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Report: Stuck in Queue

Gaile Gray.6029

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no wonder the queue wait time is so ridiculously long today...managed to get into first match of the day, but then... :\@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065", can the team at least make the map selection screen dragable?It's right in my face cant 'hide' it![](https://i.imgur.com/qAt8CU2.jpg "")> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:> For the most part, we have some things that run every 30 minutes that should clear most cases of getting stuck automatically. I guess we should put an extra note on this post to only request help here if it's been longer than an hour.also, can we cut this timer down to like 15min? I dont think I've seen (un)ranked gone past 13min mark, at least in the ones i played

update: hmmm... does not look like the scheduled clean queue task is working (?) been an hour, finished Tequatl, exited the game for around 20min to vacuum my room, log back in still comes up~~anyone have any luck getting rid off the map selection screen?~~ok, managed to get off the queue after logging off for more than 30min, closed the game and went to shower, come back about 45min later and offed the queue

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i m still stuck on that 'map resutls' window after 15mins n 2 reports sent in. cant do anything on other toons because that big window box is dab smack in the middle of the screen n cant see a thing. at least make that a 'floating' window so we can move it aside so we can see. please fix.

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i m still stuck after 2hrs now. so i dont know if any1 noticed but i 1st got stuck in Map Result window is when the new map, Djinn's Dominion was part of the selection n it selected that a next map to start. could it be the Djinn's Dominion map that is causing this? n now if i add people to my party n then port to them at their map zone the system kicks them off the party. also if i add them in party n enter my home instance it hard crashed them, kicks them from party while i could enter my own n when they log back in they r put at the beginning of that map zone, not where they were earlier. n if i have them in my party n enter their home instance i get hard crashed n gets kicked out of the party n when relogged i get put at the beginning of the map zone. still waiting on that fix, anet :)

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> @"rainbow cape.4620" said:> Stuck in map results screen with game saying the match is about to begin. This has been well over 30 minutes now

> @"tomaxamot.2683" said:> i m still stuck after 2hrs now. so i dont know if any1 noticed but i 1st got stuck in Map Result window is when the new map, Djinn's Dominion was part of the selection n it selected that a next map to start. could it be the Djinn's Dominion map that is causing this? n now if i add people to my party n then port to them at their map zone the system kicks them off the party. also if i add them in party n enter my home instance it hard crashed them, kicks them from party while i could enter my own n when they log back in they r put at the beginning of that map zone, not where they were earlier. n if i have them in my party n enter their home instance i get hard crashed n gets kicked out of the party n when relogged i get put at the beginning of the map zone. still waiting on that fix, anet :)you actually need to close the game for more than 30min, seems like the clean up queue script anet got will only kick you off if you are offline

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to answer your question, crepuscular, i did select the map, n it was the Djinn map. from what i saw in the old forum chats n reddit chats, this map has been around since 2015 with the same results-players logging out n back in dont help, going to another toon dont help; only thing it works is wait for awhile or long time then it disappears naturally or it was anet bug fixers that did it while u were offline. n to your comment of 'logging out for 30mins to fix it' ... i did that, more than 30mins n it didnt work. i tell ya i noticed something strange when the 1st time the Djinn map was part of the selection n i selected it but the other people didnt n the random system picker didnt pick it but it was slow n laggy to start the match from the Map Result window, but at the time i just thought it was my system doing background updates like Microsoft or Norton... but then the 2nd the Djinn map was part of the selection, 6 people including me selected it, 2 abstine, 2 selected something else-n then Djinn was selected as the next map to start, that's when it froze like u r skiing down the slopes of the French Alps with nothing on in the winter while eating a peppermint paddy :) n now all these more people r posting the same experience...brrrrr

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