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Have you ever seen ArenaNet employees in WvW ?


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> @"Custodio.6134" said:

> Just as the title says, i wonder if ArenaNet employees ever play WvW. Especially the last few balance patches and discussions on possible balancing-changes let me think about if ArenaNet, especially the balancing-team actually knows how the state of WvW really is.

> To clarify my question a bit: playing WvW does NOT mean, that you join WvW once per week for 2 hours, with "playing WvW" i mean, being active a lot of time (maybe not as much as the "veterans" that play every day for at least 4-5 hours, but i think about every ~2 days for at least 3 hours) and staying in both, a public zerg and roaming, and also with interacting with the respective community of the server.

> For myself, since release (and i started playing WvW even before my first character reached lvl 80) i have NEVER seen a player with ArenaNet-Tag in WvW. If it is really the case, that ANet, especially the balancing-team actively plays WvW, i guess i have never seen one, or they didn´t ever play on our Server. If NOT, well, then at least i know how these (sometimes ridiculous) balancing ideas/implemented changes are produced...


> I don´t want to start a huge discussion about balancing-aspects here, but encourage ArenaNet employees, especially the balancing-team that is responsible for WvW, to focus their own type of playing to WvW from time to time and over a longer period (e.g. 2 full matchups, so they expierience at least 1 re-linking) to really witness the current state of the game mode and how their implemented changes did impact the whole game. Also, this would require playing on not only 1 server, but to switch servers that are in different languages, and especially different timezones, as this heavily impacts the flow of battle, especially at primetime. I just want to point this out, because opinions here in the forums are always heavily subjective and don´t always reflect a neutral view. Exactly this point is a huge factor, that could impact the balance and state of the game mode in a negative way as you cannot rely on opinions of players to 100% because of the subjective perception of each player, which can vary a lot on personal expieriences. Also, humans tend to remember negative expieriences a lot more, than things that are actually good. For example: you will not care as much about your own healing being too high, as your enemies damage being too low. Vice versa, if your enemy deals a huge amount of damage, you will notice this, and start to feel a lack of your own sustain (even if it is not the case). Another point is the fact, that WvW-related balancing-changes to classes/skills/traits still seem to be connected (at least in a particular way) to PvP and PvE. This is (in my opinion) one of the reasons why ANet struggles to balance WvW in a proper way. WvW-balance MUST be split from PvP and PvE entirely. They are in no way related to each other and the differences in style of play and priority on what classes/skills/traits are important or not are HUGE.


> This is one thing i would really like to know


There is an ANET dev in the same guild I am in. He does not always represent the arenanet guild while in WvW (they only got the ”dev logo” over their head if they represent the anet guild) so you might have run into more devs than you think.

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You can get the cheeve by killing an anet dev anywhere. I got mine in dragonball of all places. It grants no ap or title, and is hidden until completion. There's no point to it . . .


Last time I saw an anet dev in wvw was a couple of months ago, they led a group of about fifteen to chase me solo across southwestern desert, so I'd say they have a pretty good grasp on how players ordinarily play the game mode :)

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> @"Krypto.2069" said:

> Yes, I have! :smiley:


> This video is from 3 years ago. SoS vs YB - outside of Fire Keep.

> (I'm not recording it, but I was there. I'm on SoS, and I'm the one that says - "GET HIS A$S" at the very beginning... hahaha :lol: )


> **Our Anet Dev buddy is Jona** who regularly played on SoS and fought along side us that night as well! He and his Anet counterpart on YB agreed to a duel in front of the two server blobs!!! :grin: I'll let you enjoy the short video of how that went down if you've never seen it. :wink:


> And...I've seen Jona recently (within the last few weeks or so ) and other Anet players here and there too!


> (I especially like what happens after the duel! "the good ol' days!" :+1: )


> ENJOY! :grin:






lol someone put down necro marks on the opposing anet dev.



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