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Is it worth returning in 2019 after years?


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Do it.


HOWEVER, I do believe that GW2 doesn't have as long a life-span as a lot of people might think. I've been playing MMOs for a long time and there's this period where they start to simply die. I don't think it's dead yet, but I do think it's at the beginning of the slow-decline phase.


My best advice would be to buy the expac and any of the LWs you want to do and not to spend any other money on it. It's still fun IMO, but any golden age GW2 had is past.

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> @"Abhi.9051" said:

> > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> > > @"Abhi.9051" said:

> > > Thanks. I bought the expansion packs (HoT came free with PoF and the 2nd season of Living World). Just enjoying playing S2 of the LW for now with my earlier guardian build (I had created only 1 character). Only downside is, it is so addictive that after starting to play the new ones, I am playing a couple of hours, going to sleep late and as a result, reaching office late. Have to correct this. I had forgotten how addictive it was. Hours pass by in minutes. :lol:

> > >

> > > My goal is to level up my new Mesmer char too to see how the gameplay is with that class. So, will be busy with the current content for a long time, I think.

> >

> > Have you get the raptor mount from POF first story? it can saved lots of running time :)


> I have not, yet. Just got the 4k gems and bought some black lion chest keys. I would say that was a total waste. Bought a bank account expansion and two extra bag slots for my main character. After the binge buying, I have 1700 gems left that I plan to store. The Shilverpeaks Hunter Glider pack looks amazing, but I am just holding it off for now. Let me play some more and get a better idea.


> I started with Living World Season 2; haven't been into POF yet. Want to finish this first.


man. i suggest you save those gems for living story pack. you may need to spend in the future. ( to unlock LS4 for skyscale)

regarding to LS, you can jump back and forward between story mode for each LS.


and also its better go and start LS 5 first chapter. (no need to finish) just unlock that. base on my experience, ANET with given free for new LS chapter access for a period of time, after that you need to spend gem for that.


for myself i never purchase gem by using real money. only use gold to convert.( Its a bit high rate now). but you can earn gems by doing achievement.

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> @"Abhi.9051" said:

> > @"Xar.6279" said:

> > It all depends on you. And your expectations.

> >

> > First of all you have to ask yourself what exactly Guild Wars 2 is. And deal with it. Like it or don't and then play it or move somewhere else because there's no point in supporthing games which you don't approve. It makes whole industry worse.

> >

> > A lot of people makes mistake that they play the game but they focus mainly on things like: "What Guild Wars 2 could be?" And they ignore the fact what Guild Wars 2 actually is.

> >

> > And what's GW2?

> >

> > - The only MMORPG which let you to play PvP similar to MOBA games. I mean. You can login, play some matches and logoff. Just like that. You don't have to grind etc, etc. All what matters is yours personal skill. But what's important to admit. Guild Wars 2 is not popular and good as some top MOBA games. So it's good for people which want to play something like MOBA but in MMO. PvP is far away from perfet here. It still needs a lot of work. And ArenaNet made a lot of mistakes. But after all it's really hard to find another MMORPG which offers this kind of PvP.

> >

> > - WvW (Mass-PvP) which don't give you simple goal or something like that. You have to find goal on your own there otherwise playing it will be pointless for you. You can run with zergs, roam with friends or search for duels there. It's all on you.

> >

> > - Story which appears usually once per 2/3/4 months. So you can treat it as single player RPG.

> >

> > - And pve which is very casual here. If you want to search for real challenges in pve here, then you have to find them on your own (and you won't get rewards for it - just ur own satsfaction). You can do everything with pugs. So you can have fun while playing solo but with people around you. Or group up with people and socialize + play pve meantime. Without stress. Game don't force you to group up. In pve there's activities like: dungeons, fractals, strike missions, raids and a lot of open world stuff.

> >

> > - Social or Role Play aspect. So all what's fully created by community.

> >

> > Don't expect anything more. If you will like smt from things listed above then GW2 will be fine for you.

> >

> >


> I think, GW2 was more preferential towards PVE from the beginning. They wanted to tell a story. That is what got me interested in it to start with. PVE and WVW have always been flawed in the game. It is the PVE content that has always been superior to any other games around. But I hear you. WIth PVE updates being few and far between, regular players will get frustrated. Personally, I am happy to return after such a long break. Whether I will be happy is something that only time can tell.


I wouldnt be that sure. I remember times when their fb page was full of esport (pvp) announcements. They made interviews with pro players. They was organizing world championships. And week by week they promoted esl tournaments. It was PvP focused game for sure. Otherwise they wouldnt start to work with esl at all. Which pure pve game does smt like that? Lol. None. And meantime yeah - it was always about pve too. Which focused mainly on the story.


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> @"TwoGhosts.6790" said:

> > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

> > Gw2 is not worth comming back to. You get about 30 min of story every 2 months. The aggressive monitezation also is bad on your wallet.


> I mean, angry as I am about the templates BS (and I am, very) this comment is simply not true.

> There is a tremendous amount of content for returning players to enjoy, and the monetisation is only bad if you get your wallet out, which I won't now.


It cost me almost 400g to make four Ascended pieces of armor yesterday.. That in my opinion has lost the plot. Game was a lot more forgiving and fun at core tyria times.

> @"Anen.1742" said:

> > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> > thats true. specially with dungon. no one willing to do dungeon these days. if lucky you will find a team can do AC,CM will you in an hours. but is so rare to had people to run COF, TA, COE. and no one going to go with arch, SE , HOTW. (at lease i havent seen one)

> >

> > most players will only doing their own thing. :(


> If you are not willing to create a lfg, then sure dungeons are dead. But if you create a lfg, it will pretty much always fill in minutes. I have finish Dungeoneer last month and had no trouble finding people for any of the dungeons. Be willing to explain to unexperienced people, and runs will mostly be smooth.


> So yeah, if you wait passively then the game is not worth it. But if you are being active, this game is excellent.


Depends on the server and time of day, also timezone you live in..

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... but if I were you, I'd not take any deep roots in this game, because GW2 does not have a future anymore, I'd not bother spending money on Gemstore, because everyone feels it: GW2 is heading into the Unknown.


It hurts me so deeply, because I feel like I was the last one who wanted so bad to not let this all be true, and I was so desperate to prove it....


But... we're heading into the Unknown, and it's going to be a very bittersweet 2020, because there is only a tiny "ray of hope", and the words are not followed by actions.


So if you are looking for a game with a future, it's the saddest thing I'll say, GW2 is not a game for you. :(

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> ... but if I were you, I'd not take any deep roots in this game, because GW2 does not have a future anymore, I'd not bother spending money on Gemstore, because everyone feels it: GW2 is heading into the Unknown.


> It hurts me so deeply, because I feel like I was the last one who wanted so bad to not let this all be true, and I was so desperate to prove it....


> But... we're heading into the Unknown, and it's going to be a very bittersweet 2020, because there is only a tiny "ray of hope", and the words are not followed by actions.


> So if you are looking for a game with a future, it's the saddest thing I'll say, GW2 is not a game for you. :(


Everyone doesn't feel it and saying so is factually false. I play with a bunch of people who don't feel it. Raiders certainly feel it. The game is definitely evolving. It may not be evolving into what you like but while some people feel this game is moving into parts unknown, I think those people are in for quite a surprise. There are games doing much worse than this that still release expansions.

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