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3 things you would like implemented or changed


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1) If you are in a squad then have it so when you join the map you are put into the same map instance as the comm (if the map isn't full). Joining a squad, then having one loading wait into the map, then having to sit through another loading screen again to join the right instance is a real pain.


2) Add some sort of instanced player housing in the open world that could be purchased. Could be an empty house added to one of each starting area of the game for example, and you'd have the option of only buying/living in one at a time (like guild halls). The home instances don't feel like a home, and as a result I rarely visit mine even though I have nodes there. If I had the option of buying a small farmhouse in Queensdale that I could craft furniture for to personalise, and that contained my nodes in it's garden or something, then I'd visit it daily! Even if I have to pay for this as a real money dlc that would be fine.


3) Stop having dialogue/option boxes open behind the inventory window when you bring them up via an item. These need to open over the inventory window. (for example when you use the living world portal tome or the Spearmarshall's Plea)

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  • 2 months later...

I do like the idea of visible health bars or additionally the level even if not moused over if above your current level. That 2nd part came from an idea after my friend left GW2 because he could not get used to the game and preferred the way WoW (his preferred game) told him all enemy's levels, what ore he could mine without ending up with crap, etc. He said he is never coming back to GW2 and hasn't even though 2 expansions have now come out since he left.


I also agree that I wish that trees would go invisible like your body does when you zoom in ... every other game in the world has no issue with trees like GW2 does.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> 3. Talk to us more. Here. On your own forums, where you're supposed to communicate.


> @"Player.9621" said:

> 1: make all useless trophys either grey or useable for karma, retroactive past and present


> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> 1. Finish unresolved plot threads.


> @"Archranis.2375" said:

> (1) Stop using reddit to communicate game information and use your own forums

> (2) Build Templates

> (3) Key chain


All of these and one of my own: An option to allow viewing of all of my equipped weapons like what we have for helmet, shoulders, and gloves. If I want to show off my daggers AND my longbow I'd to be able to do that please.

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1. option to turn off receiving bloodstone dusts, lvl20exp boosters, bday guns, auric dusts etc

2. if raid selling is allowed, make a separate lfg category for them!!!! seriously every day we see the same ads for raid sell and it's annoying!!!!

3. for pvp league, they should monitor the top 20 players! and see if they cheated or not!

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1. Disable mount attack in starter level maps. it is unfair to low levels when a mount comes in for dailies in a level 10 map and just does its mount attack and low levels cannot get hits in. This has imbalanced the game for low levels trying to get dailies done.

2. List events that are happening in the map in the side so that people are aware there are events going on even if on the other side of the map.

3. icon over key holders head for Fire ele world boss

4. Weapon previews have an attack preview as well

5. TP search for consumables have an added search feature for effects the consumable has that you want

6. Togglable gliders via either settings or key bind

7. Ability to preview the Dye Kits, not just what each Dye pack has in it

8. Special icon over player head for guild leader or guild event leader to have when doing a guild event and leading their guild through the event

9. Sent mail list as well as show saved player name and account name in in game mail so you know who sent you the mail (there have been issues with a player deleting a character and you reply to a mail and cannot get ahold of the person who sent it because you don't know their account name).

10. Ability to sort or have catagories for your toggled dailies you want showing on the side of your screen so the ones you are doing at the moment show up first without you having to untoggle others just so the ones for dailies show up.




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1) Complete Rework of the Boon and Condition System

2) Making Expansion 3 let us go to Cantha and rework and fix the complete Underwater Gameplay with an awesome story abour revealing and defeating finally the Deep Sea Dragon and making Aurene stronger as part of that due to the loss of another Elder Dragons, whos magic balance Job has to take over Aurene with the help of a revived and brought back from the dead (out of the underworld) Abaddon who returns as our new God of Secrets & Water then, while Kormir takes over then the place as new Goddess of War after having made up her history with us and Abaddon first, telling us, that it is the best for Tyria and World Balance, if she gives back Abaddon his old god position back, whil the gods will keep a close eyse on Abaddons actions, while taking over therefore the position as new Goddess of War.

3) New Weapon Types being added to the Game, while removing obsolete junk like Tridents (merge with Staffs) and Harpoon Guns (merge with Rifles) out of the game - Chakram, Greataxe, Chain Whip, Polearms, Claws/Gauntlets would be the greatest choice ANet could do that makes sense


More I don't want currently the most.. a compelling awesome third expansion which adds more new weapon types as part of its feature list, redesigns and reworks therefore also the underwatr content to brign it in an awesom way back to th game and which is used at the same time for a complete overhaul of hte boon and condition system with a massive rebalance together that comes with the change on those combat system elements together, because the outdated combat system elements of this game trulyl need finally the adjustments that Anet should have given this games combat system already several years ago basicallly with the first expansion already... but sadly Anet was too scared to make such a proper step towards a more balanced game and ignored again most of all fundamental combat system elemts and focused themself only as usual onto skills, traits and made only desastrous changes on conditions, while completerly ignoring to make adaptions and compensations to boons as well, and instead added as cheap solution their band aid fix that was adding resistance as a new boon, when it would hsave been a 1000 times better, if they would have added Resistance as an dual effect attribute, together with changing the other attributes to dual effetcs as well, which owudl have made more sense, than a very short lastign ,strippable, corruptable 100>0 overpowered boon which is eitrher totalyl overpowered for the time its there and you cant strip or corrupt it, or which is totalyl uselss, if you get spammed full in cobmat with boon strips and corrupts, that it bare can protect you at all fro mall the condi spam that got added from HoT on


Resistance needs to be an attribute, which helps with its primary effect to reduce Condition Damage - Toughness would be overpowrred if it would reduce all damage types, so there needs to be an other attribute that is focused on reducign Condition Damage - Resistance as an attribute woudl be the perfetc option for that.

And as its secondary effect needs Resistance to increase a characters efficiency to resist becoming CCed, so reducing significantly the durations of becoming stunned, dazed and giving through the final full implementation of the Breakbar System to also players as well the game a system, which allows it players to resist better CC spam, while stun breakrs need to get reworkled intio skills that simpyl help refillignm of your Breakbar


This game could be potentially already soooo much better, if Anet would just only begin to update all of their year long ignored combat system mechanics and woudl rework and rebalance them accordingly to the current state of the game and all the changes that have been made to the game over the klast 5 years, which weren#t part of the 2012er game state balance, that is still heavily in usage by Anet until today with all the outdated mechanics from release day of the game, which anet never dared to touch and rebalance sadly until today


if all of these 3 points could be done within expansion 3, then I'd be again a very happy GW2 player

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1) Let all classes, not just ranger, collect pets in game. It's the 'only' collectable aspect that I can think of relegated to one type. Of course, these pets would not be able to attack and would disappear like Minis in populated map instances.


2) Necromancer getting long/short bow as optional weapons. Axes and such do long range as it is, and I always enjoyed thef ranger's bows but play necro 99% of the time now.


3) Expansion of #1: Let nercos swap out the look of their minions for those of in world pets they've collected, or at the very least add dye channels to the minions and be able to name them for some uniqueness.


4) Be able to dismiss minions at will. Same with pets. And neither types return until the player chooses them too.


5) Be able to click any other player and see their stats/weapons/armor levels and so on (Great for helping others get the right builds).


6) Health bars of players when in parties and squads. However, at the same time, to be able to dismiss any and ALL in game text above other players heads in game when it gets so crowded you can't even see the enemy due to all the floating text.


7) Dismount from Gryphon mid flight into glider mode since the opposite is possible. Or allow Gryphons to use updrafts and leylines.


8) Put the option to turn on/off doubletap for dodge in the lower right/left corner of the screen for easy access!


9) Allow Mastery points to be used as currency once they are maxed out in any section. Or, say that someone is missing 4 HoT masteries but they have 8 POF masteries, be able to convert 2 of any type mastery into 1 of another type.


4-8 should happen for sure. The others, QoL extremes!

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How about a better less tedious and ridiculously long way to get Precursor weapons for the newer legendaries. I mean really Anet, some of us DO HAVE LIVES outside of your game! These precursor "quests" are too long, too expensive, and not enjoyable at all. The griffon was way more fun to achieve. I get that it's supposed to be a "legendary" quest but none of it feels epic, it just feels like a chore.

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1. The ability to sell items on the Trading Post without an error message after too many sales.

2. No more balancing classes in PvE based on the actions and vocal complaints in PvP.

3. Less content that requires massive zergs to achieve success or rewards. Remember: this game was originally based on rewarding the more skillful as opposed to the more plentiful as far as PvE.

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> @"Chamelion.9536" said:


> 5) Be able to click any other player and see their stats/weapons/armor levels and so on (Great for helping others get the right builds).



No no no, please, just no. Its already bad enough that players get 'judged' upon joining LFG groups based on their APs or LIs. Let's not make it more LFG unfriendly.




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1. More events in big cities not just the main hubs. Mount/glide races, etc. With daily-s ofc. I don't know any event at all in The Grove, Rata Sum or the charrs rusti... place.

2. Event creator tool for guild halls. It's like a custom event for that guild. Shareable or not i dont know. It's just an idea for community created content. (I know this is kinda impossible :D )

3. Race guild event ;)


Yes, i like the race events very very much ;)

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1. I remember lamenting a long time ago how I could not use a different helmet with the full-body outfits. Even when the outfit didn't even have a helmet like the Ancestral Outfit for example. It'd be nice to be able to choose which parts of the outfit are active.


2. More jumping puzzles and stuff to do for the different mounts, and not just for griffins. Maybe have guests or challenges that require using one of the other mounts.


3. More festivals. There was a thread about this earlier, and I agree we could use one or two more annual events to look forward to.

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> @"Willhart.8230" said:

> 1. I remember lamenting a long time ago how I could not use a different helmet with the full-body outfits. Even when the outfit didn't even have a helmet like the Ancestral Outfit for example. It'd be nice to be able to choose which parts of the outfit are active.


> 2. More jumping puzzles and stuff to do for the different mounts, and not just for griffins. Maybe have guests or challenges that require using one of the other mounts.


> 3. More festivals. There was a thread about this earlier, and I agree we could use one or two more annual events to look forward to.


The way I'm geussing they made the outfits, they are build up out of a single bodysuit, it's just your head that gets put on top, the skin color will be checked and given to the outfits skin color. They'd have the adjust the outfits, seperate them into different pieces and than put them together as an outfit again, basicaly making an armor set.


I have done a very small amount of modelling myself during my Virtual reality minor for my study, It's tedious work to seperate parts of a model and put them together as individual parts.

Some people may have more experience and know an easy way to do it though.


This does raise the question: Can we have more armor sets instead of outfits xD

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