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Daily Raven Mastery

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The achievement and buff are unrealted to getting the daily chest at the end per character (besides the fact that you need one buff active to be able to loot the chests).


If all you want is the achievement:

- you can rerun the story with 1 character and cycle the choices as needed

- you can run through the completed Raven Sanctum 1nce per day once the buff has expired


If you want the loot at the end of the cleared Raven Sanctum:

- you need to complete the story on the character and reenter the Raven Sanctum and run to the end

- you need one of the buffs (which one doesn't matter). If your buff has expired you need to talk to the statues again

- the reward at the end is character based and daily and unrelated to which choices you make

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> - the reward at the end is character based and daily and unrelated to which choices you make


Untrue about that. I went in today, making choices before I had found the list. Only two of the four chests was available, the last two transparent. When I flipped choice 3 and 4 and ran back, the last two chests was available.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > - the reward at the end is character based and daily and unrelated to which choices you make


> Untrue about that. I went in today, making choices before I had found the list. Only two of the four chests was available, the last two transparent. When I flipped choice 3 and 4 and ran back, the last two chests was available.


I should have been clearer. It's unrealted to which choices you make, but you have to make a choice at each statue.


I went through the instance today on 8 characters and chose choice 1 on every question and got all chests with each character. The fact you were able to change choices means you either did no make the choice the first time around, or the buff expired. You are unable to make choices once you receive the buff in an empty Raven Sanctum.


EDIT: and to expand on this, if the buff has not expired from the day before, you can just run through and claim the rewards the next day (while still being unable to interact with the raven statues). I've been doing this on 8 characters since the patches release.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > - the reward at the end is character based and daily and unrelated to which choices you make

> >

> > Untrue about that. I went in today, making choices before I had found the list. Only two of the four chests was available, the last two transparent. When I flipped choice 3 and 4 and ran back, the last two chests was available.


> I should have been clearer. It's unrealted to which choices you make, but you have to make a choice at each statue.


> I went through the instance today on 8 characters and chose choice 1 on every question and got all chests with each character. The fact you were able to change choices means you either did no make the choice the first time around, or the buff expired. You are unable to make choices once you receive the buff in an empty Raven Sanctum.


> EDIT: and to expand on this, if the buff has not expired from the day before, you can just run through and claim the rewards the next day (while still being unable to interact with the raven statues). I've been doing this on 8 characters since the patches release.


I -did- make all choices. Stand by one after you choose it. Then you have the option to revert and make another choice.

And my buff had expired.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > - the reward at the end is character based and daily and unrelated to which choices you make

> > >

> > > Untrue about that. I went in today, making choices before I had found the list. Only two of the four chests was available, the last two transparent. When I flipped choice 3 and 4 and ran back, the last two chests was available.

> >

> > I should have been clearer. It's unrealted to which choices you make, but you have to make a choice at each statue.

> >

> > I went through the instance today on 8 characters and chose choice 1 on every question and got all chests with each character. The fact you were able to change choices means you either did no make the choice the first time around, or the buff expired. You are unable to make choices once you receive the buff in an empty Raven Sanctum.

> >

> > EDIT: and to expand on this, if the buff has not expired from the day before, you can just run through and claim the rewards the next day (while still being unable to interact with the raven statues). I've been doing this on 8 characters since the patches release.


> I -did- make all choices. Stand by one after you choose it. Then you have the option to revert and make another choice.

> And my buff had expired.


I've been running this daily on 8 characters. The buff is granted the moment you have answered all the 3 questions so if you had no buff, it either expired or you missed some questions (the buff is literally proof that you answered all 3 questions). I have never been given the opportunity to change an answer while the buff is still active in an empty Raven Instance (not talking about story). I have been able to loot all 4 chests at the end with multiple characters the following day when running through with the past days buff still on.


So what do you guess? How big is the chance you simply missed answering 1-2 questions or the buff expiring in the middle of you running through the Raven Sanctum? Given you had no buff at the end?

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Yeah. I have never had the option to change my answer either. I’ve steadily been working up to running this daily on 20 characters and haven’t had any issues so far.


> You guys are clearly not observant

> https://imgur.com/a/hPe45Zw

> As soon you pick revert you can change your choice.


In that image, you don’t have the buff. This is why you have the option to interact with the raven shrine.

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There is a "Revert" option that allows you to choose again when you're in the open world version, I "Reverted" it to see what happened and I got the option to choose again. I chose the same option again so I don't know what effect it would have on the final reward.


It's odd to see that option there, like it's a testing option that was left in by accident.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> @"Ayrilana.1396"


> There is a "Revert" option that allows you to choose again when you're in the open world version, I "Reverted" it to see what happened and I got the option to choose again. I chose the same option again so I don't know what effect it would have on the final reward.


> It's odd to see that option there, like it's a testing option that was left in by accident.


I can answer that:

If it behaves in any way like answering the questions again (and using different options) after the buff has expired, the chests remain looted.


I tested both:

- answering the quesiton the same way on multiple characters on the same day, now going on 4 days getting all chests on multiple characters picking with all of them only the 1st option at each 3 questions (aka having multiple characters with the Daybreak buff opening 3 small chests and the Daybreak big chest)

- looting the 4 chests early in the day, answering the questions differently after the buff has expired on that character and checking if chests are avialable (they were not on that day, only the next)


Hency why I said earlier:

the questions are unrelated to getting the chests, aside from having to answer them, and the big reward chest having a different name in line with the buff granted. I am unsure if there is any specific loot for the big chests, I haven't seen any so far but my personal smaple size is to small to make a definitiv claim.


> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Yeah. I have never had the option to change my answer either. I’ve steadily been working up to running this daily on 20 characters and haven’t had any issues so far.


> You guys are clearly not observant

> https://imgur.com/a/hPe45Zw

> As soon you pick revert you can change your choice.


You are lacking the buff, which means you did NOT answer all the questions on that day yet. Yes, it may be possible to change the decision before actually answering all the questions. That was never disputed. It also means though you will not get to loot all the chests because that, as said multiple times by now, requires answering ALL the questions first.



Just checked, the REVERT option does NOT appear when the buff is in place.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> @"Ayrilana.1396"


> There is a "Revert" option that allows you to choose again when you're in the open world version, I "Reverted" it to see what happened and I got the option to choose again. I chose the same option again so I don't know what effect it would have on the final reward.


> It's odd to see that option there, like it's a testing option that was left in by accident.


Ok. It was difficult to see anything in their 100p image. It still shouldn’t matter as they need to have answered every question to have the ability to open every chest at the end.




I actually ended up not getting the buff on one character. This was because I went too far ahead after the third totem before getting the buff. I just went back to the third totem, picked a selection, and waited for the buff.

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