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tempest: overload rework


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I think protection and stability are good enough. Pulsing aegis effect would be way too much.


If you want to update overloads, I'd consider changing the 4 second cast into something else entirely. It just feels wrong to me for a class that is all about rotating quickly through many skills.


But I suppose we have weaver and fresh air builds for that. So maybe no change is needed.

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My only gripe with tempest is getting interrupted during an overload. I'd rather remove the innate stun break and replace it by stability, and then swap that trait for one to make overloads become stun breaks, I think that would be better.


Or change it to something else, it seems strange to make overloads a stun break when chances are you'll get interrupted during an overload, not before casting it. <_<

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Aiges could work. With Stab. The elite should be all about overloading constantly and buffing those skills by traits: how you would want them. Either healing, or more damage, or boon support. Etc.


Right now, the class is all about successfully casting the overload. And all enemies focus on trying to interrupt that overload. Which is silly.


I solely avoid this spec just because of all the interrupts. Which forces me to spec tons of stability and defenses

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> @"Liperei.8726" said:

> hello

> I am main tempest and I think that Tempest needs some buffs or rework and I already thought a new overload earth that blocks enemies attacks while it attacks them. what do you guys think about it?


> Pictures at the link: https://imgur.com/a/SRJl9yq


If you're gonna rework overloads I'd rather see them changed to an actual class mechanic rather than yet another skill. The Tempest is one of the classes that offer the least variety in terms of elite specs mechanics, second only to the Scrapper in my opinion. There simply is no synergy, you press a button and gain direct effects, that don't affect the rest of your gameplay. That's not a mechanic.


I'd like to see overloads changed to remove the channel time entirely. That would change them from being your main source of DPS, to an AOE that remains in place for a long time and requires you to stay inside of it in order to be more effective in combat. I'd also like them to enhance your strikes in addition to their current effects, because right now if the ennemy isn't standing inside they don't do much. Air overload for example could deliver a lighning strike if we are standing inside the AOE and hit an ennemy that isn't standing inside it. We'd then have a safe-zone, but also some offensive capabilities once the ennemy leaves that zone, instead of it becoming completely useless.


And most importantly, make it so that Fresh Air only resets the attunement's cooldown but not that of the overload. Then buff the Tempest somewhere else in compensation to allow a wider variety of DPS builds. And give us some way to reduce the cooldown penalty.

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