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I think expansions hurt the game.....


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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> I keep reading people want expansions. I fully understand the "why" people want them it seems to make sense most the reasons why people want them.



I am not sure you do else you wouldn't have opened with this statement and your following text didn't give me the impression that you do either.


> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> And here is the but. We got 2 new expansions. When hot came out we got 4 maps. (Well 3 with dragons stand just being a meta event). This grossly thinned population in other maps.


I would disagree here, it concentrated people in those new maps. For a map to hold people it has to be fun, replayable, rewarding for the time, and impactful or have some reason for people to visit it, example collections, something to work towards. Expansion or living story, the more maps that are added the odds are the more maps that have less of those traits will lose people.


> @"Sylent.3165" said:


> We then got pof with 4 maps also hugely thinning population in other maps.


> So many people think the game is dying because we see less and less players. We still have a huge population but these expansions with new maps at once I think spread the players out way too much.


People will always come out on forums and state a game is dying, and there is a bell curve of populations for MMOs that fit a trend of all MMOs. Population increases with new content and decrease if it doesn't hold people's attention.


> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> When we got living world season 2 I think dry top and silverwastes was much better than any expansion gw2 could ever come out with. It helped keep the community better together with offering multiple things to do in maps with groups working together with goals.


Those maps hit a good formula of the above qualities and would agree they were well made outside of a few issues.


> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> Just saying, I.hope we never get another expansion. To fund the game maybe add mini expansions. Maybe something along the lines of multiple stories per a map like season 2 for cheaper prices like 10 bucks (to those who want to complain about charging remember it's a company, they need money. Just because you bought the first avengers movie do you think they would of kept making the movies if they didn't plan on selling the others? Video games require money to)


> I dunno, just my 2 cents.


If they completely remove hope of a new expansion before they prove they aren't needed I think we would see more people walking away, sub-less or not.


The bit I think you are missing is with an expansion it's the feeling of you have so much to do. That overwhelms some people but for people that like expansions it's kind of like a new amusement parks. It's the joy of discovery and see what's around each new bend. You don't know if you want to re-ride that ride since there are more you haven't tried. HoT irritated linear people but I think Anet did a good job in the mechanics in HoT and required people to unlock masteries before they could get to the whole map. It forced some replayability but to me it worked. When they release LW maps you do them but they quickly get that, that's it feel. Plus it doesn't impact other areas of the game. An expansion you would be choosing, do I create the new elite and then run it thru Orr or do I try it in the new map, how will it do in WvW, do I do the new map or go there. By delivering it piece meal you lose that.


Its up to Anet to prove to their paying base that their time and money are well spent here. They have said they are giving us expansion level content in the LW. The problem with that is to them some of the features they are releasing are expansion content, but to the players they are items that might be included but wouldn't be selling features, they would be filler. Cooking 500, fine filler, stand alone, not so great. Build templates, fine filler, stand alone, not a big deal. Warclaw, filler.


The other difference here is that an expansion would release content for multiple groups where as when they piece meal releases odds are good they might be releasing 0 content for some groups. Example, how did EP1 impact PvP, WvW, fractals, raids? An expansion might have released new maps for PvErs, new fractals, new raids, new maps for PvP/WvW, new mechanics, it would be up to the players to decide which path in the park to follow next. New elites could impact all the before mentioned and impact older content since it would be newer when played with new mechanics.


So again, if their plan is LW and not expansions, where are the new elites? Where is the content for the other game mods? Where is the road map?


But each to their own, good gaming where you find it.

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