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3 things you would like implemented or changed


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> @Panda.1967 said:

> Tell me about it... so tired of hearing "Accelerating!" and "There's the power!" every few seconds... it wouldn't be nearly as annoying if they had multiple calls for every buff, since it'd remove the repetitiveness... but it'd still get annoying...


You can turn off player chatter at the sound settings.

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1.remove condi damage as a stat, its painful to want something like renegade when im built for power/vit/def/crit. i know id get hate for it and the astronomical re-adjustments would suck for anet, but having/getting 2 sets of gear sucks, and im guessing theres a hidden balance in skills for condi damage.

2a.global reward tracks(like pvp/wvw, and no more per map bonus rewards>:D)

3.HP/MP removed:hey another thing to hate me for... but hear me out, since masteries require experience already there no need for points(at this time im missing a few to finish secrets of scholars mastery), they would auto finish or have a "confirm this" button. training on the other hand is kinda sad compared to the original, no books, no person to talk to, just points points points, and well its anti-thematic to see holosmiths/scourges/deadeyes magically maxed same day as launch vs talking to an npc with the new skill set(starts buy selling/giving you a shiny new weapon to learn this new profession path that youd have to gain exp in:shocker: ). this also ties to another interest:elite weapon/skill restriction to elite spec, namely reaper and dragonhunter have the better of many elite weapons, on the other hand, offhand and onehanded weapons are kinda eh, until weaver/holo got sword 1H(dont use the utilities at all from either), deadeye comes close, but its mechanics are tied to marking so thats iffy(and deadeye is a game changer for thief>:D). and elites can be a simple dropdown in the trait tab changing characteristics(yes yes more rebalancing), which would enable repeatable weapons instant of say trying to find something new for say warrior(the only class i wont play)


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side b things

1.race voice pack for non story parts of the game, i want the english sylvari voice on my human(s).

2.more summoning elite specs, engi has 2 but they will never feel like real summoning, and you can only stare at undead minions for so long without wanting to jump characters wishing you had another true summoning class.(guardian lost spirit weapons as summons sometime ago, and ele glyph summon cant be specialized to be better)

3.unify the current and future masteries so you dont have to go to maguuma/LS3/desert maps to gain xp in them

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> > @Panda.1967 said:

> > Tell me about it... so tired of hearing "Accelerating!" and "There's the power!" every few seconds... it wouldn't be nearly as annoying if they had multiple calls for every buff, since it'd remove the repetitiveness... but it'd still get annoying...


> You can turn off player chatter at the sound settings.


Not really the same thing... the issue is explicitly with Signet of Inspiration. The signet triggers random buffs every few seconds causing an endless spam of chatter... I like hearing the player chatter, but the frequency of it from that one skill is a problem... It's actually helpful to hear the chatter, especially the ones tied to conditions.

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~ add fishing complete with fun props (like chairs, parasol etc), a raft (for standing on water stationary), consumable nets, new recipes, minis, and house decorations.

~ add housing, complete with racial styles, props like lighting, new recipes, skins, wall decor, achievement items, personal story items, the ability to place minis and mounts there, crafting nodes, gathering nodes, charging stations that make charged quartz etc. Instanced would be best.

~ make the new armorsets available (and every new armorset after) with currency from the new pof maps, including the insignias premade and all of the types for the maps including the griever and spearmarshal sets.

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1: make all useless trophys either grey or useable for karma, retroactive past and present

2: heroes for story raids

3: the right words in the right order that would make everyone understand that build templates will do more damage than good, people need to learn what everything does and understand the class instead of just copy paste a build then spam 12345QQ

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> @Player.9621 said:

> 3: the right words in the right order that would make everyone understand that build templates will do more damage than good, people need to learn what everything does and understand the class instead of just copy paste a build then spam 12345QQ


I can only speak for myself but I want build templates purely for convenience. It would be a big quality of life boost. I rarely ever look up builds online and never bother with being "meta".

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1. Fix the map/minimap. If there are 7 levels in a zone, then there should be 7 levels on the map. There also needs to be much better up/down markers. To a blue/yellow colorblind person, blue and that light green look almost identical, and zooming in takes away so much map that it's not worth doing.

2. Renown hearts should not require completely re-doing them just to use the merchant. Let them hold onto a percentage of done-ness for a few days. Maybe they lose 20% completion each day or something like that.

3. Talk to us more. Here. On your own forums, where you're supposed to communicate.

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1: A proper, fleshed out housing system.


The home instances we have now are just mundane and boring. They have no unique properties between players. Look at games like Rift, Elder Scrolls Online, Final Fantasy XIV and even one as old as Aion for full, proper housing with immense customisation options - The guild hall system has showcased that this level of personal customisation of an instance is well within the realm of possibility.


2: Rebalancing of HoT.


I think at this point it can't be denied that PoF has been far better recieved than HoT was. The balancing of PoF is very well done and it's not impossible for someone to map complete all of PoF pretty much solo. Compare that to HoT, where even basic Hero Point combat are full fledged champion mobs, and you can see why HoT can be incredibly frustrating when not grouped up


3: Bring back the dungeon focus


Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I always enjoyed dungeons and the extension they brought to the lore and story of the core game. As many people know most dungeons still have ridiculous bugs and issues - some of which have persisted for years without any level of focus on them. It would be great to have more dungeons, and to have the original core dungeons finally fixed, rather than what ANet seem to have done with them, which is just give up and pretend they don't exist.

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Oh, a top-3 wishlist. This is going to be tricky, there's soooo many little details I'd love. But hrm, 3 big things:


1. Implement unidentified gear in all zones, and in return remove spammed bags. The idea of being able to - if wanted - salvage the unidentified gear directly to not clutter my inventory is just perfect, and really helpful. Plus conceptually, most players will be familiar with it from games such as Diablo.

2. Healing improvements. This includes mostly UI/system reworks, always-visible health bars, being able to click people in raid-party frames with a preselected combination like Ctrl+Leftclick to cast Druid Celestial Avatar #1 at their current location. Also, ability to select a friendly target with a separate "snap GTAE to target for friendly spells only". Basically a similar help to the clickcasting, being able to just select someone you want to spam spells at.

3. Mesmer identity. I feel now with Mirage, it is time to rethink the stapled-together-pile-of-ideas that is Mesmer. Maybe remove clones as a concept, however add Mirage Cloak and Ambush skills as a baseline tool in turn. In return, Mirage in fact gains clones as their unique mechanic, throwaway copies which inherently use ambush skills whenever the Mirage does, independent of whether the weapon fits or not.

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1. food/utility buttons (with ability for hotkey assignment): two boxes to the right of the skill bar (now including the mount button, which proves it can be done) that you can link to a food or utility item in your inventory for ease of access. Including tonics and such for those who like to have a kite with them all the time, or musical instruments, etc.

2. Remove soul binding, and only replace with account bind where necessary.

3. Partially revert changes to WvW over the years in regards to legendary weapons: A) Bring back the Gift of Battle Vendor. B) Require map completion via either visiting the locations, or using tokens similar to the ones we use for Hero Points in PvE (this would allow someone to play WvW for the tokens, and thus allow them to "buy" the completion of Points of Interest and such in areas of Eternal Battlegrounds that they may not have access to due to server rotation, etc. Said tokens should be dropped by all enemies, including NPC Mobs, thus requiring effort, but not requiring one to be on any given tier of server.)


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**Color-coded vertical health bars** with a class icons on top; eg. white bars for group members, teal for the current target, green for friendly and red for hostiles. If your group is stacked, horizontal ones tend to block each other.



To swap [outfits](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_outfits) we currently need to re-dye. There are only for dye slots, show/hide is inhererited from real armor.

You might want to wear khaki [Jungle Explorer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jungle_Explorer_Outfit) in the Crystal Desert, white [Arctic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arctic_Explorer_Outfit) in for gathering some winterberries in Bitterfrost, then ninja some towers as [shadow Assassin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Assassin_Outfit) and later change to a colorful [Fancy Winter Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fancy_Winter_Outfit) for socializing.

This is quite dis-encouraged right now. Not much point in buying many outfits if you end up using only one.


-> **Outfit overhaul:**

* All subsequent options saved per outfit

* Separate show/hide options and

* Dye channels for head, shoulder, hands, feet, aura & obligatory butt-cape

* Cosmetic shoulder pieces shine through like infusions (Nightfury etc.)

* A hotkey for the outfit sub-window


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