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Guild Update 2017 wishlist


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If arenanet decided to devote actual resources to one giant guild focused update, what kind of things would you like to see in it?


My top choices would be:

1. A scribing profession revision and potential simplification with more affordable recipes.

2. Possible revision to actual activities you can do in your guild hall i.e. Training golemns, treasure chests and more player customizable options for creating activities within the hall itself.

3. A little bit more detail/less rubble/more depth to Windswept Haven.

4. More varied guild missions and additions to current types of missions i.e. Fractal guild missions, bounties, and races. And possibly jumping puzzles.

5. More customizable decorating options such as being able to rotate decorations on different axes.



I know it's been stated that they have no team designated to guilds and this being the first mmo I've played in which I've actually gotten truly invested in the idea of being in a guild, it's unfortunate that the content specifically taking advantage of guilds has been stagnant for so long with no change in the foreseeable future. I have a suspicion that guild content was originally going to have more focus with the addition of guild halls but due to the seeming lack of initial interest in guild halls with their release the idea of devoting resources to this aspect of the game seemed like a risky and fruitless endeavor. However, from my standpoint that lack of interest stemmed from their being an actual point to guild halls or a lack of activities such as weekly summonable bosses or potentially spawning invasions in which the guild must defend (just as quick examples), AS WELL as the complexity and cost of ny only upgrading the guild halls but decorating them and scribing as well people just quickly lost interest unless it specifically appeals to them or they took the time to really dive in. It's more of a niche interest for the community because there isn't any variety in the gameplay to attract multiple types of players.



Anyway, rambling. Just curious about people's opinions and possible wishes if Arenanet decided to have a guild specific update at some point.

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1. Scribing prices for decorations are fine. Scribing prices for consumables (including banners and wvw consumables) need a review. Also, there should never be souldbound or account bound materials in the recipies of a profession designed specifically to produce things for the use and enjoyment of groups of players, as it prevents groups of players from contributing to their creation.

2. Agree, start with existing activities and items like training golems, belcher's bluff, golem chess, and other such things that there's already scripting for.

3. No comment. Far too invested in the decorative layout for my hall to move, since there's no intrinsic reward to moving, unlike the unique weapon skins in the other two halls.

4. Agree. Just add systems that work like the pvp and wvw missions that award guild missions for doing specific existing content, and let guilds choose what they want to main six slots to direct players to. Raiding guild? World bosses, raid wings, and fractals could all have their own associated guild missions. No real reason to design new guild missions, so their creation isn't fighting for resources with other content creation.

5. Also agree. Be nice to have a "free placement" mode where you just inhabit the decoration and move it around with player controls without clipping.

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Hopefully this post gets some attention, I think over the last 5 years guilds have been far too neglected in terms of features. Just of a few of my wants:


1) Please expand the guild teams feature to allow teams for other gameplay types i.e. Raid, WvW, etc. It looks almost like this was kind of developed to support that considering we have to specify what kind of team it is, however PvP is the only option. This is such a good feature considering you can invite all members of a team with one click.


2) Please de-couple invite permissions from management of lower ranks. As a GM of a guild with over 450 members, I would prefer to not give a lionshare of them the ability to kick members lower than them in order to simply allow them to invite new members or friends.


3) As others mentioned, please add more content for guild missions. Maybe a dungeon or something that requires a guild team or something. As of right now I have a hard time getting interest from players to do scavenger hunts because most are quite bored of it.


4) This one has challenges, I understand, but as of right now I have found it difficult to organize WvW with guildies since many are cross-realm and not on my world. Please show guild members world in the guild list or provide some quality of life features for organizing WvW in a guild post megaserver.


5) Just an idea, I often have to beg, borrow, and steal to get folks to contribute to the guild treasury. Many will contribute for the guild hall purely out of generosity, others for a particular guild hall upgrade they want, but for the most part there is no incentive to contribute. Many guildies are working on professions or legendaries and truly can't spare the materials required for many of the upgrades. If I could somehow make it worth their time, maybe award guild commendations for donations or something I might be more successful as the materials get more expensive and more time consuming to collect. I don't know if this is a good or bad idea, but i'll throw it out there

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