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Why is this not a thing???

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I see a lot players in-game having more than one weapon equip shown on their back a lot of the times now. Is this a bug? if so, would it be possible to make this into an actual thing in-game? because I'd very much would love to have 2-2handed weaps being shown on the back of my toon or even 3 like 2 weaps and 1 shield shown on the back of my toon. This has to be a bug since I don't see any options for it to toggle on/off. Please Anet, please make this a thing!!!.

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If you're referring to the guy in the foreground of the screenshot with the fiery greatsword and what looks like a rifle underneath it I think that's a bug - the rifle is a harpoon gun which should only show underwater. If you're referring to the guy in the background who has Twilight and also an axe (and if I remember correctly a sword too) that's because he's using a backpack which appears to have those items attached. I think it's the Mercenary Backpack but I'm not sure.


I've seen this requested a few times, so there's obviously some demand for it. But I think if it ever was implemented:

1) It would have to be optional. I'd hate it personally, all my characters would look a mess so I'd absolutely want a way to turn it off.

2) You'd have to accept _a lot_ of clipping. And weird animations if, for example, you wanted a sword and a rifle crossed on your back - the animation for drawing both is the same so the one that's the wrong way round would have to vanish from your back and appear in your hands part way through being drawn or something. Either that or they'd have to add a huge amount of work to mirror image all the animations and add a way for the game to know which weapon is stowed which way round. But the alternative is that they're lying on top of each other and then whichever is on top/biggest will hide the other.

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