?

> Damnit braham, now is not a time to bake an omelet!

I know this is a joke, but I think the point is that Braham is an ally who turned against us. It'll really be a copy if he tries to make amends later, but I think if he's really going to be against us, he will not be looking to be forgiven and we might not even forgive him, more than even Caithe's "redemption arc", if we could call it that.

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I would have never let Caithe back into even far reach of the egg again, and surely not want to have her around. You can´t thrust her, she is like a kid with a sunglass walking casually around an anthill, buning here and there to see what happens. This whole I am a shadow stuff is completely skritt stuff, just like some people claim that they smell funny because they are old. She´s a shady sister murderer that only follows her own agenda in my opinion, and I hope that her role gets further minimized. Canach, despite being only a second generation Sylvari, already developed a much bigger conscience and better understanding of loyality and respect in his early age than she has today.


Compared to Caithe Braham is not a shady character and strightforward despises us but still he tells us his motives very clear. He walks to his own drum like she does too, but funny enough many people love that in Caithe and despise it in Braham. I would think of it being awesome when he actually slays Jormag and rises to legendary status among his people.

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I see the Caithe egg arc as knocking her down a peg. In the *Edge of Destiny* novel and Personal Story, Caithe is the Wise Forest Spirit, so having her behave more erratically and with unclear motivation was a serving of humble pie. I do wish they had fleshed out her contrition and redemption a bit though.


As for Braham, this is part of the shame of LS1 being locked away never to be seen again. There's a video floating around showing all the dialog and cutscenes, and watching his character, he hasn't really changed. He has severe issues with authority figures and parent figures, and with Eir gone the Commander sort of fills both roles a bit, enough for all his angst and resentment to transfer easily. He is also shown to be impulsive, pretty much always, though that does get worse after Eir's death. His disregard for Rox's safety when we last see him is a bit new, and may be a sign of a bad turn to come, but his treatment of the Commander is really just a sign of a shift in the relationship now that there's a vacuum in his mental hierarchy.


I still wouldn't mind getting to smack him around severely though.

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I think we should have met Braham just after our argument... The commander treated Braham as the friendship we were connected with for years means nothing to us... And Braham as well. So it's probably leading us to get rid of Braham because the time between our argument and PoF story is huge! I doubt Braham is going to realise the same as our commander did, that we have to reunite again. He went to far and he is as stubborn as Balthazar. Or perhaps a miracle will happen and he will realise that he was wrong... Anyway I think he is going to die, as our enemy or friend.


I think...

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> @Erulogos.2591 said:

> I see the Caithe egg arc as knocking her down a peg. In the *Edge of Destiny* novel and Personal Story, Caithe is the Wise Forest Spirit, so having her behave more erratically and with unclear motivation was a serving of humble pie. I do wish they had fleshed out her contrition and redemption a bit though.


> As for Braham, this is part of the shame of LS1 being locked away never to be seen again. There's a video floating around showing all the dialog and cutscenes, and watching his character, he hasn't really changed. He has severe issues with authority figures and parent figures, and with Eir gone the Commander sort of fills both roles a bit, enough for all his angst and resentment to transfer easily. He is also shown to be impulsive, pretty much always, though that does get worse after Eir's death. His disregard for Rox's safety when we last see him is a bit new, and may be a sign of a bad turn to come, but his treatment of the Commander is really just a sign of a shift in the relationship now that there's a vacuum in his mental hierarchy.


> I still wouldn't mind getting to smack him around severely though.


Call me a sucker for those who have been on my team, but I hope we can save him from himself. Marjory did good in getting over herself a little bit, but Braham will be a harder nut to crack especially now that he's in control of his own guild and has been rewarded for being an obtuse child.

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> @"Mickey Frogeater.1470" said:

> Jormag is sleeping. The only way Braham is going to wake him up is to become corrupted. This is a certainty. Whether or not he's in the early stages of corruption or just being hot tempered is the question.


Quote Yoda about anger.

Quote Emperor about how all is going to plan.


And it could very well be that Brahm is willing to become corrupted to wake Jormag back up with the intention of killing Jormag, but by willingly becoming corrupted, one becomes under Jormag's control.


Now start up Return of the Jedi.

Vadar watching Luke getting fried like a quaggan.


Give Brahm one last heroic act, then send him to the mists.


All in all, a reasonable plot for Anet.


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> @OneYenShort.3189 said:


> Quote Yoda about anger.

> Quote Emperor about how all is going to plan.


> And it could very well be that Brahm is willing to become corrupted to wake Jormag back up with the intention of killing Jormag, but by willingly becoming corrupted, one becomes under Jormag's control.


> Now start up Return of the Jedi.

> Vadar watching Luke getting fried like a quaggan.


> Give Brahm one last heroic act, then send him to the mists.


> All in all, a reasonable plot for Anet.



So Braham as a sort of Saren Arterius or Illusive Man (though not half as clever as either of them) then?

Could work. Maybe seeing Rox and/or Taimi getting the pointy end of some icebrood could motivate a heroic sacrifice ending for him.

(And yes, I've played, and will reference, many video games, and at this point all stories are remixes of other stories, so long as they are remixed well it's still fun.)

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> I would have never let Caithe back into even far reach of the egg again, and surely not want to have her around. You can´t thrust her, she is like a kid with a sunglass walking casually around an anthill, buning here and there to see what happens. This whole I am a shadow stuff is completely skritt stuff, just like some people claim that they smell funny because they are old. She´s a shady sister murderer that only follows her own agenda in my opinion, and I hope that her role gets further minimized. Canach, despite being only a second generation Sylvari, already developed a much bigger conscience and better understanding of loyality and respect in his early age than she has today.


> Compared to Caithe Braham is not a shady character and strightforward despises us but still he tells us his motives very clear. He walks to his own drum like she does too, but funny enough many people love that in Caithe and despise it in Braham. I would think of it being awesome when he actually slays Jormag and rises to legendary status among his people.


Say what you want about Caithe's actions, her motivations were pure. As the Commander said, she never meant harm to Aurene. She was seeking to protect the egg. She went about it the wrong way, because she was confused and didn't know which thoughts and instincts were her own, coming from her Wyld Hunt, or coming from Mordremoth, but the one thing she knew for sure was not to let Mordremoth get the egg.


As far as we know, that Wyld Hunt hasn't changed. Which is part of why Caithe has remained with Aurene. Now that Aurene is no longer in Tarir and has flown off to who knows where, I could see Caithe re-entering the picture to help track her down.

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Maybe it is just my personal disgust of Caithe that lets me be harsh with her. She is one of the eldest of a young race. That group of elders has produced many fine specimen that serve dutifully. Especially Trahearne who was dragged kicking and screaming into an adventure he never wanted. Caithe on the other hand shows no own will at the start of ls2 and is so totally naive that it hurts. How can it be that every other firstborn already grasped elementary concepts and she hasn´t? For the sake of the story of course, but that´s not something that has endeared her to me. Quite the contrary, I will always despise her now no matter what the character does from now on, there are simply lines you should not dare to cross to be a hero or just a regular ally of a hero.

A character who I can still stand behind with this kind of behavior is Snake Plissken. For all his faults, brash anarchism and errativ behavior, he is loyal to a fault to his friends and would have never left Cabbie, Taylor or even Utopia behind to die or let them get stranded just to follow his own agenda. He is clearly sympathetic to those who have been cast out, especially children. He clearly shows Maggie respect when she stays behind to buy them time and attempts to kill the Duke. He openly tells Haug that he does not give a skritt about the president and his politics but respects the man himself for his heroics in the Blacklight squadron. That´s a true shaddy hero if you ask me.


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  • 5 weeks later...

-Braham's behavior change...

-He start to corrupt little a little.

-He may choose wrong path or click wrong choice.

-Can't win a bigger corrup can't deny master who corrup him.

-We try to help.

-But turn to worst we got corrupt too.

-Got new Elite corrupt class.

-Braham feel sorry what did he done to everyone and overcome his corrupt path and stronger to save his friend.


I think Braham will be create a new class in future that's all looking for.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> Aside from one specific event, where we interrupt a ceremony of the Svanir turning a norn into an Icebrood, we don't really know Icebrood are made. I feel Braham's hatred towards dragons means he will never willingly join a dragon, but that doesn't mean his corpse won't be turned into one of his puppets.




The ritual appears to be for unwilling recipients.

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> @"Sariel V.7024" said:

> > @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > Aside from one specific event, where we interrupt a ceremony of the Svanir turning a norn into an Icebrood, we don't really know Icebrood are made. I feel Braham's hatred towards dragons means he will never willingly join a dragon, but that doesn't mean his corpse won't be turned into one of his puppets.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rescue_the_quaggan_from_the_Sons_of_Svanir


> The ritual appears to be for unwilling recipients.


I think Rognik meant [this one](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rescue_the_hunter_before_the_Sons_of_Svanir_complete_their_ritual) (although, granted, that's still a more-or-less unwilling recipient).

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We see a few more cases of Svanir forcefully corrupting the unwilling (such as Honor's Voice). But we never see non-svanir/non-svanir icebrood doing such - the closest we get is the Dragonspawn, which was using mesmeric trickery to make someone willing.


We even [first hand](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Frost_Portal) witness Jormag's minions pulling back from corrupting the PC. Just because the PC refuses and proves their strength.

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