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Starborn Outfit Knees


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Since it doesn't show up on the Wiki examples, have you tried changing/removing (just to check) the Leggings your Asura character is wearing (under the Outfit)?

> Just in case that's contributing to the 'bug'.


Lol that never occurred to me, but I just tried it and no change. I tried removing every piece of armor one at a time. Stripe still there.


p.s. also made sure all equipment templates were empty

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It's been a problem since the outfit released, I pulled one from a BL chest by chance the day it dropped, and that reddish discoloration was there when I tried it on just to see what it was, doesn't go away no matter what color you dye. This issue has been brought up before, and I wouldn't expect them to fix it anytime soon, sadly. I almost don't want to complain about it because they finally let us have the same options the human females get... I will begrudgingly accept visual bugs and massive clipping (Imperial outfit, unfixed since 2015!) over consistently being forced into menswear because they won't bother to alter the female outfits for charr and asura.


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Considering that outfit is a GEMSTORE PURCHASE that you put money into, they should definitely fix the problem, rather than leaving it as is.


> @"Amy of Darkness.5248" said:

I will begrudgingly accept visual bugs and massive clipping (Imperial outfit, unfixed since 2015!) over consistently being forced into menswear because they won't bother to alter the female outfits for charr and asura.



I can see female asura getting some female human options (but not all... some just look dumb on an asura body)... but female charr are giant hairy demon cats. A female charr in frills, heels, dresses, and bras is always going to look horrid.



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If someone wants to pay their own hard earned money to customize their character to "look horrid" that should be their right, and they should NOT be continually shafted for playing a non-human by being denied choices the other 3 races consistently get. There are plenty of non-frilly, non dress ouftits in the gem store that are either unisex or lean toward masculine, and literally ALL of the armor is male armor for asura and charr. You are not without your options to dress in menswear. It's not like anyone is forcing people to buy outfits that look bad on their character, anyway.

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