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Which elem spec should I go for ?


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Hey bois !


I recently joined GW2 again, starting fresh with an Elementalist, being Lv 75 right now, and as I'm getting close to 80, I'm starting to wonder which Elite spec I should get first.

So here's a bit about me and how I play:


I'm deep into Fire atunement as it seems to be where the damage is done, it hits hard, but I also use Air from time to time.

My current build is Fire/Arcane/Air (just waiting to hit 80 to get the first Elite spec).

I'm testing a few weapon combinations and gotta say I like Staff and Scepter/Focus so far. I also tried dagger but I'm not too fond of it.

I have yet to try sword / warhorn though.

What I'm getting from the various tests I've done is basically the smaller the weapon, the harder it bursts, meaning that staff hits hard but slow, and dagger hits with a lot of smaller hits, but much faster. (Correct me if I'm wrong).


What I'm wondering is which Elite spec should I go for since I'm more of a pure DPS guy.

I also like the idea of getting big numbers but stacking ailments isn't that bad either. (I guess that's just gear choice at this point)

I'm not that much into PvP, maybe a little more into WvW just because it can be total chaos in there :lol:


I don't even know if dungeons/raids are a thing anymore but I'm clearly more PvE oriented so it'd be a mix of outdoor events/ World Bosses / dungeons-raids-fractals(what are those even?)


So according to you guys, which build/elite spec would suit me the best regarding my playstyle ?

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Both specs can be DPS oriented. The differences between tempest and Weaver are more about:

With tempest, you need to stay close to your target or overloads become useless. You also need to camp an element for 5 seconds before you can overload, this can affect DPS if you are trying to use earth/water overload. A DPS tempest will be using fresh air pretty much guaranteed to not kill its DPS.


With Weaver, one has to plan ahead of time for skill usage, in order to effectively use combo fields. Getting access to skills 4 and 5 is also more complex, and this is troublesome as these are usually survival skills. To keep up DPS, one has to remember the dual attuned skills which have been used already, and switch to the combinations which aren't yet in cooldown. However, unlike tempest, one can choose to engage in melee or range according to preference.


My suggestion is to get the hero points to complete both specs so you can play around with both, and see with which you have better affinity.

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yeah tempest can do damage, but it comes out a lot slower because so much of it is in the overloads, and while you're channeling the overload you aren't doing much damage. The dps is only good after, when you can use other skills while the overload AoE is still hitting things


but if you're just dpsing raid bosses that you spend long stretches of time hitting anyway, then it doesn't really matter that it's slower

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Tempest is more of an AOE guy, though you can of course still use staff on weaver. I would suggest weaver simply because it's more fun to play in my opinion: Tempest only givves you a few more abilities when you sit in an attunement for long enough, weaver on the other hand wants you to swapp all the time in order to go through all your dual weapon skills.

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