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I'm getting bored fast...


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> @Sylent.3165 said:

> Well the biggest issue isn't there is nothing to do, but there is no point in doing anything. Rewards in this game are bad and I don't want a gear treadmill ever those are horrible but a system like d3 paragon levels or eso champion points helps always give you a motive to play. (Of course these aren't in pvp)


To Quote Captain Jack Sparrow.... "the problem isn't the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Savvy?"


What you've described is the mental default setting that now plagues the entertainment industry as a whole....... a proverbial content locust. I'm not antagonizing your specifically; as this has effectively become the normal state of a mainstream audience, through a combination of apathy, addiction, and demand for comfort, on the part of the consumers. When you look at it as a whole, its basically a addiction cycle.... including the mechanisms that drive the behavior, and the diminishing returns from given stimulation.

Coupled with the lack of direction in what you actually want (ie an actual goal), you're indirectly advocating something to consume for the sake of consumption. Its not a choice or a goal..... you're calling for the affirmation of endless "milestones" and continual reward cycles to feed the addiction. An idea usually pitched under the guise of "Progression". It even more troubling when you consider you're not even asking for the elements that you do find rewarding, like more story content, but are mostly fixated on furthering "accumulation" with no higher goal in mind. THAT is really what I think is the problem..... "the means are the means to the means. but where does it end?" You've done a bunch of stuff, but you want more stuff to do for the sake of having something to do.


Theres no real solution to this, because its unsustainable by nature. The Breadth of content in this expansion is at least equal to, if not greater, then that of HOT. But what lands up happening is people complaining about content which requires too much effort, or doesn't return on effort, or gets burned up too fast. Theres only 3 ways to give game content replay value..... challenge, rewards, or be a hobbyist-like experience. The first is usually artificially weighted, since legitimate mechanical challenge is incredibly hard to do in game design; and even more difficult to modify upwards without losing that authenticity. Which is why the second is usually what developers resort to, because its easier to manipulate, and can be done for much less effort. The third is basically the Holy Grail of game design...... an activity that is indefinitely enjoyable to do, in of itself. Its something you can only really find in extremely niche games, as you usually have to fine tune around a very specific set of interests. These games also tend to genre defining, as it sets a number of expectations for future games that are even remotely similar in mechanics or presentation.



For GW2 specifically, its strongest elements (the story and setting) are by far the hardest types of content to produce in a timely manner, but are consumed the quickest. The difference is like that of $10 meal and $80 meal..... both take a lot of work and preparation to make, both are consumed in 10-30 minutes, and both satiate hunger. So why buy 1 expensive meal, when you could buy 8 cheaper meals that will last you longer? The difference is eating to have a valuable experience, verses eating because you have a need to eat. I used the term "Content locust" earlier for reason... it describes an activity where people consume game content for the sake of consuming, but put little to no value outside of that. As a side effect of that, rewards are used as an incentive to continue the cycle, because eventually the brain gets bored from the repetition, and needs a new element introduced to give it another endorphin hit. So like giving a rare weapon skin as a reward for repeating something enough times. Eventually that loses value, because you'll inevitably get duplicate skins, and need to replace it with something else. But that "something else" has to be better, otherwise we won't value it enough to pursue. But given the kind of time spans MMOs are meant to be played, any form of pre-defined reward cycle will either run its course, or be recognized as not being valuable enough for the cost of effort..... so to get around that, games started doing RNG.


.................And now it should be dawning on some just how systemic this problem is on both sides of the market. We are the fat kid chasing the twinkle!


![](https://www.pogdesign.co.uk/cat/imgs/episodes/Family-Guy/Family-Guy-S02E17-f2f14e8c14a8f4b9120a126ef40e2597-full.jpg "")


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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> If you don't want to max out your character, don't want to explore and don't want to get new items then I think you'd struggle in any MMO tbh.


> Fishing is something you would like, anything else?


Well my biggest issue is that I like to max out my characters in game. Problem is I maxed out my character a few weeks after the game released. After that was just a simple upgrade to ascended gear.

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This game was kinda, really, if I'm being honest, designed for people to not play it 8 hours per day. Even from the earliest marketing days, they never really went after the "hard core" market (like Rift and Wild Star kinda tried to do with their marketing). This game was always about the social aspect (shared resource nodes, unsplit experience, multiple guilds per character, no holy trinity) designed for more casual, "do what you want" play.


If you want to play LOTS and LOTS of hours (and don't enjoy all the stuff there is to do in this game, because there is plenty if you enjoy it) then this just isn't the game for you. Give Archeage or some other asian MMO a go and you will always have "stuff to do" (which, here and in most cases, new stuff to get to make your characters .01% stronger).

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I've felt like this at times while playing GW2, and eventually I finally realized that the reason we don't know what to do in the game is because there is so many different things to do, that it makes choosing one activity or map over the others hard. Especially because like the OP said, crap loot no matter where you go. But it's like that for a reason obviously, so you're not stuck with one activity that's superior to all the rest... otherwise that's the only place most people would be playing and everything else in the game would be useless. And if the loot was a lot better, you'd reach your goals faster, and then _really_ open the void quicker. I do think some things take TOO long to achieve with grinding the same stuff (Eureka was mind numbing with elder wood and mithril farming. 1st generation legs were a much better experience). Sometimes that void comes from losing interest in gaming, not the game you're playing. That means it's time to think about things in real life you've been putting off or maybe haven't had the chance to do, and set goals to make them happen. We often look to games to fill the voids we have in our lives, but sometimes extensive gaming is what creates them.

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Then take a break. If/when you come back you'll still be as relevant as you were when you left since there's no gear-progression... Unless you get royally fucked by some balance patch. When you do, there'll be new things to explore due to the constant world updates.


Find something else to do meanwhile. Whatever keeps you afloat.

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I would tend to disagree. This game has one of the most extensive, well-curated, and vast achievement systems on the market. In addition, one of the most extensive carrot-on-a-stick systems for acquiring skins, trinkets, ascended armor, and legendary weapons. It's uncommon for players to just settle on one aesthetic, but you might be an outlier. Dailies, fractals, sPvP, WvW, raids, alting, challenges / activites in HoT, jump puzzles, guild missions and activities, dungeons, WvW. There's tons of stuff to do if you play alts like me. Experimenting with builds on different professions and mastering them provides countless hours of engaging gameplay alone. Collecting skins and outfitting characters is a long term goal that keeps me playing. Also, with legendary weapons, there's almost always something to strive for - even though I don't personally like any of them enough to spend that much time or effort. There's crafting, gathering, making money, etc.


If you don't want new armor, new weapons, new skins, don't enjoy sPvP, WvW, guild socialization, or daily activities, playing through the open world, you may just not like this game? I don't think I would play this game if the only thing I played it for was to go through the Living Story. There's never been much vertical progression and the basis of the gameplay hasn't changed much from launch. Might just be time to find a different game or take a break. I took a break for two years and now I'm playing consistently for hours a day.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> How is fishing any better than farming mastery experience? In the end its a repetitive task. If you get bored of grinding experience, go explore a zone in more detail. Find all of those little nooks and easter eggs you never noticed before. Follow event chains through to completion in core Tyria (seriously, once you finish an event, wait for a minute or two and almost always a new event will start, continuing a mini storyline that sticks to that area. Its amazing, and at the end there are cute little dialogues usually). Go finish all of your elite specs. Go for world completion. Try jumping puzzles. Collect armor/weapon skins, collect dyes. Collect minis/finishers.


> If you are bored in this game, fishing will not help your problem. There is already so much to do in the game that you almost have to choose to be bored, and hence adding fishing will just not help you for more than a few minutes

what you said sounds boring as fuck

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Agree. I pretty much quit doing everything but solo roaming in wvw. This game has no pve. I do not know how can a sequel to GW1, a game with amazing and varied pve, have no pve at all. I also do not get how can you launch an expansion without multiple dungeons and at least 1 elite dungeon made to be very difficult but rewarding at the same time. Anet caters to open world auto attack brainless spam fest... the whole game is like that.

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> @Sylent.3165 said:

> This game in my personal opinion has I think by far the best combat system in any mmo or even single player game I've ever played, and I personally love love love the story.


> But other then those two things I just feel this game offers nothing to actually do once those are done.


> People say farm mastries....ok? So I can make my mount do things that I really don't even need them to do? Ok


> Then farm achievement points....why?


> Ok ok so farm events over and over and get rich! Then you can buy....nothing. I have the armor I want that I've had for over two years now money is a useless currency for me.


> I just wish they added actual activities to do that could benefit me the player and give me something to strive for. We need some me things like fishing, or just a purpose for xp. I dunno I know I need another break which is sad considering the expansion just came out.


> Hopefully the new living season will be out soon :)


> Tldr: no my stuff!! You no have! I'll be back with next update for the story


To the Op you are not a GW2 fan then, That said, there are lots of things to do, and in the constrains of what you listed its more then just 2 things.You must own HoT then since you been playing for 2 years and since you're getting bored you must have finished all the LW and PS chieves from HoT. Cause that's story which your love. yuck.

But wait you hate doing chieves so i'm guessing you still have lots of stuff to do in that regard.


Combat. PVE? PVP? or WVW Plenty to do here. Oh wait you hate chieves. so whats the point of playing really right? wow...

activities to strive for- sounds like an achievement hunter to me, oh wait...


Activities like dynamic events? Metas? Bounties? World Boss Trains?



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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Agree. I pretty much quit doing everything but solo roaming in wvw. This game has no pve. I do not know how can a sequel to GW1, a game with amazing and varied pve, have no pve at all. I also do not get how can you launch an expansion without multiple dungeons and at least 1 elite dungeon made to be very difficult but rewarding at the same time. Anet caters to open world auto attack brainless spam fest... the whole game is like that.


The game has gone in a much different direction from Vanilla. Raids and DPS meters? Are you kidding me anet...

this stuff kills games.

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> @Sylent.3165 said:

> Well the biggest issue isn't there is nothing to do, but there is no point in doing anything. Rewards in this game are bad and I don't want a gear treadmill ever those are horrible but a system like d3 paragon levels or eso champion points helps always give you a motive to play. (Of course these aren't in pvp)


Why are you playing a game where there isn't anything for you to do ... that you don't play a monthly fee for?

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1) Mount masteries are incredibly useful until rank 3 (rank 4 is purely optional). In fact, there are many areas in PoF that are not accessible if you don't have rank 3 in certain mounts. Totally worth them all.

2) Level multiple characters. I don't even play that much compared to most, yet I have 7 max level characters. With so much leveling to do, plus all the elite specializations, I never run out of things to do.

3) Help new players out. Grab your pimped out character and run around newbie zones bringing your formidable power into dynamic events there. Even scaled down, you are far far stronger than that content is intended to be.

4) Dungeons, Raids, etc ... not really my thing, but a lot of people like group content.

5) Zone metas are a lot of fun. Build up a support spec on your character(s) to give a hand, cause why not?

6) PVP and WvW if you're into that. One of my closest friends is ridiculously competitive and spends his days doing tournament PVP like there's no tomorrow.


6) ... Real Life. Yes, you are allowed to take a break from the game. I've done it plenty of times. In fact, I didn't play for two years straight. Now I'm back. I could be gone again in a few months. There's no sub fee or anything forcing you to play every day, so why do so if it just frustrates you. Better to take a break and come back later than force yourself to play and then rage quit permanently.

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Long post incoming (typical me):


This happened to me after 1 year of finishing Vanilla GW2. But my solution was to take a break from GW2 for 1-2 years and then return when HOT released.

After finishing HOT once with my favourite class I quitted again for 1 year for real life reasons and now I'm planning to return :D

So now you might ask, what did I do during this break to keep me occupied? A ton of things! First of all I spent 7 months of no gaming at all and only going outside with friends, thanks to school (lots of free time). After that I started playing a different MMO with 3 friends which I met inside that MMO, but eventually we stopped because it is dead now and it sucks. During the last summer sales I bought a ton of single-player Steam games on sale and I also made a list with all the popular TV-series that I want to watch.


I am also working full-time so obviously I can not finish content in 1-2 weeks like you, but this is actually better, cause I won't burn out so fast. But because I know how it feels like to burn out on an MMO, I would suggest you start like me and try out different things. Start a job, bookmark some TV-series, finish the story of some grindy and subpar MMOs compared to GW2... for example ESO and Neverwinter-Online, which are great games, but as MMOs are far worse than GW2 imo. Play them as single-player games and enjoy their stories, then uninstall them once you finish that. That's what I am doing with such games and trust me, their stories are huge.


GW2 is currently the 2nd most popular MMORPG after WOW and it is not even sub-based. You should be happy that you actually chose this MMO and not some random asian-grind or dying-cash-grab studio. Trust me the MMO I mentioned above (DDO) is dying badly with a max of 1000-1500 players split accross 8 servers and the company owners (SSG) are doing nothing to save their game. It really sucked and therefore I quitted...

You don't get to appreciate the good things if you haven't seen the bad things and GW2 is one of the BEST things!!


There are also more great suggestions on the comments above... the last thing which is often hard to talk about is real-life and friends. If you are finding yourself tired of gaming or wondering what else to play and worrying that you will be left with nothing else to play, then start engaging with RL friends from work or relatives etc. You don't have to be the Dan Bazillion from #day 1. When you have a full-time job then everything clicks into place and you never worry about running out of games again. That is as long as you use your time wisely, split activities and for the love of god... DON'T stay at home during vacation and holidays!

I used to come back after work, play my MMO only and then obviously after 3 months I burnt-out and had nothing left to do. Instead you want to split your free time across multiple activities, gaming, watching series, reading the news/articles/forums, watching new vids and trailers and family time. Vacation and holidays are very important and trust me, you don't get many in your life. I learned my lesson after finishing 3 steam games during 1 week of vacation and now I always try to book a plain ticket on time.



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  • 9 months later...

This is exactly why I ask (hope) for more end game features like good house building and custom.. I would love to farm materials for that goal.

Or even guild oriented events like "defend your guild hall from raids and siege", things like that are really better than LW craps, lw is good but cant be your only focus orelse you let people go away.

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