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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Time is money. If you're working, and if it's important for you to generate a lot of gold in-game quickly, you might consider just buying gold with gems.
  2. > @"anduriell.6280" said: > > @"Svarty.8019" said: > > Looks like a lot of effort just for PvE. > More than PvE players in general it is for the roleplay community, stretching emote is not something you would use in any instance it does communicate nothing to other players. > I'm interested, in what situations would the stretch emote feature in an RP context... or do I not want to know?
  3. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"TwoGhosts.6790" said: > > We definitely need more of these. Every day that my need for these goes unsated diminishes me. > > Soon, you'll just be OneGhost? Gone are the days of ManyGhosts. This is real problem.
  4. We definitely need more of these. Every day that my need for these goes unsated diminishes me.
  5. > @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said: > Incorrect. > Some servers love to bully others. > I have whitnessed this behavior happening last and this week. > Hours on end even. > > They call it Spawn Camping or Bag Farming. The minute you step out of the save zone (determined is off) you are bombared by rangers, thiefs, from all 3 exits. > They even tier up surrounding towers to have Watchtower on it, to seriously prevent anyone entering the map. > > I myself simply see that happening and leave. I will never give such low life bullies the pleasure to kill constantly. > > But saying it's not happening... open your eyes. Some servers are Notorious for doing it even. > Not naming here though, not going into a dirt fight. I mean, I very occasionally see something like this, or 3-4 thieves chaining to gank people, or a little group of giggling rangers, or some guild waiting for a gvg near spawn tower, or whatever. I don't think I've *ever* seen a coordinated, concerted map effort to block all three spawn exits simulateously, completely and relentlessly. I'm not saying you're exaggerating, I've just never seen it. But I can tell you that I've had some really fun fights skirmishing with the enemy or joining a gvg near spawn, or busting a limited blockade. You know, in all liklihood those players are probably just bored af, and are not facing an adequate enough challenge from your server; and that might just be a consequence of a shitty matchup, crap linking or the ubiquitous bandwagoning. But, out of interest and not belligerence, what is your suggested solution if you feel unable or unwilling to create your own solution? What do you think Anet should do? How far back should the enemy be made to wait? How many more spawn exits should there be? What mechanic do you suggest to allow you to leave spawn unmolested? And how far should that extend? Anyway, good luck.
  6. > @"YtseJam.9784" said: > > @"Kronos.3695" said: > > > @"Eramonster.2718" said: > > > > @"YtseJam.9784" said: > > > > kitten I just have bad luck then. 3hrs so far and not a single drop. Even created a new toon and leveled her to 10 and nothing :( > > > > > > Try using "Magic Find" food/consumables. > > > > Magic find improve the quality of the things found and with the chests being blue, probably it will be even worse... > > I have max magic find, and i think that might be the problem. It took me a total of about 8 extra hours and 2 new toons to get the 2 I had destroyed, which is kinda odd since It didn't take me that long to get them originally. > > I think ANET should consider these two for QoL: > > 1. Add a vendor to buy each items once you get the corresponding chest, like a lot of other merchs do that sell collection items in case you drop them. > 2. Make you type the full name of these collection items when you try to destroy them like they do with other important/collection items in the game > 3. Add one of those popups the first time you get one so you are hinted that you need to equip it, you know like the WASD to move, dodge, etc. tutorial popups. > > There's a lot of people in map chat in the same boat as me that have dropped the items before equipping them cause they just didn't know since it was a skin that we already had unlocked, just threw it away. These are sensible suggestions, but as a player with max magic find do you think perhaps that the New Player Experience Collection has not been designed with you in mind?
  7. This would be a good initiative if it were not for the fact that Anet has forgotten that it has an official forum for its game. Much like it has forgotten that its game has a mode called WvW.
  8. Anet's solution is a disgustingly monetised piece of sh*t. I gave up on it on day one really, and it is by far the biggest factor in my growing disdain for the company and the game. It is so claustrophobic and limiting that it has sapped me of all the joy of experimentation I was previously enjoying with the brilliant Arc Templates. The freedom, flexibility and elegance of Arc Templates opened up an exploration of the game for me in an unprecedented way. That it was free and unlimited was just a bonus. The way Arc handled build swapping in competitive modes was also *way* better than Anet's garbage. Anet doesn't handle it at all, really; it is literally pay-to-win if you then tailor against specific classes/builds. So, Anet literally had a near perfect example of how to implement a build template system in the game. Did they emulate that? Nope. They didn't even create a template system, they created a loadout system. Nobody asked for more bag space, and there's already a solution to that you can pay for in the Gem Store. The implementation of Anet's so-called template system into the game, and the mandatory removal of Arc Templates, was a terrible moment in my relationship with this game. They utterly failed to provide a system that would cater for the players who would make the most use of it.
  9. Bandwagoning. The loss of Arc Templates and the sh*tshow of the so-called build templates Anet shoved on us. The deafening silence and neglect. Deadeye.
  10. Find a game mode you enjoy, do some research and join an appropriate guild. You have 5 slots, so you can afford to be cavalier about it and see what sticks.
  11. Stealth in this game is just badly implemented. At minimum there should be a speed reduction in stealth. Deadeye, for competitive modes, is one of the worst game design decisions I have ever seen. It is fun for exactly one player. And I worry about the sort of player who gravitates towards Deadeye as a rewarding experience. I ignore players of Deadeyes whenever I can. Much as I would probably do in real life.
  12. What's your point? If it is that 'the acquisition of ascended gear is mandatory to play the game in any mode, and is too much of a grind', then you're wrong on both counts.
  13. I love DBL. EBG is a clown fiesta, which I also enjoy from time to time. ABLs are OK, the pipe, cardigan and slippers of WvW.
  14. Allow deltaconnected to resume development of Arc Templates and allow us to use it again if we so *choose*. "But, but, how dey mek monies den?" Well, people like me will *never* spend money on the garbage, so-called 'templates' system Anet have forced on us. The loss of Arc Templates disappointed and triggered me so much, that I doubt I will ever spend any money on this game again. Perhaps those of us that enjoyed using Arc Templates all feel the same; certainly we all know what a good templates design looked like. But, apparently, there weren't that many of us anyway, relatively speaking. Allegedly the new crappy system is fine for the masses. So, if that's the case, what would be the harm in letting people use the system they prefer? In fact, it might even make them more money; I for one might be more inclined to reach for my wallet again for other things. Not gonna happen, of course. But that's what makes wishes such powerful statements of discontent dressed in pixie dust. Happy holidays?
  15. Open tags are the oxygen of WvW. But invisible tags are not the death of it. It's dying anyway. Those people who prefer to run closed and invisible are hardly likely to want to be an open tag anyway. You may as well flame every player who never tags open. Instead of b*tching about how other people prefer to play, maybe try being the change you want to see in the WvW.
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