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I'm actually playing for like 3-4 years but I keep forgetting where which map is - we have so many of them and I never payed attention in the first place where what is as you usually just follow the story or teleport to your group. Also zooming too much makes map name disappear.

It would be useful for newer players too I think. I hope they'll think about adding it, cause using wiki every time is bothersome.


Thanks for answers! I hoped I missed some kind of search option, I hope it will be implemented in future : <

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Well, it would be a nice QoL feature I guess.. but honestly this is such a small thing I don't think Anet will bother. It doesn't take *that* long to find a specific zone on the world map, and anyone who plays regularly will learn them by heart pretty fast.


I mean, I have trouble remembering where exactly some less-frequently visited zones are sometimes, especially some Krytan or Ascalon territories, but it literally never takes more than 10 seconds to find it.

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Well... just speaking for myself, I'm something of a map completion guru among my friends (so much so that I've had offers of gold for me to go in and do their map completion for them LOL) so all I really do is mark points for myself and see which of the core maps I have left to complete. Even though I have 2 mains and 24 alts (ssshhh... I know, Altoholics Anonymous), I find map completion to be one of the best things to do while talking in voice chat or on the phone. Next thing I know, I've completed another map.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> Well, it would be a nice QoL feature I guess.. but honestly this is such a small thing I don't think Anet will bother. It doesn't take *that* long to find a specific zone on the world map, and anyone who plays regularly will learn them by heart pretty fast.


> I mean, I have trouble remembering where exactly some less-frequently visited zones are sometimes, especially some Krytan or Ascalon territories, but it literally never takes more than 10 seconds to find it.


I play 3-4 years but I still have trouble finding it - it often takes as much as 5-10 mins scrolling through the map and usually I end up on wiki. Sure, it's not every day occurence but on medicore once a week it happens. Right now Im making skyscale collection and it took me forever to find Kourma. Same with Sandswept Isles. Most ls3 season maps are a problem for me too. Jahai Bluffs was ok as I was just looking around for something purple.

It's not gamebreaking but it would be a nice QoL feature. Maybe it's not much work and devs will decide to add it some day - with every LS we basically get a new map and they seem to be focusing on ls currently.

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