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Lake Doric Leather Farm Diminishing Returns?


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Sorry if this has been discussed plenty already but I couldnt find anything on the forums yet, and only a single post outside of the official forums. I was doing the Lake Doric leather farm, which I have done before but never for more than a run or two, and after about an hour~ of time the amount of Bloodstone Hides I was receiving changed drastically. (10% of what I was previously getting). Was this just terrible RNG or does this run have diminishing returns?


Also is there an official post about this somewhere? I would like to know more about it (such as when it resets, etc).


and also; Im absolutely not complaining, I've just never seen anything like this and I would like more information. Thanks!

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You are correct insofar as there is a diminishing return, but it's not specific to Lake Doric; all areas suffer from diminishing returns, presumably to force players to diversify their content as a built-in means of limiting farming locations that are overtuned before there can be a fix (if necessary). Diminishing returns generally starts taking place after about an hour of farming the same spot, but it can kick in sooner or later than that depending on the circumstances. To remove your diminishing returns, you need to leave the map and/or do events and farm in other areas instead. Additional information can be found on the GW2 wiki under Basic Mechanics and Map DR, here:


[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Diminishing_returns")

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It's typically tricky to be sure when Diminishing Returns (DR) is getting applied, especially since there are multiple sorts of DR (as described in the wiki article).

* Event DR is easy to spot: you get less karma, gold, and XP than usual.

* Map bonus DR is harder to spot (since there's no progress bar). Fortunately, it almost certainly triggers within a few events of suffering Event DR.

* Loot DR (from kills) is even harder to spot, because loot is plentiful but low value and some foes never seem to drop much, so it can be hard to spot "lower value" loot. Unless it's for something specific (like festivals, where there are special drops), the clearest indicator is that you start getting more junk.


Swapping characters always starts you from scratch (no DR), but... you'll still have the DR on the older characters. So ideally take them to another zone for a few events (including WvW). The longer you play with DR, the longer it takes to clear, so try to swap maps every so often.


As a general rule of thumb, if you swap characters every hour and then take 5-15 minutes on each later, you'll probably never see any serious DR. (I almost never encounter it myself because I can't usually stand to do the same thing for more than an hour in the first place.)

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, I realize I'm rezzing a zombie thread but I have a question about DR and thought this was better than starting a new post. Does DR also happen in home instance nodes? That is, if you keep an alt parked in your home instance, do you get a diminishing amount of resources from harvesting nodes? This seems to be happening to me and I didn't know if it was DR or just a run of randomness. The wiki doesn't specify. Thank you very much.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I use the same character in my Daily Home Instance gather, and I've never experienced any DR. Home Instance Nodes returns are guaranteed, as far as I know. Maybe you have different Nodes than I.


Thanks! Probably just RNG then. I get stuff from the nodes, but not the same amount every day. It varies widely.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > I use the same character in my Daily Home Instance gather, and I've never experienced any DR. Home Instance Nodes returns are guaranteed, as far as I know. Maybe you have different Nodes than I.


> Thanks! Probably just RNG then. I get stuff from the nodes, but not the same amount every day. It varies widely.


What *precisely* is varying? Most things should be pretty much fixed amounts.


The LW nodes give a variable amount of magic (unbound/volatile), so between 5-6 nodes the total amount could reasonably vary a fair bit. The actual materials should be *a lot* more stable though.


What glyphs are you using? Bounty would naturally introduce a significant variance since it'll be random *which* nodes get the extra swing.

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What varies -- and I know some variation is normal -- is the main item from the nodes. For example, the Aurillum node: when my toon first goes to her home instance and harvests it, I usually get 8-11 pieces of aurillium. If I leave the toon parked there, after several days the yield is usually more like 5-6 pieces per day. If I choose another toon and go to a different home instance, the amount goes up again.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> What varies -- and I know some variation is normal -- is the main item from the nodes. For example, the Aurillum node: when my toon first goes to her home instance and harvests it, I usually get 8-11 pieces of aurillium. If I leave the toon parked there, after several days the yield is usually more like 5-6 pieces per day. If I choose another toon and go to a different home instance, the amount goes up again.


That still could be lucky|unlucky streaks.


If you want to test that, try the following:

* For 7 days, use Character A alone for farming the home instance. Count the total Aurillium mined.

* For days 8-14, use 7 different characters (not including A) and count the Aurillium.

* Compare the totals

* Bonus: all keep track of other nodes.


Various websites can help you keep track, if you like. On the whole, for most nodes, you can do a before|after screenshot with Character A (especially if the toon does nothing else). For aurillium, you'd have to do a before|after shot of your wallet, too, since the currency goes there directly. For characters B-H, a daily before|after.

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