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(Spoiler) "Terrible things lurk beyond the horizon."

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> @"leguman.6387" said:

> I think he is just evil and trying to gain our trust to get an advantage, but there is probably a true threat like a cosmic horror (maybe "Mother").


Remember, Cantha had/has its own particular set of Lovecraftian horrors. The Elder Dragons, for all their mysteries, are at least somewhat comprehensible. What may be coming might make them look small.



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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"leguman.6387" said:

> > I think he is just evil and trying to gain our trust to get an advantage, but there is probably a true threat like a cosmic horror (maybe "Mother").


> Remember, Cantha had/has its own particular set of Lovecraftian horrors. The Elder Dragons, for all their mysteries, are at least somewhat comprehensible. What may be coming might make them look small.




The canthan eldritch monsters/monster was leviathans/the leviathan. Where it sits in the pantheon and even the world we don't know, and if its related to the elder dragons is a mystery... it was in the jade sea. Perhaps thats why we haven't seen bubbles yet... those two are having a kaiju battle in the un-ending ocean?

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Leaning towards DsD based on the heavy water emphasis in the first trailer. Also, the area below Labyrinthine cliffs got a map update shortly after Blood Legion Homelands/Far Shiverpeaks and those just came out, so that could be next.


Just hoping its not some random mini threat that is resolved in one season (i.e. Lazarus)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> What do you think Jormag was referring to? Any guesses?

Oookay, my guesses are...

* Passing the tipping point(s) in global warming, or

* Maintenance mode for GW2.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Yes, still - it's got to be _something_ (some event) she was referring to, no? And it must be of epic proportions, as dramatically as she made it sound. And what's "bigger" in GW2 than elder dragons? ;)

I'm totally dodging a _"Yo' Momma"_ joke here.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> I think it's just a boogie man. Jormag's whole thing is "I can make it all better, I can protect you, all you have to do is surrender to me, let me help you" as it sends its minions to kill and destroy and lures Vigil troops into the snow to die. It can protect you from, what? Jormag's threat? Yeah. Cheers for that.


> Jormag talks about eternal peace, but there's no eternal peace in life, it obviously wants to freeze the world. That's its end game.



I agree that it’s nothing right now. Jormag just wants to use us for our power and connection to aurene and is looking for something that we all need to work together against, but the biggest threat right now is... itself. I think the idea is just to be vague since there’s nothing more frightening out there right now but as soon as anything presents itself that will become the thing that it was all along

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> What do you think Jormag was referring to? Any guesses?


> Mine is still the Deep Sea Dragon (and _perhaps_ Cantha). Who knows what that beast has been up to for all those centuries! ;)


> Edit: Wait! There is still the comment Kralkatorrik made when he was dying. What was it, "Mother"? :o Perhaps it's even bigger than an elder dragon...




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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > I think it's just a boogie man. Jormag's whole thing is "I can make it all better, I can protect you, all you have to do is surrender to me, let me help you" as it sends its minions to kill and destroy and lures Vigil troops into the snow to die. It can protect you from, what? Jormag's threat? Yeah. Cheers for that.

> >

> > Jormag talks about eternal peace, but there's no eternal peace in life, it obviously wants to freeze the world. That's its end game.



> I agree that it’s nothing right now. Jormag just wants to use us for our power and connection to aurene and is looking for something that we all need to work together against, but the biggest threat right now is... itself. I think the idea is just to be vague since there’s nothing more frightening out there right now but as soon as anything presents itself that will become the thing that it was all along


Major combatants or plot threads still unresolved:


- Jormag, of course. And its major servants like Drakkar.

- Bangar and his Charr army are still at large.

- There are some missing Spirits of the Wild who may be corrupted by Jormag and/or gone entirely rogue.

- Aurene. Where is she and what is she up to?

- We put Primordus to sleep at the end of LS3E5 and THOUGHT we did the same to Jormag, but apparently we either thought wrong or somehow Jormag woke back up, probably when we killed Kralk; that hasn't quite been explained yet that I've seen. We have no indication yet that Primordus is awake again, but who knows...

- DSD is presumed active, true status unknown, location most likely in the Endless Ocean west-northwest of Kryta.

- Cantha with all its potential horrors.

- PoF left it hanging that Lyssa may not have entirely left Tyria.

- Even without bringing in major entities, the big party in Grothmar ended up creating more division than it solved, both with and within the Charr. The cultural evolution of the Charr is a story all its own.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Major combatants or plot threads still unresolved:

> - Jormag, of course. And its major servants like Drakkar.

> - Bangar and his Charr army are still at large.

These will presumably the primary antagonists of the Saga, so it makes sense for anet to not reveal too much too early.


> - There are some missing Spirits of the Wild who may be corrupted by Jormag and/or gone entirely rogue.

These were never part of the GW2 plot.


> - Aurene. Where is she and what is she up to?

Aurene is crystallizing the remainder of Kralkatorrik's brand.


> - We put Primordus to sleep at the end of LS3E5 and THOUGHT we did the same to Jormag, but apparently we either thought wrong or somehow Jormag woke back up, probably when we killed Kralk; that hasn't quite been explained yet that I've seen. We have no indication yet that Primordus is awake again, but who knows...

Jormag (or its impersonator) stated that Jormag still is asleep.


> - DSD is presumed active, true status unknown, location most likely in the Endless Ocean west-northwest of Kryta.

There are a few missable mentions, but Bubbles was never part of the plot.


> - Cantha with all its potential horrors.

Again, this isn't part of the plot.


> - PoF left it hanging that Lyssa may not have entirely left Tyria.

It's entirely possible that Balthazar took the mirror from her in the mists.

Remember how Rytlock said that Balthazar looked like any random person in the mists? That might have been the effect of the mirror, too.


> - Even without bringing in major entities, the big party in Grothmar ended up creating more division than it solved, both with and within the Charr. The cultural evolution of the Charr is a story all its own.

The only new division displayed was Bangar + fanatics vs the "good" Charr.

If anything, the Rift between the playable Legions and Flame Legion has shrunk.


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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I agree that it’s nothing right now. Jormag just wants to use us for our power and connection to aurene and is looking for something that we all need to work together against, but the biggest threat right now is... itself. I think the idea is just to be vague since there’s nothing more frightening out there right now but as soon as anything presents itself that will become the thing that it was all along


Jormag's manipulation attempts and her goals are obvious, but I still feel like she wasn't lying about the future. Curious to find out what it's going to be...

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I've been guessing this for a while, some greater foe. A being beyond the dragons and gods. Perhaps the creator of them and the mists itself. I assume this character is the real reason the gods fled. They knew Balth would have to die and one of the dragons would consume his stolen rampant magic, and as a result rampage through the mists consuming magic. I assume that this higher being is making an appearance because of what kralk did to the mists. Jormag knows what kralk has done and is now trying to make allies maybe in Hope's of preventing the "trials to come" or the "terrible thing that lurks on the horizon." Perhaps Jormag knows of ways to beat them back, "In time you'll need me, and when you do I'll be waiting." Or "I can set you free." Heavy speculation but it's what I do.

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